Lesson 120—Doctrine and Covenants 107:21–100: Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ

“Lesson 120—Doctrine and Covenants 107:21–100: Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrine and Covenants 107:21–100,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 120: Doctrine and Covenants 106–108

Doctrine and Covenants 107:21–100

Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ

a statue of Christ

Just as He did in New Testament times, Jesus Christ has called prophets, apostles, and others to lead His Church today and bear witness of Him throughout the world. In Doctrine and Covenants 107, Jesus explained the role of these chosen leaders. This lesson can help students feel increased confidence that the Apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ.

Possible Learning Activities

The Church of Jesus Christ

Consider bringing six cups to class and building a small pyramid with them. Place three cups at the bottom, two in the middle, and one on the top. Label the top cup Saints and tell students it represents the members of the Savior’s Church. Explain that in the New Testament, Jesus organized His Church in a way that would bless its members.

Read the following verses. Look for callings the Savior used to administer His Church and support the Saints in His day.

  • What did you find?

    As students share, you might label the two cups in the middle Seventies and Bishops and the bottom three cups Jesus Christ, Prophets, and Apostles. Explain that although all Apostles are considered prophets, seers, and revelators, we commonly refer to the senior Apostle as the prophet.

  • Why is it important for us to understand that Jesus Christ, prophets, and apostles are at the foundation of the Church? (see Ephesians 2:20).

    Help students understand that anciently, a “chief cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20) was a large stone laid at the corner of a foundation. The angle and placement of all other stones was measured out from the chief cornerstone.

  • What do you know about Jesus Christ that is comparable to a chief cornerstone?

Invite students to think about the blessings of having these leaders in the Savior’s Church. Students might ask themselves what they are doing to receive the blessings that can come through those the Savior has placed in these positions.

Encourage students to invite the influence of the Holy Ghost as they seek to understand the role Church leaders play in strengthening their testimony of Jesus Christ.

You might summarize or read the following context for Doctrine and Covenants 107.

Under the direction of His Father, Jesus Christ has organized His restored Church in our day upon the same foundation He did during His mortal ministry (see Articles of Faith 1:6). The Lord began revealing the organizational structure to the Prophet Joseph Smith and continues to reveal it today. By 1835, the Savior had called a First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Seventies, bishops, and other priesthood officers to serve the Saints and administer His Church on the earth. Doctrine and Covenants 107 outlines some of the responsibilities the Savior has given to those who are called to these positions.

Responsibilities of the Lord’s chosen leaders

Consider writing each of the following callings on separate pieces of paper and posting them around the room. You could assign students to gather in groups to study specific callings, or you could allow them to move to the calling they would like to study.

Be sure to leave sufficient time for the final section of the lesson.

Study the following passages, looking for how Jesus Christ uses those He places in these callings to support the Saints in His Church:

When groups have finished studying, invite them to share what they learned with the class.

  • How has the Savior blessed you through those who hold these callings?

Special witnesses of Jesus Christ

When groups have finished sharing, encourage students to highlight words or phrases in verse 23 that teach that Jesus Christ calls Apostles to bear special witness of Him throughout the world.

  • In what ways do Apostles bear testimony of Christ throughout the world in our day?

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained what it means for Apostles to be “special witnesses of the name of Christ” (verse 23).

Elder David A. Bednar

The role of an Apostle today is the same as it was anciently (see Acts 1:22; 4:33). Our commission is to go into all the world and proclaim “Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (see Mark 16:15; 1 Corinthians 2:2). An Apostle is a missionary and a special witness of the name of Christ. The “name of Christ” refers to the totality of the Savior’s mission, death, and resurrection—His authority, His doctrine, and His unique qualifications as the Son of God to be our Redeemer and our Savior. As special witnesses of the name of Christ, we bear testimony of the reality, divinity, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His infinite and eternal Atonement, and His gospel. (David A. Bednar, “Special Witnesses of the Name of Christ,” Religious Educator: Perspectives on the Restored Gospel, vol. 12, no. 2 [2011], 1)

  • Why do you think Jesus Christ has provided living Apostles as His special witnesses in addition to His witnesses in the scriptures?

Consider watching a video of an Apostle bearing special witness of Jesus Christ, such as “Neil L. Andersen: Special Witness of Christ” (5:24; watch from time code 4:15 to 5:24). Invite students to pay attention to how they feel as they listen to his testimony.


Special Witnesses of Christ – Elder Neil L. Andersen

If needed for the following activity, consider providing students with recent general conference addresses or other recent statements from Apostles.

Search in recent conference addresses or other recent statements for examples of Apostles bearing their special witness of Jesus Christ. As you do, consider answering one or more of the following questions in your study journal:

  • How do the special witnesses of these Apostles influence your feelings toward Jesus Christ?

  • What is something an Apostle shared about Jesus Christ that you also believe to be true? How have you learned that truth for yourself?

  • What are some things we can do throughout our lives to continue learning from the Apostles’ special witnesses of Jesus Christ?

Invite a few students to share what they studied along with insights they may have written.

Encourage students to continue using the Apostles’ special witnesses of Jesus Christ to strengthen their faith in Him. For example, you could suggest that students study one general conference talk each week, follow the Apostles on social media, or focus specifically on Apostles’ testimonies and teachings about Jesus Christ in the upcoming general conference.