English Learning
Lesson 9: Clothing and Colors

“Lesson 9: Clothing and Colors,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners (2022)

“Lesson 9,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners

girls walking

Lesson 9

Clothing and Colors

Objective: I will learn to describe what someone is wearing.

Personal Study

Prepare for your conversation group by completing activities A through E.

icon a
Study the Principle of Learning: Counsel with the Lord

I improve my learning by counseling with God daily about my efforts.

Learning is a process that happens over time. God wants to help you learn and grow. He wants to help you learn how to take small steps to accomplish great things. The Book of Mormon tells of a mighty man of faith named Alma. He was a prophet of God and the leader of his country. Alma taught:

“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. … Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and He will direct thee for good” (Alma 37:6, 37).

God works through small and simple things. Little actions can have big results over time. We pray to Heavenly Father in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Through prayer and scripture study, you can counsel with the Lord. He can help you choose small and simple ways to improve. Do you need to improve your listening comprehension? As you counsel with God in prayer, you may decide to spend 10 minutes a day practicing English with a friend. Do you struggle to remember new words? As you counsel with God, you may decide to review words as you ride the bus. Your consistent effort will bring about “great things” as you learn English.

boy and girl praying on bed


  • Does your culture have a saying similar to “small and simple things”?

  • How can you counsel with God about your efforts?

  • What are the small things you can do daily to learn English?

icon b
Memorize Vocabulary

Learn the meaning and pronunciation of each word before your conversation group. Try applying the words in your life. Think about when and where you could use these words.






looking for

















See lesson 7 for more colors.

icon c
Practice Pattern 1

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions. You can replace the underlined words with words in the “Memorize Vocabulary” section.

Q: What are you wearing?A: I’m wearing a (adjective) (noun).


pattern 1 questions what are you wearing


pattern 1 answers I’m wearing a adjective noun


red polo shirt

Q: What is he wearing?A: He’s wearing a red shirt.

Q: What is she wearing?A: She’s wearing an orange skirt.

Q: What are they looking for?A: They’re looking for black shoes.

icon d
Practice Pattern 2

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions.

Q: Do you like this (adjective) (noun)?A: Yes, I like that (adjective) (noun).


pattern 2 questions do you like this adjective noun


pattern 2 answers yes, I like that adjective noun


Q: Do you like this green sweater?A: No, I don’t like that green sweater.

a pair of red shoes

Q: Do you like these red shoes?A: Yes, I like those shoes.

icon e
Use the Patterns

Write four questions you can ask someone. Write an answer to each question. Read them out loud.

Additional Activities

Complete the lesson activities and assessments online at englishconnect.org/learner/resources or in the EnglishConnect 1 Workbook.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

Continue to practice English daily. Use your “Personal Study Tracker.” Review your study goal and evaluate your efforts.

Conversation Group

Discuss the Principle of Learning: Counsel with the Lord

(20–30 minutes)

boy and girl praying on bed

icon 1
Activity 1: Practice the Patterns

(10–15 minutes)

Review the vocabulary list with a partner.

Practice pattern 1 with a partner:

  • Practice asking questions.

  • Practice answering questions.

  • Practice a conversation using the patterns.

Repeat for pattern 2.

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Activity 2: Create Your Own Sentences

(10–15 minutes)

New Vocabulary





Part 1

Ask and answer questions about your clothing. Take turns. Switch partners and practice again.

  • A: What are you wearing?

  • B: I’m wearing blue pants, a white shirt, yellow socks, and red shoes.

Part 2

Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions about each person’s clothing. Say as much as you can. Take turns. Switch partners and practice again.

Example: Eliana
woman holding a trophy wearing a gray shirt and black pants
  • A: What is Eliana wearing?

  • B: She’s wearing a gray shirt and black pants.

Image 1: Nadia

woman dancing in a home

Image 2: Obasi

man smiling in a suit

Image 3: Mateo

boy with blue shorts and yellow shirt playing football (soccer)

Image 4: Hina

girl with black shirt, black shorts, black socks, and yellow shoes playing football (soccer)

icon 3
Activity 3: Create Your Own Conversations

(15–20 minutes)

Role play. Partner A works in a clothing store. Partner B is shopping for clothes and shoes. Ask and answer questions about the items in each picture. Switch roles. Switch partners and practice again.


a pair of brown shoes and blue shoes
  • A: What are you looking for?

  • B: I’m looking for shoes.

  • A: Do you like these brown shoes?

  • B: No, I don’t like those brown shoes.

Image 1

a pair of green shoes and red shoes

Image 2

women’s clothes hanging in store

Image 3

men’s clothes hanging in store

Image 4

assortment of colored socks

Image 5

assortment of colored ties


(5–10 minutes)

Evaluate your progress on the objectives and your efforts to practice English daily.

Evaluate Your Progress

I can:

  • Talk about clothing and colors.

    neutral face, content face, and happy face
  • Say what I and others are wearing.

    neutral face, content face, and happy face

Evaluate Your Efforts

Evaluate your efforts to:

  1. Study the principle of learning.

  2. Memorize vocabulary.

  3. Practice the patterns.

  4. Practice daily.

Set a goal. Consider the study suggestions in the “Personal Study Tracker.”

Share your goal with a partner.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

“We can pray to our Heavenly Father and receive guidance and direction … and be enabled to accomplish things we simply could not do on our own. …

“Pray … and then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to take” (Russell M. Nelson, “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 94–95).