Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery

Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery, Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2018)

Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery

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In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Helaman taught his sons, “It is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation” (Helaman 5:12). Building a foundation upon Jesus Christ—which includes coming to understand, believe, and live according to His doctrine—will deepen our conversion and commitment as His disciples, protect us against the influences of the adversary, and help us bless the lives of others.

One of the ways we accomplish this is by studying the scriptures sequentially together in class. Another way we build our foundation upon Jesus Christ and His doctrine is through an effort called Doctrinal Mastery.

Doctrinal Mastery focuses on two outcomes:

  1. Learning and applying divine principles for acquiring spiritual knowledge

    Heavenly Father has revealed principles for acquiring spiritual knowledge. These principles include acting in faith, examining concepts and questions with an eternal perspective, and seeking further understanding through divinely appointed sources. We develop doctrinal mastery as we apply these principles during and outside of class and seek answers to doctrinal and historical questions in a way that invites the Holy Ghost to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and His doctrine.

  2. Mastering the doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the scripture passages in which that doctrine is taught

    This outcome of Doctrinal Mastery is achieved by:

    1. Developing a deeper understanding of each of the following nine doctrinal topics:

      • The Godhead

      • The plan of salvation

      • The Atonement of Jesus Christ

      • The Restoration

      • Prophets and revelation

      • Priesthood and priesthood keys

      • Ordinances and covenants

      • Marriage and family

      • Commandments

    2. Understanding the key statements of doctrine identified in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of this document and in each of the nine doctrinal topics.

    3. Knowing how the key statements of doctrine are taught in doctrinal mastery scripture passages and being able to remember and locate those passages.

    4. Explaining each key statement of doctrine clearly, using the associated doctrinal mastery passages.

    5. Applying the doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our daily choices and in our responses to doctrinal, social, and historical issues and questions.
