« Tuha’a 4 : ’Ōmuara’a––Fa’a’itera’a i te mau tōro’a ’ohipa ’e te mā’a », EnglishConnect 1 nā te mau pīahi (2022) « Tuha’a 4 : ’Ōmuara’a », EnglishConnect 1 nā te mau pīahi Unit 4: Introduction Describing Jobs and Food Objectives I will learn to: Talk about my job. E paraparau nō ni’a i tō’u tōro’a ’ohipa. Describe foods I like and dislike. Fa’a’ite i te mau mā’a tā’u e au ’e ’aita e au. Explain why I like or dislike foods. Fa’ata’a atu nō te aha vau e au ai ’aore rā ’aita e au i te mā’a. Order food and take someone’s order. Poro’i atu i te mā’a ’e ’a rave te poro’i a te tahi atu ta’ata. Apply principles of learning by study and by faith. ’A fa’a’ohipa i te mau parau tumu nō te ha’api’ira’a mai nā roto i te ’imira’a maita’i ’e te fa’aro’o. Lessons Lesson 14: Jobs and Careers Lesson 15: Jobs and Careers Lesson 16: Food Lesson 17: Food