undefined undefined List of Visuals
Church History
List of Visuals

“List of Visuals,” Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society (2011), 194–200

“List of Visuals,” Daughters in My Kingdom, 194–200

List of Visuals

Page ii

Christ in Red Robe, by Minerva K. Teichert. © IRI. Courtesy Church History Museum.


Page xi

Christ Teaching Mary and Martha, by Anton Dorph. © Hope Gallery.

Chapter 1

Page 2

chapter 1 layout
  1. Mites like those mentioned in Mark 12:41–44.

  2. Mary and the Resurrected Christ, by Harry Anderson. © IRI.

  3. Distaff, a tool used in spinning yarn. Courtesy Carma de Jong Anderson.

  4. Textile representative of clothing worn in New Testament times. Courtesy Carma de Jong Anderson.

  5. Star of Bethlehem flower, native to the Holy Land.

  6. Reproduction of an oil lamp similar to those used at the time of Christ. Created by Andrew Watson.

Page 4

Detail from Mary Heard His Word, by Walter Rane. © 2001 IRI.

Page 5

Detail from Living Water, by Simon Dewey. © Simon Dewey.

Page 6

Tabitha Sewing, by Jeremy Winborg. © Jeremy Winborg.

Chapter 2

Page 10

chapter 2 layout
  1. Pioneer cross-stitch sampler. Courtesy Church History Museum.

  2. Detail from Joseph Smith, by Kenneth Corbett. © Kenneth Corbett.

  3. 1830s manuscript copy of the Book of Commandments and Revelations, which contained a record of revelations given through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Most of these revelations are now included in the Doctrine and Covenants.

  4. Detail from Emma Hale Smith, by Lee Greene Richards. © 1941 IRI.

  5. Nauvoo, Illinois, 1859, by John Schroder. © IRI.

  6. Frame courtesy Church History Museum.

  7. Buttons and thimble courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  8. Pioneer needle, thread, and scissors courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 11

Joseph Smith at the Nauvoo Temple, by Gary Smith. © Gary Smith.

Page 12

Detail from Emma Hale Smith, by Lee Greene Richards. © 1941 IRI.

Page 13

Organization of the Relief Society, by Nadine B. Barton. © 1985 IRI.

Page 14

John Taylor Portrait. Courtesy Church History Library.

Page 15

Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, by Walter Rane. © IRI.

Page 16

Emma Smith, by Robert Barrett. © 1991 Robert Barrett.

Page 17

Detail from Come Let Us Rejoice, by Walter Rane. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 18

Statue titled In Her Mother’s Footsteps by Dennis Smith.

Page 23

Emma, the Elect Lady of the Restoration, 1839, by Theodore S. Gorka. © 1996 IRI.

Page 24

Joseph Smith, by Kenneth Corbett. © Kenneth Corbett.

Chapter 3

Page 28

chapter 3 layout
  1. Pioneer doll courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  2. Sego lily, an emblem of Relief Society. Early Utah settlers ate sego lily bulbs during a time of extreme hunger.

  3. Pioneer quilt courtesy Church History Museum.

  4. Icelandic hymnbook courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  5. Nauvoo Temple, by Jon McNaughton. © Jon McNaughton.

  6. Frame courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 31

Detail from Nauvoo Illinois Temple, by M. Richard Goodwin. © Rivermills Fine Art.

Page 32

Sweetwater, by Harold Hopkinson. © Harold Hopkinson.

Page 33

Photograph of Eliza Partridge Lyman. Courtesy Church History Library.

Madonna of the Plains, by Robert Barrett. © 1987 Robert Barrett.

Page 34

Detail from Bathsheba W. Smith, by Lee Greene Richards. © IRI. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 35

Wash Day on the Plains, by Minerva K. Teichert. 1938. Courtesy Brigham Young University Museum of Art. All rights reserved. Do not copy.

Page 36

Detail from Elizabeth H. Jackson: Pioneer Mother, by Megan Rieker.

