undefined undefined Emergency Response Procedures (Overview)
Stake Presidency
Emergency Response Procedures (Overview)

“Emergency Response Procedures (Overview),” Emergency Response (2020)

“Emergency Response Procedures (Overview),” Emergency Response

Emergency Response Procedures (Overview)

Area Seventies and Stake Presidents

Prior to a Disaster

Assemble Resources

  • During non-disaster times, develop relationships with civil authorities and local response agencies.

  • Identify and appoint member specialists (for example, emergency communications or disaster response).

Organize for Imminent Disasters

  • Assemble a committee to coordinate preparation and relief efforts for imminent disasters.

  • Review emergency plans, and counsel members.

Following a Disaster

Coordinate Response Efforts

  • Assess and report the status of both Church and community members.

  • Review needs and formulate response.

  • Set up an operations center.

  • Request needed funding and supplies.

Oversee Volunteer Activities

  • Receive and organize requests for assistance with cleanup or repairs.

  • Organize and orient teams of volunteers who will respond to requests.


  • Provide regular status reports to area leaders and to the welfare and self-reliance manager.

  • Share Church response efforts with media, as appropriate.