Lesson 203—Diligence in Missionary Work: Preparing to Become a Diligent Missionary

“Lesson 203—Diligence in Missionary Work: Preparing to Become a Diligent Missionary,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual (2025)

“Diligence in Missionary Work,” Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual

Lesson 203: Missionary Preparation

Diligence in Missionary Work

Preparing to Become a Diligent Missionary

missionaries teaching a lesson

Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example of diligence that we should strive to emulate as we serve others. This lesson can help students seek the Lord’s help to become more diligent in their lives and their preparation to serve as His missionaries.

Possible Learning Activities

Fourth floor, last door

Consider starting the lesson by helping students ponder the importance of diligence in missionary work. You could display the following picture and share the account below. Or you could show the video “Fourth Floor, Last Door,” available at, from time code 14:17 to 17:27. You could pause the video at time code 16:03 for students to consider how they might have responded at this point. Then show the rest of the video.

apartment building

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared the following experience of missionaries in Europe who felt impressed to share the gospel with residents of a four-story apartment building.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

They started on the first floor and knocked on each door, presenting their saving message of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His Church.

No one on the first floor would listen to them. …

… They knocked on every door on the second floor.

Again, no one would listen.

The third floor was the same. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Fourth Floor, Last Door,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 17)

  • What thoughts might these missionaries have had at this point?

Elder Uchtdorf continued:

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The fourth [floor was the same]—that is, until they knocked on the last door of the fourth floor.

When that door opened, a young girl smiled at them and asked them to wait while she spoke with her mother. …

… The missionaries delivered their message and handed a book to the mother to read—the Book of Mormon.

After they left, the mother decided she would read at least a few pages.

She finished the entire book within a few days.

Not long after, this wonderful single-parent family entered the waters of baptism. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Fourth Floor, Last Door,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 17–18)

  • What Christlike attributes do you recognize in these missionaries?

Christlike attributes in missionaries

Consider assigning half the class to read the verses below in Doctrine and Covenants section 4 and half the class to read the verses in section 75. After reading, students could share their answers to the questions below with someone who read the other reference.

Alternatively, you could invite partners to study the “Diligence” section, including the “Scripture Study” ideas, on pages 132–33 of Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2023).

Read Doctrine and Covenants 4:2–6; 75:2–5, 29, looking for words and phrases the Lord used to describe those who desire to serve Him, including His missionaries.

  • What does the Savior expect of those who desire to serve Him as full-time missionaries? Why?

  • How might these attributes and actions help us in challenging circumstances we may face?

Among the truths students share, they may identify that the Lord expects His missionaries to work diligently in sharing His gospel.

What is diligence?

Write the following prompt on the board, and invite students to write how they might finish it.

Diligence is …

If students need help defining diligence, you could share that one possible definition is “consistent, earnest effort” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ [2023], 132).

  • What are some situations you or others your age might face that require diligence?

You may want to list students’ answers on the board. After compiling a few ideas from students, give them an opportunity to think more carefully about how they demonstrate diligence in their lives.

One way to do this is to display the following self-assessment and give students time to reflect silently on how they would respond. Consider explaining to students that as they complete this self-assessment, the Holy Ghost can help them recognize what they are doing well and how they can improve. Students may benefit from recording their thoughts in their study journal. (Note: You might choose to display these statements again at the end of the lesson.)

Silently reflect on how well each of the following statements describes you:

  • I work hard until a job is completed successfully, even if it’s difficult.

  • I work effectively, even when I’m not under close supervision.

  • People can rely on me and my effort to accomplish a task.

  • I find joy in putting forth my best effort.

Consider displaying the following instructions and inviting students to work in small groups to complete the activity. After groups have completed the activity, invite them to share with other groups what they learned.

  1. Find a scripture reference or prophetic statement that shows the importance of diligence.

  2. Discuss how Jesus Christ is an example of being diligent.

  3. Share an experience when you or someone you know was blessed through diligence.

  4. Discuss why you think it is important for missionaries to be diligent.

  5. Discuss other areas in your life in which diligence would be important.

The Holy Ghost can help truths sink deep into students’ hearts and prepare students to apply those truths. One way you can help students invite the Holy Ghost is to provide opportunities for them to see how the Savior and others have demonstrated diligence. For examples of how the Savior demonstrated diligence, students could read Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19 or Luke 22:39–44. For an example of someone else demonstrating diligence, consider showing “Preparation of Gordon B. Hinckley: Forget Yourself and Go to Work” (2:03), available at

Blessings of diligence

Remind students of Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s account of the two missionaries in Europe who knocked on the last door of the fourth floor. Explain that their diligent efforts ended up blessing Elder Uchtdorf. Consider displaying the following picture of the missionaries and the family that lived in the apartment behind the last door on the fourth floor. Point out that one of the two young girls is Harriet, Elder Uchtdorf’s wife.

family gathered in a room

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf shared his feelings about these two missionaries:

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

How often have I lifted my heart in gratitude for the two missionaries who did not stop at the first floor! How often my heart reaches out in appreciation for their faith and work. How often have I given thanks that they kept going—even to the fourth floor, last door. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Fourth Floor, Last Door,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 18)

  • If those missionaries could share something about diligence with our class, what do you imagine they would say?

Diligence in my life

Consider displaying the statements about personal diligence that students reflected on earlier in the lesson. Students may have felt impressed by the Spirit to focus on one statement more than the others. Invite students to think of that statement as they write their responses to the following questions in their study journals.

  • What changes can I make to become more diligent?

  • How will diligence better prepare me to share the gospel of Jesus Christ as a full-time missionary and in my everyday life?

  • How will diligence help me become more like the Savior?

As students record their answers, encourage them not to hesitate to make a plan to do something that will stretch them and require consistent hard work and diligence.
