undefined undefined Lesson 172—Scripture-Study Tools: Using Study Helps
Lesson 172—Scripture-Study Tools: Using Study Helps

“Lesson 172—Scripture-Study Tools: Using Study Helps,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Scripture-Study Tools,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 172: Scripture-Study Skills

Scripture-Study Tools

Using study helps

student marking scriptures

This lesson can help you enhance your personal scripture study and strengthen your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through using scripture-study tools.

Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share tools that are available to help us in today’s world that were not available 50 years ago. Ask them to be prepared to explain what difference these tools make in our lives.

Possible Learning Activities


Consider displaying the following images (or other similar images) and inviting students to respond to the following questions.

horse and plow
someone riding a horse
airplane in flight
  • How have these tools influenced our abilities to travel and work?

  • What other tools have been developed over the years that have increased our abilities to do things?

  • How would life be different if we were not aware of these tools or how to use them?

Just as with travel and work, there are tools to help us study the scriptures and come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Brother Tad R. Callister, former Sunday School General President, shared the following:

President Tad R. Callister

The current generation is discovering truths, insights, and additional confirmations unknown to many of its forefathers—not because the current generation is necessarily more righteous, nor because it has greater intellect, but because it has better tools. The most knowledgeable farmer with a horse and plow is no match for an equally proficient farmer with a high-tech tractor at his command. The mathematician with a slide rule is no challenge to his colleague with a high-speed computer. A Galileo with a hand-held telescope will never discover the universe like a Galileo with the most advanced telescope at his disposal. The Lord must expect much more of us in gospel scholarship than he did of previous generations, because we have so much more at our disposal. (Tad R. Callister, The Infinite Atonement [2000], 21)

Ponder the following questions:

  • How aware are you of the scripture-study tools that can help you find answers to your questions and come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

  • How well do you feel that you use them?

As you study this lesson, seek to better understand the scripture-study tools and how they can help you.

Define: Using scripture-study tools

Do the following to help students clearly understand what the scripture-study tools are.

Invite students to come up and write any scripture-study tools they know the Lord has provided to help us answer our questions and come closer to Him. Consider adding any of the following tools students do not mention.

Point to the various tools on the board and ask students what they are and where they can find them. If students are not familiar with any of them, consider using the following explanations and show students where they are.

  • Footnotes—Footnotes are referenced by small, lowercase letters in a verse that direct you to the bottom of the page where you will find additional scripture references or topics related to the verse. In the Gospel Library app, tapping the footnote will show the same information.

  • Topical Guide—This resource contains scriptures relating to various topics and references to other similar topics. It can be found at the end of the Latter-day Saint version of the Bible or in the Gospel Library app under Scriptures, then Study Helps.

  • Guide to the Scriptures—This resource contains brief, simple definitions of scripture terms along with a few scripture references related to each term. It can be found at the end of the Book of Mormon or in the Gospel Library app under Scriptures, then Study Helps.

  • Index to the Triple Combination—This index contains scripture references for different topics contained in the Doctrine and Covenants, Book of Mormon, and Pearl of Great Price. It can be found at the end of the triple combination or in the Gospel Library app under Scriptures, then Study Helps.

  • Maps and Church History Photographs—These resources can be found at the end of the triple combination or in the Gospel Library app under Scriptures, then Study Helps.


To model using scripture-study tools as a class, do the following activity:

Think about what you know and what you would like to know about forgiveness.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 64:9–11, and look for truths about forgiveness.

  • What did you learn? What do these verses help you better understand about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

    Now invite students to share what tools they might use to deepen their understanding. As a student shares a tool, ask them how to use it, and invite all students to follow their direction. For example, they might look up scriptures found in the footnotes to these verses. They could also search “Jesus Christ” or “Redeem” in the Guide to the Scriptures, “Forgive” in the index to the Triple Combination, or “Atonement” in the Bible Dictionary.

    Invite students to share what they learned and why it was meaningful to them.

  • How did these scripture-study tools help your study?


Invite students to come up and write on the board gospel topics or questions they or others they know want to know more about or have answered. Alternatively, you could use an anonymous polling tool to obtain their responses.

If students struggle to come up with ideas, consider writing the following topics on the board. Invite students to select one of these topics (or another topic of their choice) that they have questions about or that they feel studying about would bring them closer to Jesus Christ:

  • Forgiveness

  • Receiving revelation

  • Heavenly Father

  • Why we need Jesus Christ

  • Premortal existence

  • Spirit world

  • Final Judgment

  • Marriage and family

  • The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Alternatively, students could role-play that a friend wants to know more about one of the topics above.

Using scripture-study tools, take several minutes to study this topic or question. Look for truths that are meaningful to you, answer your questions, or bring you closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

After sufficient time, consider inviting students to share in pairs or small groups what they learned and how they learned. Then invite students to respond to the following question to conclude class:

  • How might using these tools consistently in your personal scripture study influence your knowledge of and relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?