Lesson 21—Doctrine and Covenants 10: The Wisdom of God

“Lesson 21—Doctrine and Covenants 10: The Wisdom of God,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 10,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 21: Doctrine and Covenants 10–11

Doctrine and Covenants 10

The Wisdom of God

gold plates

Following the loss of the 116 manuscript pages, the gold plates, Urim and Thummim, and power to translate were temporarily taken from Joseph Smith. The Lord accepted Joseph’s sincere repentance and explained how He had prepared a way for His work to continue through His wisdom and foreknowledge. This lesson can help students increase their confidence that God will help them overcome Satan’s cunning plans.

Possible Learning Activities

The wisest person you know

This section of the lesson is meant to help students think about God’s infinite wisdom. Feel free to adjust the following suggested subjects.

  • Who is the wisest person you know, or who has lived on earth, in each of the following subjects?

Science, History, Religion, Health, Technology

  • If you combined the wisdom of every person you thought of, how do you think that wisdom would compare to God’s?

Consider drawing a long vertical line on the board with the top representing God’s wisdom. Invite several students to place marks on the line where they think the combined wisdom of all the smartest people in the world is represented. You might ask students how passages like Mosiah 4:9 and Isaiah 55:8–9 could influence where they place marks on the line.

God is not only wiser than any of us. Read Doctrine and Covenants 10:43 to see what else God’s wisdom exceeds.

  • How could it benefit someone to know the truth that the wisdom of God is greater than the cunning of the devil?

  • What are some examples in the scriptures or from history in which God’s wisdom overcame a cunning plan of the devil?

Answers to the previous question might include how the Atonement of Christ was prepared to overcome the effects of the Fall, how vicarious temple work was prepared to help those who lived during the Apostasy, or how our sins can be overcome through faith in Christ and repentance.

As you study this lesson, think about Satan’s efforts to stop you from progressing spiritually and doing God’s work. Listen for the Holy Ghost witnessing that God fully understands Satan’s tactics and has already prepared a way for you to overcome them.

“The cunning of the devil”

Consider inviting a volunteer to remind the class of events that led to the loss of the first 116 manuscript pages of the Book of Mormon. (Use the lesson “Doctrine and Covenants 3” or the following paragraph if needed.)

Satan had a plan to interrupt the Book of Mormon translation and cause people to doubt the book’s truthfulness. Martin Harris pressured Joseph Smith to let him show the first 116 manuscript pages of the Book of Mormon to his wife and others. Joseph continued to ask God for permission, even after God told him twice not to allow it. Martin ended up losing the pages. The angel Moroni then took the gold plates and the Urim and Thummim from Joseph.

  • What concerns do you think Joseph would have had after losing the manuscript?

After a period of humble repentance, Joseph again received the gold plates and the Urim and Thummim. Moroni told him that the Lord had accepted his repentance.

In Doctrine and Covenants 10, the Lord taught Joseph that those who stole the pages planned to alter the words of the manuscript. If Joseph retranslated the same material, they would have claimed that he translated it differently and therefore was a false prophet (see Doctrine and Covenants 10:10–19).

The following questions can help students relate Joseph’s experience to their lives. You may want to write some of their answers on the board.

  • What are examples of the work God asks youth to accomplish today?

  • What cunning plans does Satan use to try to stop us from accomplishing God’s work?

Students might mention that Satan’s plans include addictive behaviors, distraction, or self-doubt. Another answer is that he pressures us to value the opinions or lifestyle of others more than God’s standards.

Record in your study journal the work that you feel God would have you focus on now and accomplish in your future. Pondering this can allow the Holy Ghost to inspire you with some ideas. What methods might Satan be using now in your life to try to keep you from accomplishing God’s work?

The wisdom of God

Help students discover God’s wisdom and foreknowledge by printing and cutting up enough copies of the accompanying handout for each student to have one puzzle piece. Invite them to read their passage and record on the back of their puzzle piece what God taught or inspired someone to do.

Then invite students to form groups of four with others who have different pieces. Invite groups to work together to discover how God prepared a way to overcome the loss of the 116 pages. Then invite groups to share with the class how this account can help increase our faith and trust in God.

The four aids below can be displayed or provided if students need a little more guidance to understand their passages.

The Wisdom of God

The Wisdom of God handout


  1. 1 Nephi 19:1–3—God commanded Nephi to make two sets of plates that covered the same time period.

  2. Words of Mormon 1:3–7—God inspired Mormon to include Nephi’s small plates with the abridgment of the same time period Mormon had already made from Nephi’s other plates.

  3. Doctrine and Covenants 10:30, 40–42—God told Joseph Smith to translate Nephi’s small plates rather than retranslate what Martin had lost from Mormon’s abridgement of the large plates.

  4. Doctrine and Covenants 10:43–46—God compared the content of the stolen pages (see verse 44) to what Joseph would translate moving forward (see verses 45–46).

God’s wisdom in our lives

Help students see how the wisdom of God can bless their lives. This could be done by creating a class discussion using questions like the following:

  • Why do you think God wants teenagers today to know what He taught Joseph Smith in this section?

  • What has God prepared to help us escape Satan’s cunning and continue to do His work?

Encourage learners to share the truths they are learning: For more practice on how to do this, see the training titled “Encourage learners to share the truths they are learning” in Teacher Development Skills: Invite Diligent Learning. This training will help you practice inviting students to share with each other what they are learning.

Invite students to look back at their journal entry. Have them add to it by recording how God has prepared a way for them to overcome the cunning plans of the devil in their lives. They could also include what they feel impressed to do to trust more in God’s wisdom to better accomplish His work.

Assure students that God’s wisdom far surpasses that of the devil. Consider testifying of the comfort that comes from knowing that God has foreseen and prepared a way for those with faith in Him to overcome all of Satan’s cunning plans.
