undefined undefined Personal Study Tracker
English Learning
Personal Study Tracker

“Personal Study Tracker,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners (2022)

“Tracker,” EnglishConnect 1 for Learners

Personal Study Tracker

Write your purpose for learning English.

Purpose: I want to learn English because:

You can improve your ability to learn by tracking your efforts and setting goals to improve. Use the “Personal Study Tracker” to track your efforts. After each lesson, set a simple goal. Celebrate your progress; every effort moves you closer to your goal.

Minimal Effort red dot

Moderate Effort yellow dot

Significant Effort green dot

Printable “Personal Study Tracker”



Study the Principle of Learning

Memorize Vocabulary

Practice the Patterns

Practice Daily

My Goal



Study the Principle of Learning

red, yellow, green dots with red circled

Memorize Vocabulary

red, yellow, green dots with red circled

Practice the Patterns

red, yellow, green dots with red circled

Practice Daily

red, yellow, green dots with yellow circled

My Goal

Read the Introduction. Complete the “Personal Study” section for lesson 2.



Study the Principle of Learning

red, yellow, green dots with yellow circled

Memorize Vocabulary

red, yellow, green dots with green circled

Practice the Patterns

red, yellow, green dots with yellow circled

Practice Daily

red, yellow, green dots with green circled

My Goal

Study the principle of learning before the lesson.



Study the Principle of Learning

red, yellow, green dots with green circled

Memorize Vocabulary

red, yellow, green dots with yellow circled

Practice the Patterns

red, yellow, green dots with green circled

Practice Daily

red, yellow, green dots with yellow circled

My Goal

When I pray, I will use new English vocabulary words.

Study Suggestions

Consider using the suggestions below to improve your study.

Study the Principle of Learning

  1. Pray. Begin and end your study with a prayer. Ask God to help you understand and apply the principle.

  2. Listen to the Spirit. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, even if they seem unrelated to what you are reading. Record your thoughts and feelings. Do what the Spirit is inviting you to do.

  3. Write down inspiring words and phrases. You may find certain words and phrases that are personally relevant and inspire and motivate you. Write them in a place where you will see them. Put them on your mirror or on your phone.

  4. Apply the principle of learning. Consider how you can apply the principle of learning, the quotes, and the scriptures to your life. Record what you learn as you apply the principle of learning.

  5. Read more. Read scriptures or conference talks related to the principle of learning.

  6. Learn new vocabulary. Choose some words from the principle of learning that you want to learn in English. Look up the words. Talk to other learners about what the words and phrases mean to them.

Memorize Vocabulary

  1. Focus on meaning and pronunciation. Practice repeating the word aloud and think of the word’s meaning. Learn the pronunciation of each word and practice until you pronounce it correctly. Continue until you can say the word confidently and know what it means.

  2. Practice with flashcards. Use note cards (or an app) to create flashcards. Write the word on one side and a definition, translation, or picture on the other. Repetition is key to memorizing vocabulary.

  3. Practice words in sentences. Practice saying the word you are learning in a sentence. You can use the sentence patterns to practice the words you are learning.

  4. Apply the word. Think of situations when you would use the word in your daily life. Practice the situation until it is feels natural using the word. As you go to work, school, stores, or other places, use the words in your mind to describe things.

  5. Notice words. Look and listen for new words as you go through your day. You can learn from movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, or songs. Write down new words.

  6. Learn more. Use a dictionary to learn more about new words. Learn definitions, parts of speech, word parts, pronunciation, and example sentences.

  7. Review. Take time to periodically review words you’ve learned in the past. This will help you see how much you have learned and not forget words.

Practice the Patterns

  1. Focus on meaning and fluency. Practice repeating a sentence from the pattern aloud and think of the sentence’s meaning. Continue until you can say the sentence smoothly, confidently, and know what it means.

  2. Record yourself. Record yourself asking and answering questions on your phone. Listen to the recording and pay attention to your fluency and pronunciation.

  3. Practice with a partner. Practice using the patterns to ask and answer questions with a friend. You can practice in person or on the phone. Practice using the patterns as you write messages to a friend.

  4. Think and talk about the patterns. What do you notice about how English works? How is English similar to your language? How is English different from your language? How could you use the pattern from a lesson in a different situation?

  5. Use other resources. Grammar books, apps, websites, and other learners can help you learn more about English grammar patterns.

  6. Notice patterns. Look and listen for the patterns you are learning when you read or listen to English.

Practice Daily

  1. Set a routine. Plan when and where you will study each day and do it. To help you remember, write your goal in a “when” statement. For example, “When I , I .” Here are some examples: “When I ride the bus, I review vocabulary.”; “When I cook dinner, I describe what I am doing in English.”; and “When I pray, I say as much as I can in English.”

  2. Do daily activities in English. Find ways to replace your native language with English in your daily activities. For example, when you listen to music, listen in English. Other ideas: watch movies in English or with English subtitles, change your phone settings to English, and read the scriptures in English.

  3. Read. Read as much as you can in English. Read scriptures, general conference talks, magazines, blogs, news, and other information in English.

  4. Listen. Actively listen as much as you can. Listen to podcasts, scriptures, talks, presentations, videos, TV shows, or movies.

  5. Speak. Find friends, family, and coworkers and practice speaking with them. Share what you have been learning and doing to practice English. Create a group chat and send voice notes.

  6. Write. Find opportunities to write in English. Start writing a daily journal or create a group chat. Use the sentences and vocabulary you are learning.

  7. Complete lesson activities. Do lesson activities and assessments online at englishconnect.org or in the EnglishConnect Workbook.