Sunday School: Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 26: ‘Go Ye into All the World, and Preach My Gospel’

“Lesson 26: ‘Go Ye into All the World, and Preach My Gospel’” Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Class Member Study Guide (1999)

“Lesson 26,” Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Class Member Study Guide

Lesson 26

“Go Ye into All the World, and Preach My Gospel”

Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants 112; Our Heritage, pages 30–33, 36.

  • Read D&C 42:6 and D&C 88:81. What instructions did the Lord give to the Kirtland Saints in these verses?

  • Read Our Heritage, pages 30–32. What sacrifices did these Saints make in order to share the gospel? What sacrifices may we need to make to serve as full-time missionaries? What sacrifices may we need to make to share the gospel with our friends and neighbors?

  • What promises did the Lord make to the Twelve Apostles in D&C 112:19–22?

Scripture Chain: Doing Missionary Work and Nurturing New Converts

Doing missionary work

Nurturing new converts
