“Lesson 122—Doctrine and Covenants 109: The Lord’s Temple: A House of Glory and Power,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Doctrine and Covenants 109,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 122: Doctrine and Covenants 109–110
Doctrine and Covenants 109
The Lord’s Temple: A House of Glory and Power
The Saints worked for nearly three years to build the Kirtland Temple, the first temple built in this dispensation. Doctrine and Covenants 109 is the dedicatory prayer revealed by the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This prayer contains blessings we can receive today. This lesson can help students feel an increased desire to attend the temple and receive the promised blessings of the Lord.
Possible Learning Activities
Feelings about the temple
Consider displaying images of different temples. You might briefly ask students a few temple facts, such as how many temples are currently in operation, how many were announced at the last general conference, which temple is nearest to your class location, and so on.
Why might some people feel excited about attending the temple? Why might some not feel excited?
Display the following statements and encourage students to ponder how strongly they agree with each statement. Alternatively, you could invite students to record their own feelings about attending the temple in their study journals.
The temple is the house of God.
Preparing for or attending the temple is important to me.
I believe there are meaningful blessings the Lord will give me for striving to be worthy to attend His house.
Ponder any questions or concerns you have about preparing for and attending the temple. As you study today, you may want to pray to Heavenly Father to help you feel a greater desire to attend His holy temple.
The Kirtland Temple
Display a picture of the Kirtland Temple, such as the one included at the beginning of the lesson. Briefly share some historical information about this temple in your own words or invite two students to read the following paragraphs.
Between June 1833 and March 1836, Church members sacrificed time, money, and possessions to help build the first temple in this dispensation. Men provided skilled labor for the building’s construction, and women made clothing and provided lodging for the workers. Some Latter-day Saints donated much of their wealth to the building of the temple. The temple cost approximately 60,000 United States dollars—an incredible sum for that time, especially considering the poverty of the Saints.
The Kirtland Temple was dedicated on March 27, 1836. Many Latter-day Saints who attended the ceremonies and events associated with the dedication experienced great spiritual manifestations. These included hearing the sound of a rushing mighty wind, speaking in tongues, seeing visions, and witnessing the visitation of angels.
Doctrine and Covenants 109 is the dedicatory prayer that the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This prayer was read aloud during the dedicatory services. This pattern continues today, with an inspired dedicatory prayer read during each temple dedication session.
You might consider asking if any students have attended a temple dedication. If they have, a student could share what he or she remembers about the dedicatory prayer.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 109:1–4, looking for how this inspired dedicatory prayer began.
What was meaningful to you in these verses?
As students share, you might ask some follow-up questions like “What do these verses reveal about the Lord?” or “What stands out to you about the attitude of the Saints?” (for examples, see verses 1 and 4).
Purposes and blessings of the temple
Ensure that students have sufficient time for the following study activity. You could write the words Purposes and Blessings on the board.
Students could work with a partner to do the following and mark what they find.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 109:5, 11–16, 20–24, looking for some of the Lord’s purposes for building His temple and the promised blessings for doing so.
After sufficient time, invite students to discuss with their partners which purposes and blessings are most significant to them and why.
Invite each partnership to create a statement of truth based on one of the meaningful insights they found. (Or, depending on class size, you could invite each student to share.) Consider providing a small sheet of paper for students to write their statement and display it on the board. Students could then share their statement, the verse or verses it is based on, and why it feels important to them.
Students could share truths similar to the following:
In the temple, the Lord can manifest Himself to us. (verses 5, 12–13) (Note: Help students understand that there are many ways the Lord can manifest Himself. This will be discussed in the next lesson.)
In the temple, the Lord can arm us with His power, protection, and help. (verses 13, 22)
The temple is a place of learning. (verses 14–15)
Worshipping in the temple can prepare us to serve the Lord and preach His word. (verses 22–23)
What can these truths help us learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Why is that valuable to you?
Consider inviting several students to read the following statements from youth about their temple experiences. Invite students to look for examples of the blessings listed above as well as additional blessings.
Only uplifting thoughts fill my mind in the temple. It is an amazing feeling to think of things you can do to help others. [Chloé D.] …
… Regularly visiting the temple has helped me feel the Spirit more often. It’s definitely brought my friends closer to one another. Also, a lot of our classmates ask about our temple trips. …
… A friend … was able to get her first limited-use recommend, and it has been neat to see the positive effect this has had on her life. [Annalise K.] …
… Just being able to walk in [the temple], I felt that all of the troubles I was having at school and elsewhere were just gone. I felt at peace being in the temple. I was overcome with feelings of happiness. Being in the temple helped me focus on what I needed to do at church and in other duties. It was just so incredible to be able to go and get away from all the troubles I had. [Kole E.] (“Youth Voices: Attending the Temple,” New Era, Apr. 2013, 5–7)
Attending the Lord’s holy temple
Consider showing the video “The Blessings of the Temple” (3:37) or “Strength beyond My Own” (3:47). Invite students to ponder blessings they have felt preparing for or entering the temple. Another option could be to sing “The Spirit of God” (Hymns, no. 2), which was written for the Kirtland Temple dedication, or another hymn about the temple.
The Blessings of the Temple
"Strength beyond My Own"
President Russell M. Nelson testified:
[The temple] is His house. It is filled with His power. Let us never lose sight of what the Lord is doing for us now. … I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can. (Russell M. Nelson, “Focus on the Temple,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 121)
When have you or someone close to you experienced temple blessings?
Invite students to recall their answers from the beginning of the lesson about why some people might not feel excited to attend the temple.
What have you learned or felt that could help someone face their concerns or inspire them to feel differently about the temple?
How have your own feelings about the Lord and His holy temple been influenced today?
Consider inviting students to display an image of the temple in a place they will see it often. Encourage students to continue praying to Heavenly Father for increased love for and desire to attend His holy temples.