undefined undefined Lesson 142—Doctrinal Mastery Practice 9: Memorize; Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge
Lesson 142—Doctrinal Mastery Practice 9: Memorize; Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge

“Lesson 142—Doctrinal Mastery Practice 9: Memorize; Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Doctrinal Mastery Practice 9,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 142: Doctrine and Covenants 129–132

Doctrinal Mastery Practice 9

Memorize; Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge

dad and daughter studying scriptures

Doctrinal mastery can help students build the foundation for their lives upon Jesus Christ and His gospel. This lesson will give students opportunities to practice memorizing the references of doctrinal mastery passages and their associated key scripture phrases. It will also help them learn and apply divine principles for acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Possible Learning Activities

Doctrinal mastery review: Memorize

Consider displaying an empty water pitcher and several cups that are full of water. Invite a student to recite any doctrinal mastery scripture references and key scripture phrases he or she has memorized. For every passage recited, the student can pour one of the cups of water into the pitcher.

  • How do you think memorizing scriptures can be like a reserve of water for times of need?

  • What are situations when you would want to have memorized scriptures available to refer to?

Consider asking students to search their memories for a time when a scripture has come to their mind. Maybe specific words to a verse or a general teaching came to mind. Invite students to share their experiences.

Point out that as we become familiar with passages in the scriptures, the Holy Ghost can bring them to our mind in times of need (see John 14:26). Let students know that today you will spend some time becoming more familiar with some doctrinal mastery passages. The following is one way to do this. Additional memorization ideas are found in the appendix under “Doctrinal Mastery Review Activities.”

Memorizing activity

Decide which doctrinal mastery passages you would like the class to review. This activity would work best using two to four passages.

Distribute a blank paper to each student. Invite them to write each of the doctrinal mastery passages and key phrases on the paper. Then invite them to cut out each word for one reference and key phrase. Students could then mix up the pieces and put them back together in order. Once they can accomplish that task comfortably, invite them to repeat the process with the next passage and key phrase. If they learn the passages and key phrases well enough, they could mix up all of the pieces from the different passages and key phrases and try to put them back in order.

Alternatively, you might invite students to use the Doctrinal Mastery app to work on memorization.

If you have sufficient time, you could invite some students to come up and share a memorized passage and key phrase and pour a cup of water into the pitcher.

Take care that the memorizing activity lasts for only 10–15 minutes to allow enough time for the doctrinal mastery practice application later in the lesson.

Learn and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge

If you feel your students need to review the principle of acquiring spiritual knowledge, take some time to review paragraphs 5–12 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2023). Suggested review activities are included in the appendix “Doctrinal Mastery Review Activities.”

Invite students to choose either of the following scenarios or another scenario you create that meets the needs of your students. After students select a scenario, discuss why a person might feel this way. Doing so can help the scenarios feel more real to students.

You could also consider the alternative scenario topics in the “Supplemental Learning Activities” section at the end of this lesson.

Scenario 1: Imagine that you have a friend who is not sure about getting married in the temple. He thinks that temple marriage requires a lot and is a big commitment. He worries about all the expectations it places on him.

Scenario 2: A friend asks you, “Is temple marriage really necessary? Isn’t it enough for a couple to be married civilly if they really love each other?”

To help students take responsibility for their own learning, give them some time to think through and respond to the following questions in their study journals.

  • Which principle of acquiring spiritual knowledge do you think would be most helpful? Why?

  • Which doctrinal mastery passages could be helpful?

Once students have had time to prepare answers, consider dividing them into small groups. It might be helpful to assign a group leader to facilitate the discussion. The leader could decide who goes first or the order in which the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge will be discussed. Invite groups to share and discuss their responses to the previous questions. Give groups enough time for each member to share.

You could then invite groups to identify any of the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge that were not chosen and discuss how those principles could also apply to the scenarios.

Interact with the groups to gauge their ability to discuss the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. As needed, use the following questions to help students have a meaningful discussion.

Act in faith

  • How could a person seek help from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ if they have doubts, concerns, or questions about temple marriage?

  • How else could a person who has concerns about temple marriage act with faith in Jesus Christ?

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

  • What do you know about Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation that may help with the scenario?

  • How might a temple marriage influence a person’s life now and in eternity?

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

Help students assess their experience using the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. The following questions could be helpful:

  • How did the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge help you respond to the scenario?

  • What challenges did you encounter as you tried to apply the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to the scenarios?

  • What have you learned or felt about eternal marriage that you think is important to remember?