Old Testament 2022
July 4–10. 2 Kings 2–7: “There Is a Prophet in Israel”

“July 4–10. 2 Kings 2–7: ‘There Is a Prophet in Israel,’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Old Testament 2022 (2021)

“July 4–10. 2 Kings 2–7,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2022

Elisha showing servant chariots of fire

Illustration of Elisha showing his servant the chariots of fire, © Review & Herald Publishing/licensed from goodsalt.com

July 4–10

2 Kings 2–7

“There Is a Prophet in Israel”

As you prepare to teach, read 2 Kings 2–7 seeking inspiration for your own life. Then listen for promptings about messages that will bless members of your class.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Sometimes class members need time to briefly review the chapters they read before they can share insights from their personal scripture study. Try providing a few minutes for this at the beginning of class; then invite class members to share something they learned.

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Teach the Doctrine

2 Kings 2–6

God can work miracles in our lives.

  • As you discuss the miracles in 2 Kings 2–6, it might be helpful to ask class members to define the word miracle. You might share this insight from President Howard W. Hunter: “[Miracles] are the manifestations of [God’s] power which we are helpless to explain or to fully understand. … These signs and marvels were most evident in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the very Son of God himself. But startling and wonder-filled as they were, Christ’s many miracles were only reflections of those greater marvels which his Father had performed before him and continues to perform all around us. … There will always be plenty of miracles if we have eyes to see and ears to hear” (“The God That Doest Wonders,” Ensign, May 1989, 15–16). How do these insights help us see God’s hand in our lives?

  • Consider asking class members to list some of the miracles described in 2 Kings 2–6. What do we learn about the Lord from these miracles? Class members might also be willing to talk about miracles—big or small—that they or their families have experienced. How can we better recognize God’s miracles in our lives—including those that are different from what we hoped for?

  • Class members might find it inspiring to compare some of the miracles Elisha performed with some that Jesus Christ performed (see 2 Kings 4:8–37 and Luke 7:11–16; 2 Kings 4:42–44 and John 6:1–13; 2 Kings 5:1–15 and Luke 17:11–19). What do these miracles teach us about the Savior and His prophets?

2 Kings 5:1–19

If we are humble and obedient, Jesus Christ can heal us.

  • One lesson we can learn from the healing of Naaman’s leprosy is the importance of humility. To begin a discussion, you could write on the board Naaman’s pride and Naaman’s humility. Class members could search 2 Kings 5:1–19 and write on the board phrases that illustrate Naaman’s pride or humility. How are we sometimes like Naaman? How are we sometimes like his servants? How have we come to know what Naaman came to know?

  • Another lesson we can learn from this story is the value of obeying God in small things. You might start by reading 2 Kings 5:9–12 and asking for class members’ thoughts about why Naaman “went away in a rage” (verse 12). Why do we sometimes prefer doing “some great thing” God asks of us, rather than simple things? (verse 13). What is the value of doing these simple things?

2 Kings 6:8–23

“They that be with us are more than they that be with them.”

  • We all have moments when we feel alone or afraid. Consider how discussing the account in 2 Kings 6:8–23 might help class members who feel this way. You could begin by simply asking class members what impresses them about these verses. They could also share experiences when “the Lord opened [their] eyes” (verse 17) and helped them see that they weren’t alone (see also “Additional Resources”). How can we help each other to “fear not”? (verse 16).

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Additional Resources

“Open our spiritual eyes.”

Referring to the account in 2 Kings 6:8–23, Elder Ronald A. Rasband said:

“We may or may not have chariots of fire sent to dispel our fears and conquer our demons, but the lesson is clear. The Lord is with us, mindful of us and blessing us in ways only He can do. Prayer can call down the strength and the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The Lord knew that at times we would feel fear. I have been there and so have you. … In this Church we may be few in number by the way the world counts influence, but when we open our spiritual eyes, ‘they that be with us are more than they that be with them’ [2 Kings 6:16]” (“Be Not Troubled,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 18–19).

Improving Our Teaching

Refer learners to the scriptures. Whenever you can, encourage class members to turn to the scriptures and words of living prophets for guidance, answers to questions, and support. The word of God is the greatest source of truth. (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 21.)
