“Chapter 28: The Prophet Joseph Goes to Missouri Again: March–May 1832,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 108–12 “Chapter 28,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 108–12 Chapter 28 2:39The Prophet Joseph Goes to Missouri Again March–May 1832 Joseph Smith received a revelation in which Jesus said the Saints were like His little children. They were still learning. Jesus said they should be happy and thankful. He would be their leader. Doctrine and Covenants 78:17–18 Jesus said He wanted the Saints to take care of those who were poor. He wanted them to share with each other and help each other. Doctrine and Covenants 78:3–6 Soon after Joseph Smith received this revelation, he and some of his friends went to Missouri again. The Saints in Missouri were happy to see him. Joseph asked the Saints to come to a meeting so he could tell them about the revelation. At the meeting the Lord gave Joseph another revelation. Jesus was happy that the Saints had forgiven each other. Because they had done this, He said He would forgive them. Doctrine and Covenants 82:1 In this revelation Jesus also gave the Saints a new commandment. He said that He had given them the land of Zion, and they must share the land with each other. Everyone should have what he or she needed. The Lord also asked the Saints to improve upon their talents and use them to benefit the Church. Doctrine and Covenants 82:17–20 After the meeting, Joseph visited the Saints in many towns. It was a happy time for him. He loved the Saints. In another revelation that Joseph received while he was in Missouri, the Lord said that husbands should take care of their wives. Parents should take care of their children. Doctrine and Covenants 83:2, 4 The Lord also said the Saints should take care of women who do not have husbands. The Saints should also take care of children who do not have fathers or mothers. Doctrine and Covenants 83:6 Jesus said the Saints should give food and other items to the bishop to put in a storehouse. He said the bishop should use what is in the storehouse to help those who are poor. Doctrine and Covenants 83:6 After Joseph Smith completed his work in Missouri, he and Bishop Whitney started back to Kirtland. They rode in a wagon. One day something scared the horses and made them run fast. Joseph jumped from the wagon, but he wasn’t hurt. Bishop Whitney jumped from the wagon and broke his leg. Joseph Smith and Bishop Whitney stayed at an inn. Bishop Whitney rested for four weeks. Joseph stayed with him while his leg got better. While they were at the inn, someone put poison in Joseph’s food. He became very sick. Joseph asked Bishop Whitney to give him a blessing. Bishop Whitney used the power of the priesthood to bless Joseph, and he was healed. Joseph thanked God for healing him. When Joseph and Bishop Whitney were well enough to travel, they went home to their families.