Lesson 61—Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6: “Ye Shall Not Cast Any Out”

“Lesson 61—Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6: ‘Ye Shall Not Cast Any Out,’” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 61: Doctrine and Covenants 46–48

Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6

“Ye Shall Not Cast Any Out”

visitors welcome

In 1831, because of persecutions and disruptions, some Saints began a practice of allowing only Church members to attend worship meetings. Concerned about this and other matters, Joseph Smith prayed for guidance and received the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 46. In this revelation, the Savior commanded Church members to welcome all who were “earnestly seeking the kingdom” (Doctrine and Covenants 46:5) to attend worship services. This lesson can help students improve their efforts in creating a welcoming environment at Church meetings.

Possible Learning Activities

Welcoming all

Consider displaying a picture of a local church building with a sign that has the words “Visitors Welcome.” You could also display these words on the board. The video “Welcome” (1:05) might be helpful and prepare students for today’s discussion.


Welcome |

Consider why you think this sign is often found on meetinghouses belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • How could feeling welcome at church contribute to a person’s worship experience?

    Consider displaying the following questions and inviting students to silently rate themselves on a scale of 1 (Never) to 5 (Always). They could record their answers in their study journals.

  • How welcome do you feel in your ward, branch, or seminary class?

  • How often do you try to get to know others better in church settings?

  • Do you feel that your friends and other people in your neighborhood would feel welcome at church worship services?

As you study today, look for the Savior’s teachings that you could use to help you and others feel welcome at church.

The Lord’s instructions about welcoming others

Share the following summary to help students understand the context for the verses they will study in Doctrine and Covenants 46.

In 1831, there was a concern that some members of the Church had been refusing to allow people who weren’t members to attend the Church’s worship meetings. This practice came as a result of enemies of the Church disrupting worship services. After Joseph Smith prayed for guidance, the Lord revealed important teachings about how the Saints should conduct their meetings.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6, looking for the Savior’s instruction concerning those who wanted to attend church meetings.

  • What do you learn from these verses about how the Lord wants us to treat others in our church meetings?

    Students may identify a truth similar to following: The Lord has commanded us to welcome everyone to our church meetings.

    To emphasize the importance of this truth, it might be helpful to have students read 3 Nephi 18:22–25. You could also have students read the paragraph under the heading “Treat everyone as a child of God” in the “Love God, love your neighbor” section of For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices ([2022], 12).

  • Why do you think welcoming others is so important to the Savior in His Church?

  • What are some challenges in our day that might make it difficult for someone to feel welcome in church meetings?

  • What are some specific things we can do to help others feel welcome in our church meetings?

As part of the discussion of the previous question, consider showing the video “Inviting Others to ‘Come and Stay’” (1:39), available at


Inviting Others to "Come and Stay"

Jesus Christ was an example of welcoming all

all are welcomed

The Savior is the perfect example of inviting and welcoming everybody. Find one or more examples from the scriptures of Jesus being welcoming and loving to all.

If students need additional direction, you could refer them to passages of scriptures like Matthew 9:9–13; 19:13–15; Luke 19:1–10; or 3 Nephi 11:12–15. Consider inviting students to share what they discover and discuss their answers to the following questions. You could invite students to make some notes in their study journals with ideas of how they could follow the Savior’s example.

training icon Emphasize the example of Jesus Christ: For more help inviting students to see how the Savior exemplifies what they are learning, see the training titled “Emphasize the example of Jesus Christ,” found in Teacher Development Skills: Focus on Jesus Christ.

The following questions could be used to help students share what they learned and felt.

  • As you studied the Savior’s example, how did His love make a difference for the people He interacted with?

  • What is something you learned about the Savior from what you studied that you could try to emulate in your own life?

Consider inviting students to think about and share experiences they have had where they have seen the good that can come from helping others feel welcome in our church meetings. You could also share an experience from your own life.

Applying the Savior’s teachings

Make a plan to apply the Savior’s command to help all feel welcome at church meetings. Record your plan in your study journal. Consider the following questions to assist you with your plan:

  • What are some specific ways you could apply the Savior’s counsel you studied today?

  • What can you do to feel more welcome in church meetings yourself?

Consider inviting students to give their best efforts to act on promptings they may have had and the plan they made today. Encourage students to strive to be sensitive to the needs of those around them. It might be appropriate to invite students to share their experience welcoming others with the class during a subsequent lesson.