English Learning
Lesson 20: Home

“Lesson 20: Home,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners (2022)

“Lesson 20,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners

young women at the temple

Lesson 20


Objective: I will learn to ask and answer questions about where someone lives.

Personal Study

Prepare for your conversation group by completing activities A through E.

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Study the Principle of Learning: Love and Teach One Another

I can learn by the Spirit as I love, teach, and learn with others.

You are a child of God. He wants to help you grow and progress. He wants to help you develop new abilities and learn many good things. One important way to learn is to teach someone else. When you teach another person, your own understanding can grow. God has given you a wonderful promise:

“And I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.

“Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly, …

“That ye may be prepared in all things” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:77–78, 80).

When we teach and serve each other, we invite the Spirit to be with us. The Spirit can help us understand better and learn faster. Teaching others is one way that God increases our capacity to learn. Sometimes we are afraid to teach others. Sometimes we don’t think we have anything to offer. But God knows that you have so much good to share with others. When we share what we are learning, we are teaching each other. As you teach others and share your experiences, the Spirit will help you learn even more.

three people in English class smiling


  • How can teaching someone else help you increase your learning?

  • What are some ways you can help teach and support those in your EnglishConnect group?

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Memorize Vocabulary

Learn the meaning and pronunciation of each word before your conversation group. Try labeling things in your home to help you remember the English words.

Where do you live?

I live in …

Nouns 1



Nouns 2




dining room

family room


living room





across from


next to

left of/to the left of

right of/to the right of

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Practice Pattern 1

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions. You can replace the underlined words with words in the “Memorize Vocabulary” section.

Q: Where do you live?A: I live in an (noun 1).


pattern 1 question where do you live


pattern 1 answer I live in an noun 1


high-rise apartment building

Q: Where do you live?A: I live in an apartment.

Q: Where does she live?A: She lives in a house.

house with palm tree

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Practice Pattern 2

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions. Try saying the patterns aloud. Consider recording yourself. Pay attention to your pronunciation and fluency.

Q: Where is the (noun 2)?A: It’s (preposition) the (noun 2).


pattern 2 question where is the noun 2


pattern 2 answer it’s preposition the noun 2


apartment bedroom and closet floor plan

Q: Where is the closet?A: It’s next to the bedroom.

apartment kitchen and dining room floor plan

Q: Where is the dining room?A: It’s to the right of the kitchen.

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Use the Patterns

Write four questions you can ask someone. Write an answer to each question. Read them aloud.

Additional Activities

Complete the lesson activities and assessments online at englishconnect.org/learner/resources or in the EnglishConnect 1 Workbook.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

Continue to practice English daily. Use your “Personal Study Tracker.” Review your study goal and evaluate your efforts.

Conversation Group

Discuss the Principle of Learning: Love and Teach One Another

(20–30 minutes)

three people in English class smiling

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Activity 1: Practice the Patterns

(10–15 minutes)

Review the vocabulary list with a partner.

Practice pattern 1 with a partner:

  • Practice asking questions.

  • Practice answering questions.

  • Practice a conversation using the patterns.

Repeat for pattern 2.

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Activity 2: Create Your Own Sentences

(10–15 minutes)

Ask and answer questions about where you and your family live. Take turns. Switch partners and practice again.

woman pouring tea
  • A: Where do you live?

  • B: I live in an apartment.

  • A: Where is the kitchen in your apartment?

  • B: In my apartment, the kitchen is next to the living room.

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Activity 3: Create Your Own Conversations

(15–20 minutes)

Part 1

Look at the floor plan. Ask and answer questions about where the rooms are. Take turns.

apartment floor plan
  • A: Where is the dining room?

  • B: The dining room is to the right of the kitchen.

Part 2

Quickly draw a floor plan. Label the rooms. Ask and answer questions about the floor plan. Say as much as you can. Take turns.

New Vocabulary

How many bedrooms are there?

Is there a living room?

  • A: How many rooms are there?

  • B: There are two rooms.

  • A: Is there a kitchen?

  • B: Yes, there is.

  • A: Where is the living room?

  • B: The living room is next to the kitchen.


(5–10 minutes)

Evaluate your progress on the objectives and your efforts to practice English daily.

Evaluate Your Progress

I can:

  • Talk about where I live.

    neutral face, content face, happy face
  • Ask and talk about where others live.

    neutral face, content face, happy face
  • Say where rooms are in a house or an apartment.

    neutral face, content face, happy face

Evaluate Your Efforts

Evaluate your efforts to:

  1. Study the principle of learning.

  2. Memorize vocabulary.

  3. Practice the patterns.

  4. Practice daily.

Set a goal. Consider the study suggestions in the “Personal Study Tracker.”

Share your goal with a partner.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

“If we teach and learn in the manner the Lord has prescribed, he will send his Spirit to edify and enlighten us as we do so” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Teaching and Learning by the Spirit,” Ensign, March 1997, 6).
