undefined undefined Chapter 5: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery: February–April 1829
Scripture Stories
Chapter 5: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery: February–April 1829

“Chapter 5: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery: February–April 1829,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 22–25

“Chapter 5,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 22–25

Chapter 5


Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery

February–April 1829

gold plates
Joseph Smith Sr. visiting Joseph

Joseph and Emma Smith lived on a little farm near Harmony, Pennsylvania. Joseph’s father came to visit them. They were happy to see him. Joseph’s father was a good man.

Joseph receiving revelation

Jesus gave Joseph a revelation for his father. The revelation told how people could help Jesus. They should love Jesus. They should work hard to teach the gospel. They should love and help other people.

Joseph Smith Sr. praying

People who want to help Jesus should also pray and have faith. Jesus said people who help Him will be blessed.

Joseph Smith Sr. leaving Joseph and Emma

Joseph’s father went home and tried to do the things Jesus had told him to do. He shared the gospel with many of his family members.

Joseph praying

Joseph had to work on his farm. He also needed to translate the gold plates. It was too much work for him to do alone, so he prayed and asked Heavenly Father for help.

Joseph meeting Oliver Cowdery

Heavenly Father answered Joseph’s prayer. He sent a man named Oliver Cowdery to Joseph. Oliver wanted to know about the gold plates. Joseph told him about the angel Moroni, the plates, and the Book of Mormon.

Oliver Cowdery transcribing

Oliver believed Joseph and said he would help translate the gold plates. As Joseph read the words out loud, Oliver wrote them on paper. Joseph and Oliver worked hard.

Joseph and Oliver

Jesus taught Joseph and Oliver many things. He said they should seek wisdom and eternal life, not riches. He also said they should learn about God and help people learn the gospel. They should be faithful and do good things. If they did, they could live with Heavenly Father forever.

Oliver ready to translate

Jesus said Oliver should always be Joseph’s friend and help him in difficult times. Jesus also said Oliver could learn to translate like Joseph. The Holy Ghost would help Oliver translate if Oliver had enough faith.

Oliver trying to translate

Oliver tried to translate. He thought it would be easy, but he could not do it.

Joseph praying

Jesus said Oliver had not asked for God’s help in the right way. Jesus told Joseph Smith how Oliver and all people can get help from God.

young woman reading scriptures

When people need help, they should think carefully about what to do. They should decide what they think is the right thing to do.

young woman praying

Then they should ask God if it is right. If it is right, they will feel good in their hearts. They will know it is right.

young woman praying

If it is wrong, they will not feel good in their hearts.

Joseph reading the plates

Oliver did not try to translate the Book of Mormon again. Instead, he wrote down the words as Joseph translated them. Jesus said Oliver would be blessed for helping Joseph.