Section 92, ‘You Shall Be a Lively Member’

“Section 92, ‘You Shall Be a Lively Member’” Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual (2002), 216

“Section 92,” Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, 216

Section 92

“You Shall Be a Lively Member”

Historical Background

“In the Revelation given on April 26th, 1832 (sec. 82), the Lord instructed the Prophet Joseph, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, Sidney Rigdon, Newel K. Whitney, and a few others (v. 11) to unite their temporal interests under the rule of the Order of Enoch. In this Revelation the brethren in that organization are commanded to receive, as a member, Frederick G. Williams, whom the Lord had declared to be the equal of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon in holding the keys of the kingdom (Sec. 90:6).” (Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, pp. 586–87.)

Notes and Commentary

D&C 92:1. What Is the Difference between the Law of Consecration and the United Order?

The law of consecration is the law whereby individuals consecrate their time, talents, and possessions to the Lord. The united order was an organization set up to implement the law of consecration. Elder Bruce R. McConkie explained the difference: “In order to live the law of consecration, the early saints in this dispensation set up the United Order as the legal organization to receive consecrations, convey stewardships back to donors, and to regulate the storehouses containing surplus properties” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 813).

D&C 92:2. “You Shall be a Lively Member”

Verse 1 of this revelation commands the members of the united order to receive Frederick G. Williams as a member. Verse 2 admonishes Williams to be “a lively member in this order” (D&C 92:2). A lively member of a group is one who works diligently to advance the goals and principles of the group. A major purpose of the order of Enoch was to help the Church become “independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world” (D&C 78:14).
