Scripture Stories
Chapter 47: The Saints Leave Missouri: Winter 1839

“Chapter 47: The Saints Leave Missouri: Winter 1839,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 175

“Chapter 47,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 175

Chapter 47

The Saints Leave Missouri

Winter 1839

couple in wagon
Brigham Young leading Church

While Joseph Smith was in jail, much of the responsibility for leading the Saints was placed on Brigham Young, one of the Apostles. He held a meeting to tell the Saints they must begin preparing to leave Missouri. Many of the Saints were poor and didn’t have wagons or horses. The men at the meeting said they would help the poor Saints move.

Saints leaving Missouri

The Saints began to leave Missouri in February 1839, when it was very cold. They were told that people in the state of Illinois might be friendly to them, so they traveled about 200 miles to western Illinois. Many of them went to the town of Quincy, where people were kind and gave them shelter, food, and jobs.

Governor Boggs happy

Governor Boggs and his friends were glad the Saints had left Missouri.