Page 37

Detail from Pioneer Garden, by VaLoy Eaton. © VaLoy Eaton. Courtesy Zions Bank. Do not copy.

Chapter 4

Page 40

chapter 4 layout
  1. Shawl courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  2. Photograph of members of a graduating class of the Relief Society Nursing School. Courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  3. Frame courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  4. Facsimile reprint of 1852 German Book of Mormon.

  5. Relief Society Minute Book, Nauvoo, Illinois, facsimile. Courtesy Church History Museum. (See page 42.)

  6. Wheat, an emblem of Relief Society. (See pages 52–54.)

  7. Fountain pen courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Page 42

Detail from Eliza R. Snow. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 44

Eliza Snow Instructs Relief Society Sisters, by Michael T. Malm. © Michael T. Malm.

Page 46

Detail from Prayer, by Walter Rane. © Walter Rane.

Page 49

Detail from Sabbath Study, by Sheri Lynn Boyer Doty. © IRI. Courtesy Sheri Lynn Boyer Doty.

Page 50

Spencer W. Kimball, by Judith A. Mehr. © IRI.

Brigham Young, by John Willard Clawson.

Page 56

Detail from Zina Diantha Huntington Young. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 59

Detail from Rescue of the Lost Lamb, by Minerva K. Teichert.

Chapter 5

Page 62

chapter 5 layout
  1. Note written on a postcard of the Beaver West Ward Relief Society Hall, 1909. Courtesy Church History Library.

  2. Flyer created by the Relief Society general board and delivered by visiting teachers, asking for clothing donations for European Saints during World War II. Courtesy Church History Library.

  3. Christ’s Image, by Heinrich Hofmann. Courtesy C. Harrison Conroy Co., Inc.

  4. Photograph courtesy Church History Library.

  5. Relief Society seal used on a certificate of achievement issued by the Relief Society general board. Courtesy Church History Library.

  6. Red Cross pin courtesy Church History Museum.

  7. White trillium flower image copyright Gerald A. DeBoer, 2010. Used under license from Shutterstock.com.

  8. Coin purse used by Harriet Barney Young. Courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  9. Red paisley shawl courtesy Carma de Jong Anderson.

Page 64

Detail from Emmeline B. Wells, by Lee Greene Richards. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 66

Detail from Joseph F. Smith, by Albert E. Salzbrenner.

Page 70

Detail from Louise Y. Robison, by John Willard Clawson. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 71

Detail from Heber J. Grant, by C. J. Fox. © IRI.

Page 74

Detail from Clarissa S. Williams, by Lee Greene Richards. © 1924 IRI. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 78

Detail from Amy Brown Lyman, by Lee Greene Richards. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 79

Detail from Christ Healing a Blind Man, by Del Parson. © 1983 IRI.

Chapter 6

Page 82

chapter 6 layout
  1. Photograph by Jeffrey D. Allred and Mike Terry. © Deseret News.

  2. Needlepoint depicting the Relief Society seal.

  3. Photograph of woman holding a Deseret Industries collection bag, 1940s. Courtesy Church History Library.

  4. Pioneer lace courtesy Church History Museum. (See the statement by President Boyd K. Packer on page 99.)

Page 85

Circle of Sisters, by David Dibble. © David Dibble.

Page 86

Detail from Belle S. Spafford, by Alvin Gittins. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 93

Christ Calling Peter and Andrew, by Harry Anderson. © IRI.

Page 94

Photograph of Elaine L. Jack © Busath.com.

Page 95

Photograph © Jason Swensen.

Chapter 7

Page 104

chapter 7 layout
  1. Friendship banner made by a group of women as a symbol of their friendship. Courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  2. Visiting teaching record book courtesy Church History Museum.

  3. Photograph of baskets © Joey Celis/Flickr/Getty Images.

  4. Note card courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers. It reads “The Lord Is on My Side.”

  5. Plate and spoon courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  6. United States coins from the early 1900s, representing donations collected by visiting teachers. Courtesy Carma de Jong Anderson.

