undefined undefined Chapter 9: Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ: 6 April 1830
Scripture Stories
Chapter 9: Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ: 6 April 1830

“Chapter 9: Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ: 6 April 1830,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 40–42

“Chapter 9,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 40–42

Chapter 9


Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ

6 April 1830

Joseph receiving revelation

Joseph Smith was living in the town of Fayette in the state of New York. Jesus told Joseph it was time for His true Church to be on earth again. He told Joseph to organize the Church.

Joseph instructing Church leaders

On 6 April 1830, Joseph held a meeting to organize the Church. Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel Smith, David Whitmer, and Peter Whitmer came to help him. They had all been baptized. Other people also came to the meeting.

Joseph ordaining elder

The men prayed to Heavenly Father. Joseph ordained Oliver an elder in the Church. Then Oliver ordained Joseph.

Joseph blessing sacrament

Joseph and Oliver blessed the sacrament. They gave it to the men.

Joseph confirming members

Joseph and Oliver put their hands on each man’s head to confirm him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost.

man bearing testimony

Joseph and Oliver ordained some of the other men to the priesthood. These men were very happy. They said they loved God and told how He had blessed them.

Joseph receiving revelation

Jesus gave a revelation to Joseph Smith at the meeting. Jesus said Joseph was a prophet. A true prophet speaks for Jesus. When a prophet speaks for Jesus, members of the Church should listen to him and obey him.

Joseph baptizing his mother

After the meeting, many people were baptized, including Joseph Smith’s mother and father. What a wonderful day! The Church of Jesus Christ was on the earth again.