undefined undefined Lesson 3: Personal Information
English Learning
Lesson 3: Personal Information

“Lesson 3: Personal Information,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners (2022)

“Lesson 3,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners

two women laughing

Lesson 3

Personal Information

Objective: I will learn to ask and answer questions about personal information.

Personal Study

Prepare for the conversation group by completing activities A through E.

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Study the Principle of Learning: Take Responsibility

I have the power to choose, and I am responsible for my own learning.

You are a child of God with power to choose and act for yourself. This power is called agency. Lehi, a prophet in the Book of Mormon, teaches us that we are not like rocks, waiting for somebody to change us and move us. We are agents who can decide for ourselves what we believe, what we do, and who we become. Lehi taught:

“[God] hath created all things, … both things to act and things to be acted upon. … Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself” (2 Nephi 2:14, 16).

You can choose to learn and improve. Your teacher and other learners in your conversation group can help you, but in the end, it is your choices that will have the biggest impact on your learning. You can act for yourself to practice English every day. When problems arise, seek solutions. You have been given agency—the power from God to act. You can take responsibility for your own learning.

two men and a boy talking


  • What does it mean to you to be an “agent” and take responsibility for your own learning?

  • What are things that make it difficult to study English every day?

  • What can you do to act and not be acted upon as you study English every day?

icon b
Memorize Vocabulary

Learn the meaning and pronunciation of each word before your conversation group. Try using the new words in a conversation or in a message to someone who knows English.



@ (at)

. (dot)

When is … ?

Nouns 1



Nouns 2



phone number


January 1st

February 2nd

March 3rd

April 4th

May 5th

June 6th

See the appendix for more numbers.

See the appendix for more months.

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Practice Pattern 1

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions. You can replace the underlined words with words in the “Memorize Vocabulary” section.

Q: When is your (noun 1)?A: My (noun 1) is (day).


pattern 1 question when is your noun 1


pattern 1 answer my noun 1 is day


calendar with July 8 circled

Q: When is your birthday?A: My birthday is July 8th.

calendar with April 3 circled

Q: When is his anniversary?A: His anniversary is April 3rd.

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Practice Pattern 2

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions.

Q: What is your (noun 2)?A: My (noun 2) is ().


pattern 2 question what is your noun 2


pattern 2 answer my noun 2 is


Q: What is your email?A: My email is adam@email.net.

Q: What is their address?A: Their address is 1000 Central Parkway.

Q: What is his phone number?A: His phone number is 706-863-9400.

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Use the Patterns

Write four questions you can ask someone. Write an answer to each question. Read them out loud.

Additional Activities

Complete the lesson activities and assessments online at englishconnect.org/learner/resources or in the EnglishConnect 1 Workbook.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

Continue to practice English daily. Use your “Personal Study Tracker.” Review your study goal and evaluate your efforts.

Conversation Group

Discuss the Principle of Learning: Take Responsibility

(20–30 minutes)

two men and a boy talking

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Activity 1: Practice the Patterns

(10–15 minutes)

Review the vocabulary list with a partner.

Practice pattern 1 with a partner:

  • Practice asking questions.

  • Practice answering questions.

  • Practice a conversation using the patterns.

Repeat for pattern 2.

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Activity 2: Create Your Own Sentences

(10–15 minutes)

Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions about each person. Take turns.

Example: Mei

woman smiling on rooftop
  • Birthday: July 1

  • Phone Number: 832-351-9721

  • Address: 278 Main Street

  • Email: mei@email.net

  • A: When is Mei’s birthday?

  • B: Her birthday is July 1st.

  • A: What is Mei’s email?

  • B: Her email is mei@email.net.

Image 1: Hugo

man smiling on staircase
  • Birthday: October 9

  • Phone Number: 919-345-3986

  • Address: 620 Oak Road

  • Email: hugo@email.com

Image 2: Mari

woman smiling
  • Birthday: August 2

  • Phone Number: 208-377-1984

  • Address: 966 Sunny Drive

  • Email: mari@email.net

Image 3: Jean

man smiling in purple shirt and tie
  • Birthday: March 7

  • Phone Number: 356-225-8786

  • Address: 22 First Street

  • Email: jj@email.com

Image 4: Talia

girl smiling on beach
  • Birthday: January 10

  • Phone Number: 660-743-5522

  • Address: 1620 Pine Road

  • Email: talia5@email.net

icon 3
Activity 3: Create Your Own Conversations

(15–20 minutes)

Role-play each situation. One person is partner A. The other person is partner B. Switch roles.


Situation: Partner A works at an airport. Partner B is checking in for a flight. Partner A needs partner B’s name, birthday, and phone number.

  • A: Hello! Welcome to the airport. What is your name?

  • B: My name is Maria.

  • A: When is your birthday?

  • B: My birthday is January 2nd.

  • A: OK. And what is your phone number?

  • B: My phone number is 208-991-4433.

  • A: Thank you!

Situation 1:

doctor with older patient

Partner A is a doctor. Partner B is at the hospital. The doctor needs the patient’s name, birthday, phone number, address, and email.

Situation 2:

business people talking at a train station

Partner A and partner B are at a train station. Partner B starts a conversation and asks for partner A’s phone number and email.

Situation 3:

two people shaking hands

Partner A is the boss. Partner B is a new employee. The boss needs the new employee’s name, phone number, address, and email.

Situation 4:

woman at desk

Partner A is the secretary at a university. Partner B is a new student enrolling in classes at the university. The secretary needs the new student’s name, birthday, address, and email.


(5–10 minutes)

Evaluate your progress on the objectives and your efforts to practice English daily.

Evaluate Your Progress

I can:

  • Say my birthday, phone number, email, and address.

    neutral face, content face, happy face
  • Ask for and say someone’s birthday, phone number, and address.

    neutral face, content face, happy face

Evaluate Your Efforts

Evaluate your efforts to:

  1. Study the principle of learning.

  2. Memorize vocabulary.

  3. Practice the patterns.

  4. Practice daily.

Set a goal. Consider the study suggestions in the “Personal Study Tracker.”

Share your goal with a partner.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

“The choices we make determine our destiny” (Thomas S. Monson, “Choices,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 86).