Lesson 182—Managing Financial Resources Wisely: Striving to Build Financial Self-Reliance
“Lesson 182—Managing Financial Resources Wisely: Striving to Build Financial Self-Reliance,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)
“Managing Financial Resources Wisely,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual
Lesson 182: Building Self-Reliance
Managing Financial Resources Wisely
Striving to Build Financial Self-Reliance
Youth have many future opportunities that come with financial responsibilities, such as serving a mission, gaining an education, or starting a family. As they look to Jesus Christ and follow wise financial principles, they invite God’s blessing to provide for their needs (see Doctrine and Covenants 104:15). This lesson can help students understand how to exercise faith in God as they build financial self-reliance.
Possible Learning Activities
Looking to the future
Which of your goals require financial preparation?
When do you think is the best time to start making financial plans for your future? Why?
How confident are you about your financial future? Why?
Throughout this lesson, prayerfully seek Heavenly Father’s help to understand principles that can help you now and in the future to manage your finances wisely.
Promises from the Lord
In 1834, the Church was struggling financially due, in part, to the building of the Kirtland Temple and other righteous efforts. The Lord gave them counsel that could also apply to us as we face financial obligations to achieving our righteous desires.
Doctrine and Covenants 48:4 (At this time, the Saints needed to buy land, but we might liken this to our own future responsibilities.)
How can the principles in these scriptures help you exercise faith in Jesus Christ as you prepare for your financial needs?
Why do you think paying tithing is an important part of managing our finances? (see Malachi 3:8–10).
Other than paying tithing, what are some ways we can prioritize seeking God’s kingdom over seeking for riches?
How can developing the habit of saving money as a youth bless you throughout your life?
Financial priorities
How would you prioritize these financial events or decisions? What did you learn from the Lord’s teachings in the scriptures to support your answer?
What challenges could result from having our financial priorities out of order?
What might you say to someone who feels their current living expenses should be prioritized over paying tithing?
Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the Seventy asked the following about paying tithing:
Do we have the faith to trust [the Lord’s] promises regarding tithing that with 90 percent of our increase plus the Lord’s help, we are better off than with 100 percent on our own? (Stanley G. Ellis, “Do We Trust Him? Hard Is Good,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 114)
To show students an example of people living by the principles in this lesson, consider sharing “Sedrick’s Journey” (2:32) available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Sedrick’s Journey
You might help students understand that the Lord has provided ways to help with our financial future that are not portrayed in this lesson. For example, He can inspire us with other ways to earn or save money. Youth can speak to their bishop or leaders about financial help for a mission or affordable ways to pursue a higher education.
Students could be invited to respond to the following questions in their study journal or discuss them with a partner:
How would you summarize what you learned about managing your finances wisely?
What is one thing you feel the Lord wanted you to learn today?
Consider inviting a few students to share their responses. Share your testimony of the Lord’s desire to provide for His Saints (see Doctrine and Covenants 104:15). Encourage students to look to God and involve Him in financial decisions throughout their lives.