undefined undefined Lesson 24—Joseph Smith—History 1:68–75; Doctrine and Covenants 13: The Restoration of the Priesthood
Lesson 24—Joseph Smith—History 1:68–75; Doctrine and Covenants 13: The Restoration of the Priesthood

“Lesson 24—Joseph Smith—History 1:68–75; Doctrine and Covenants 13: The Restoration of the Priesthood,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Joseph Smith—History 1:68–75; Doctrine and Covenants 13,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 24: Doctrine and Covenants 12–17; Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75

Joseph Smith—History 1:68–75; Doctrine and Covenants 13

The Restoration of the Priesthood

Joseph Smith baptizing Oliver Cowdery

While working on the Book of Mormon translation, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery learned that Jesus Christ gave the Nephites authority to baptize. As they prayerfully sought to know more, Joseph and Oliver were visited by John the Baptist and later Peter, James, and John, who were sent to restore priesthood authority to the earth. This lesson can help students feel the significance of the restoration of the Savior’s priesthood authority.

Possible Learning Activities

The Savior gives His authority

Help students think about why the restoration of the priesthood matters to them. You might do this by displaying these images and asking questions such as the following:

Restoration of the Priesthood
  • What do you know about the events depicted in these images?

  • How would your life be different without the Savior’s priesthood authority?

Consider sharing the following statement to help students see how the restoration of the priesthood can bless all of God’s children. This statement might also help young women recognize that the restoration of the priesthood is relevant to them.

In a talk given to the women of the Church, President Russell M. Nelson taught about the significance the priesthood restoration can have in our lives:


Spiritual Treasures

President Russell M. Nelson

How I yearn for you to understand that the restoration of the priesthood is just as relevant to you as a woman as it is to any man. Because the Melchizedek Priesthood has been restored, both covenant-keeping women and men have access to “all the spiritual blessings of the church” or, we might say, to all the spiritual treasures the Lord has for His children.

Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of God. (Russell M. Nelson, “Spiritual Treasures,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 77)

Restoration of the priesthood

While Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon, they learned of Jesus Christ giving authority to the Nephites to perform baptisms (see 3 Nephi 11:18–27). Desiring to know more about this authority, Joseph and Oliver went to the woods near the Susquehanna River and prayed.

Students could create a three-question quiz with answers that can be found in Joseph Smith—History 1:68–72. For example, one question could be “Who baptized Joseph Smith?” They could then trade quizzes with another student and assess how well they understand the details of the restoration of the priesthood.

Read Joseph Smith—History 1:68–72, looking for what Joseph and Oliver experienced as they prayed.

  • How would you summarize the verses you read?

The words John the Baptist spoke in Joseph Smith—History 1:69 are also found in Doctrine and Covenants 13:1.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 13:1 and identify the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood.

doctrinal mastery icon Doctrine and Covenants 13:1 is a doctrinal mastery passage. Consider inviting students to mark doctrinal mastery passages in a distinctive way so they can locate them easily.

  • What blessings does the Savior provide through the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood?

Following the visit of John the Baptist, the Savior sent Peter, James, and John to restore the Melchizedek Priesthood to the earth (see Doctrine and Covenants 27:12; 128:20). In 1836, Joseph Smith received additional priesthood keys (see Doctrine and Covenants 110:11–16). Each event led to further access to God’s power through priesthood ordinances.

Consider writing the following truth on the board: Jesus Christ restored His priesthood authority so we can receive the ordinances of His gospel. As students answer the following question, you could create a list of priesthood ordinances on the board.

  • What ordinances has the Lord made available to us through His priesthood?

If students need help answering the previous question, you could help them identify the following ordinances: baptism, the sacrament, confirmation, priesthood ordinations, temple endowment, temple sealing, administering to the sick, blessings of comfort and counsel, patriarchal blessings, setting apart for a calling, and so on.

Participating in priesthood ordinances

Read Joseph Smith—History 1:73–74, looking for how Joseph and Oliver were affected as they participated in the ordinances of baptism and priesthood ordination.

You could also invite students to read portions of the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Oliver’s account at the end of Joseph Smith—History.

  • What evidence do you see that these ordinances gave Joseph and Oliver greater access to God’s power?

  • How has participating in priesthood ordinances helped you feel greater access to God’s power?

You could invite students to imagine they were asked to write a journal entry describing a personal experience with a priesthood ordinance, similar to the one described in Joseph Smith—History 1:73. Direct students to the list of ordinances on the board. Give them time to reflect on, write about, and share their experiences. You might also share how the restoration of the priesthood has been a blessing in your life.


You may want to help students memorize the doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase during this lesson and review them in future lessons. The key scripture phrase is “The Aaronic Priesthood ‘holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism.’” Ideas for memorization activities are in the appendix materials under “Doctrinal Mastery Review Activities.”