undefined undefined Scripture Index
Seminaries and Institutes
Scripture Index

“Scripture Index,” Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual (2002), 467–90

“Scripture Index,” Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, 467–90

Scripture Index

Explanatory Notes

The first column designates the scripture reference; the second column identifies the reading block where this reference is found.


Doctrine and Covenants 57:2–3r28:9

a—analysis. The scripture referred to is the subject of a whole section or chapter.

c—commentary. A short, explanatory comment is made about the scripture.

m—meaning. The meaning of a word or phrase in the scripture is discussed.

q—quotation. The scripture is quoted partially or in full.

r—reference. The scripture is merely referred to.

JST—The Joseph Smith Translation is used.

HB—Historical Background. The scripture reference is in the Historical Background section of the designated lesson.