Page 105

Detail from One by One, by Walter Rane. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 107

Pioneer Women, by Julie Rogers. © Julie Rogers.

Page 114

Detail from The Influence of Righteous Women, by Julie Rogers. © 2009 Julie Rogers.

Page 116

Detail from Visiting Teaching, by Shannon Gygi Christensen. © 2006 Shannon Christensen.

Page 122

Painting by Keith Larson. © 1992 Keith Larson.

Page 123

Detail from Lorenzo Snow, by Lewis A. Ramsey. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Chapter 8

Page 126

chapter 8 layout
  1. Sash made by Sarah Jane Casts Evans from silk she harvested from silkworms. Courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  2. Building the Kirtland Temple, by Walter Rane, © IRI.

  3. Sunstone used on the rebuilt Nauvoo Illinois Temple.

Page 130

Detail from I’ll Never Forsake, by Julie Rogers. © Julie Rogers.

Page 133

Detail from Joseph Fielding Smith, by Shauna Cook Clinger. © 1983 IRI.

Page 135

Adam and Eve Teaching Their Children, by Del Parson. © 1978 IRI.

Page 136

Detail from Barbara B. Smith, by Cloy Kent. © IRI.

Page 140

Photograph of Barbara W. Winder © Busath Photography.

Chapter 9

Page 146

chapter 9 layout
  1. Portrait of Abbie H. Wells courtesy Church History Library.

  2. Locket courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

  3. Samoan translation of “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”

  4. Plaid blanket carded, spun, colored, and woven by Eliza R. Snow when she was a young woman. Courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Page 150

Farewell, My Stripling Warrior, by Del Parson. © Del Parson.

Page 151

Rebekah at the Well, by Michael Deas. © 1995 IRI.

Page 152

Photograph of Bonnie D. Parkin © Busath.com.

Page 158

Photograph of Julie B. Beck © Busath.com.

Chapter 10

Page 170

chapter 10 layout
  1. Sunflowers and Buffalo Chips, by Gary L. Kapp. Courtesy Church History Museum.

  2. Photograph of women outside the Mesa Arizona Temple, 1920, by George Edward Anderson. Courtesy Church History Library.

  3. Relief Society pin.

  4. Pieced quilt designed by Cristina Franco, made for the Primary general presidency.

  5. Page from Relief Society Minute Book, Nauvoo, Illinois, Mar. 17, 1842. Courtesy Church History Library. (See page 42.)

Page 173

Turning Hearts to the Family, by Anne Marie Oborn. © 1997 Anne Marie Oborn.

Page 175

Photograph © 2000 Steve Bunderson.

Page 179

Detail from Queen Esther, by Minerva K. Teichert. © William and Betty Stokes.

Important Events in the History of Relief Society

Page 182

Detail from Emma Hale Smith, by Lee Greene Richards. © 1941 IRI.

Detail from Organization of the Relief Society, by Nadine B. Barton. © 1985 IRI.

Detail from Pioneer Women, by Julie Rogers. © Julie Rogers.

Detail from Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum, by Gary Smith. © 1984 IRI.

The End of Parley’s Street, by Glen S. Hopkinson. © Glen S. Hopkinson.

Photograph of Brigham Young by C. R. Savage. Courtesy Church History Library.

Detail from Organization of the Retrenchment Association by Brigham Young, 1869, by Dale Kilbourn. © IRI.

Detail from Zina Diantha Huntington Young. Courtesy Church History Museum.

Page 183

Detail from The First Meeting of the Primary Association, by Lynn Fausett and Gordon Cope. © IRI.

Photograph of Salt Lake Temple. Courtesy Church History Library.

Photograph of Salt Lake Temple dedication ticket. Courtesy Church History Library.

Page 184

Statue titled Joyful Moment by Dennis Smith.

Photograph of women serving © Jason Swensen.