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Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases

Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases, Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2018)

Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases

The following is a list of all 100 doctrinal mastery passages along with a brief summary of each passage.

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge

Proverbs 3:5–6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and He shall direct thy paths.

Isaiah 5:20. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.

John 7:17. Do God’s will to know His doctrine.

1 Corinthians 2:5, 9–11. We can only know the things of God through the Spirit.

2 Timothy 3:15–17. Scriptures can make you wise unto salvation.

James 1:5–6. If you lack wisdom, ask God.

2 Nephi 28:30. God gives knowledge line upon line.

2 Nephi 32:3. If we feast upon the words of Christ, we can know all things that we should do.

2 Nephi 32:8–9. If we pray always, God will consecrate our performance for the welfare of our souls.

Mosiah 4:9. Believe in God and that He has all wisdom.

Ether 12:6. A witness comes after the trial of faith.

Moroni 10:4–5. The Holy Ghost reveals truth to those who ask God with real intent.

D&C 6:36. Look unto Christ in every thought.

D&C 8:2–3. The Holy Ghost speaks to our minds and hearts.

D&C 88:118. Seek learning by study and faith.

Doctrinal Topics

1. The Godhead

Hebrews 12:9. God is the Father of our spirits.

2 Nephi 26:33. All are alike unto God.

3 Nephi 11:10–11. Jesus Christ suffered the will of the Father in all things.

3 Nephi 12:48. Jesus Christ invites us to become perfect.

3 Nephi 18:15, 20–21. Watch and pray always in the name of Jesus Christ.

D&C 29:10–11. Christ will come again with power and glory.

D&C 130:22–23. The Father and Son have bodies of flesh and bone.

2. The Plan of Salvation

Moses 1:39. God’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Abraham 3:22–23. Abraham was chosen before he was born.

Genesis 1:26–27. God created man in His own image.

Joshua 24:15. Choose you this day whom ye will serve.

John 17:3. Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 6:19–20. Your body is a temple.

1 Corinthians 15:20–22. In Christ shall all be resurrected.

1 Corinthians 15:40–42. There are three degrees of glory in the Resurrection.

1 Peter 4:6. The gospel is preached to the dead.

Revelation 20:12. Each person will stand before God to be judged.

2 Nephi 2:22–25. Adam fell that men might be.

2 Nephi 2:27. We are free to choose.

D&C 76:22–24. Jesus Christ lives and is the Creator of worlds.

3. The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Isaiah 1:18. If we repent, our sins will be as white as snow.

Isaiah 53:3–5. Jesus Christ bore our griefs and suffered for our sins.

Matthew 11:28–30. If we come unto Jesus Christ, He will ease our burdens and give us rest.

Luke 24:36–39. Jesus Christ was resurrected with a body of flesh and bone.

James 2:17–18. Faith without works is dead.

Mosiah 3:19. Put off the natural man and become a Saint through the Atonement.

Alma 7:11–13. Jesus Christ experienced our pains and overcame sin and death.

Alma 34:9–10. There must be an Atonement made.

Helaman 5:12. Build your foundation on Christ.

Ether 12:27. The Savior can make weak things strong.

D&C 18:10–11. The worth of souls is great.

D&C 19:16–19. The Savior suffered for our sins so we could repent.

D&C 58:42–43. To repent we must confess and forsake sin.

4. The Restoration

Moses 7:18. Zion–one heart and one mind in righteousness.

Isaiah 29:13–14. The Restoration is a marvelous work and a wonder.

Ezekiel 37:15–17. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are joined together.

Daniel 2:44. God’s kingdom shall stand forever.

Acts 3:19–21. Peter prophesied of the Restoration.

2 Thessalonians 2:1–3. Apostasy was foretold.

Joseph Smith—History 1:15–20. In the First Vision, God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet.

D&C 1:30. The only true and living church

D&C 135:3. Joseph Smith labored for our salvation.

5. Prophets and Revelation

Jeremiah 1:4–5. Jeremiah was foreordained to be a prophet.

Ezekiel 3:16–17. The Lord’s watchmen give warnings from Him.

Amos 3:7. God reveals His secret to His prophets.

John 15:16. The Lord chooses and ordains apostles and prophets.

Ephesians 2:19–20. The Lord’s Church is founded on apostles and prophets.

Ephesians 4:11–14. Apostles and prophets help perfect the Saints.

D&C 1:37–38. The voice of the Lord and His servants is the same.

D&C 21:4–6. As we receive the prophet’s word in patience and faith, God will disperse the powers of darkness.

6. Priesthood and Priesthood Keys

Matthew 16:15–19. Jesus Christ promised to build His Church and confer the keys of the kingdom.

D&C 13:1. Keys of the Aaronic Priesthood

D&C 42:11. The Lord’s representatives must be called by one who has authority.

D&C 107:8. The authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood

D&C 121:36, 41–42. Priesthood power depends on one’s righteousness.

7. Ordinances and Covenants

Exodus 19:5–6. Keep my covenant and ye shall be a holy nation.

Psalm 24:3–4. To stand worthy in the Lord’s presence, we must have clean hands and a pure heart.

John 3:5. We must be born of water and of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.

Mosiah 18:8–10. Through baptism we enter a covenant with God.

3 Nephi 27:20. Be baptized and sanctified by receiving the Holy Ghost.

D&C 82:10. The Lord is bound when we do what He says.

D&C 84:20–22. The power of godliness is manifest in priesthood ordinances.

8. Marriage and Family

Genesis 1:28. Multiply and replenish the earth.

Genesis 2:24. Husband and wife are to be one.

Genesis 39:9. Joseph resisted temptation.

Malachi 4:5–6. Elijah will turn the hearts of fathers and children.

1 Corinthians 11:11. Only together can a man and a woman fulfill the Lord’s plan.

Alma 39:9. Go no more after the lust of your eyes.

D&C 49:15–17. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.

D&C 131:1–4. The new and everlasting covenant of marriage

9. Commandments

Exodus 20:3–17. God revealed the Ten Commandments.

Isaiah 58:6–7. Fasting helps us to loose the bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, and provide for the poor.

Isaiah 58:13–14. The Sabbath is the Lord’s holy day.

Malachi 3:8–10. Paying tithing brings blessings.

Matthew 5:14–16. Let your light so shine as an example to others.

Matthew 22:36–39. Love the Lord; love thy neighbor.

John 14:15. If ye love me, keep my commandments.

1 Nephi 3:7. The Lord prepares a way to obey His commandments.

Mosiah 2:17. By serving others we serve God.

Mosiah 2:41. Obedience brings blessings and happiness.

Alma 41:10. Wickedness never was happiness.

Moroni 7:45, 47–48. Charity is the pure love of Christ.

D&C 18:15–16. Joy in bringing souls to Jesus Christ

D&C 64:9–11. We are required to forgive all people.

D&C 89:18–21. Blessings of the Word of Wisdom.