Handbooks and Callings
3. Desired Outcomes

“3. Desired Outcomes,” Community Service Guidebook: JustServe Supplement (2019)

“Desired Outcomes,” JustServe Supplement

3. Desired Outcomes

building a house in Fiji

Church members are discovering the blessings of service, building friendships, and sharing their experiences with others.

Desired Outcomes—How Will JustServe Success Be Measured?

  1. Opportunities are posted on JustServe.org. By collaborating with posting organizations, the stake JustServe committee identifies, selects, and maintains approximately 15–20 recurring projects on JustServe.org, providing a variety of service opportunities.

  2. Members understand JustServe and become community servants. Active members in each ward register on JustServe.org and know how to find service opportunities. Church members are discovering the blessings of service, building friendships, and sharing their experiences with others.

  3. Missionaries are serving. Full-time missionaries are consistently engaged in community service each week. Working with others has led to positive interactions with community members and enhanced morale among missionaries.
