“Lesson 88—Doctrine and Covenants 76:71–112: ‘Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus,’” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Doctrine and Covenants 76:71–112,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 88: Doctrine and Covenants 76
Doctrine and Covenants 76:71–112
“Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus”
After seeing multiple visions, including visions of the Father and Son’s glory, the fall of Lucifer, and the celestial kingdom, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw those who would inherit the terrestrial and telestial kingdoms. A distinguishing characteristic of those in the terrestrial kingdom was that they were not valiant in their testimony of Jesus. This lesson can help students become more valiant in their testimony of Jesus Christ.
Possible Learning Activities
A testimony of Jesus Christ
Consider writing the words Testimony of Jesus Christ on the board. Ask students what they think it means to have a testimony of the Savior. If needed, explain that a testimony is something we know to be true in our hearts and minds given to us by the witness of the Holy Ghost (see Doctrine and Covenants 8:2). Then discuss the following question:
Ask questions that invite introspection: For more training on how to do this, see the training titled “Create settings and opportunities for learners to be taught by the Holy Ghost” found in Teacher Development Skills: Teach by the Spirit. Consider practicing the skill by creating student self-evaluations about a doctrine, truth, or principle.
How can a testimony of the Savior impact you in this life and throughout eternity?
Invite students to think about their own testimonies of Jesus Christ, including how their testimonies have impacted their actions. You could also invite them to think about the desires they have for their testimonies.
Encourage students as they study to look for teachings that can help them recognize the importance of having a testimony of Jesus Christ and living according to what they know.
Vision of the kingdoms of glory
Consider inviting students to summarize what they have studied so far about the vision recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 76. Then explain the following.
You might remember that Doctrine and Covenants 76 contains a description of a great vision the Lord gave to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon. As part of their vision, Joseph and Sidney learned characteristics of people who would inhabit the different kingdoms of glory after the Resurrection.
It may be helpful to explain that students will not study all the verses that describe the kingdoms of glory in this lesson. The celestial glory is described in verses 50–70, 92–96; the terrestrial glory in verses 71–80; and the telestial glory in verses 81–90, 98–112. Consider inviting students to mark or label these verses in their scriptures so they can study them in greater detail on their own.
Read the following scriptures, looking for differences in the testimonies of the inhabitants of each of the kingdoms of glory:
Doctrine and Covenants 76:51–52 (celestial)
Doctrine and Covenants 76:75, 79 (terrestrial)
Doctrine and Covenants 76:82, 101–103 (telestial)
When students finish studying, invite them to discuss the following questions as a class or in small groups:
What differences did you notice between the testimonies of these groups?
What can this teach you about the kind of testimony that is necessary to inherit the celestial kingdom?
Help students identify a truth like the following: If we are valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ, we can obtain the celestial kingdom of God.
Valiant in our testimony of Jesus Christ
What do you think it means to be valiant in our testimonies of Jesus Christ?
As part of your discussion of the previous question, consider inviting students to study 2 Nephi 31:20–21 and look for teachings that can add to their understanding. The following statement may also be helpful.
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles helps us understand what it means to be valiant in the testimony of Jesus:
Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus
The 76th section of the Doctrine and Covenants makes it clear that being “valiant in the testimony of Jesus” [Doctrine and Covenants 76:79] is the simple, essential test between those who will inherit the blessings of the celestial kingdom and those in the lesser terrestrial kingdom. To be valiant, we need to focus on the power of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice to overcome death and, through our repentance, to cleanse us from sin, and we need to follow the doctrine of Christ [see 2 Nephi 31:17–21]. We also need the light and knowledge of the Savior’s life and teachings to guide us on the covenant pathway, including the sacred ordinances of the temple. We must be steadfast in Christ, feast upon His word, and endure to the end [2 Nephi 31:20–21]. (Quentin L. Cook, “Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 43)
What can make it difficult for you or others to remain valiant in your testimony of Jesus Christ?
What helps you strive to be valiant in your testimony of the Savior?
As part of the discussion of the previous question, consider inviting students to find and share scriptures that motivate them to be valiant in their testimony of Jesus Christ. You could suggest that they begin with Helaman 5:12.
Make a plan
Spend a moment pondering what you can do to be more valiant in your testimony of Jesus Christ. Complete the following three statements in your study journal.
I can be valiant in my testimony of Jesus today by …
I can be valiant in my testimony of Jesus over the next few months by …
I can help others remain valiant in their testimonies of Jesus by …
Consider inviting a few students who are comfortable to share one or more of their completed statements. To conclude, invite someone to share their witness of Jesus Christ or share your own witness of Him.