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Self-Reliance Resources

“Ponder,” Education for Better Work for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Ponder,” Education for Better Work

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Ponder—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

Individually think about what you have learned today and consider what the Lord would have you do. Read the scripture or quote below and write responses to the questions.

“What will you choose for a career? What will your work be? … [It] is our responsibility to strive to find where we can make a contribution to our fellowman—an area where we have some interests and abilities and where we can, at the same time, provide for our own” (Ezra Taft Benson, “In His Steps” [Brigham Young University devotional, Mar. 4, 1979], speeches.byu.edu).

What are the most meaningful things I learned today?

What will I do as a result of what I learned today?