Self-Reliance Resources

“Ponder,” Education for Better Work for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Ponder,” Education for Better Work

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Ponder—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

Individually think about what you have learned today and consider what the Lord would have you do. Read the scripture or quote below and write responses to the questions.

“You face great challenges that lie ahead. You are moving into a world of fierce competition. You must get all of the education you can. The Lord has instructed us concerning the importance of education. It will qualify you for greater opportunities. It will equip you to do something worthwhile in the great world of opportunity that lies ahead. If you can go to college and that is your wish, then do it. If you have no desire to attend college, then go to a vocational or business school to sharpen your skills and increase your capacity” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Converts and Young Men,” Ensign, May 1997, 49–50).

What are the most meaningful things I learned today?

What will I do as a result of what I learned today?