Self-Reliance Resources

“Learn,” Education for Better Work for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Learn,” Education for Better Work

Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes

1. Present Your Self-Reliance Plan and Learn from Each Other

Read:“Commitment is an essential part of [change]. It is the act of obligating oneself to a course of action and then diligently following through on that decision. When people are genuinely committed, they have real intent, meaning that they fully intend to do what they have committed to do. They make an unwavering and earnest decision to change” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service [2004], 195).

Today you will present your self-reliance plan to the group. Use your completed self-reliance plan from pages 107–8. Group members will listen, ask questions, and give helpful feedback.

Discuss:What are the most important things you learned in today’s group meeting?
