English Learning
Lesson 17: In the Community

“Lesson 17: In the Community,” EnglishConnect 2 for Learners (2022)

“Lesson 17,” EnglishConnect 2 for Learners

youth sitting outside

Lesson 17

In the Community

Objective: I will learn to describe future events and make invitations.

Personal Study

Prepare for your conversation group by completing activities A through E.

icon a
Study the Principle of Learning: Press Forward

With God’s help, I can press forward even when I face obstacles.

We read about a woman named Ruth in the scriptures who had many challenges. Her husband died, and she did not have children. Her mother-in-law, Naomi, planned to return to her country and told Ruth to stay behind, but Ruth replied,

“Wither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God, my God. … [Naomi] saw that [Ruth] was steadfastly minded to go with her” (Ruth 1:16, 18).

Ruth was determined and faithful. Ruth chose to stay with Naomi and live in a foreign place, far from her family and culture. She chose to be faithful to her new religion. Things were very difficult for Ruth and Naomi. They were very poor and struggled to have enough to eat. Ruth kept moving forward with trust in God, and she took care of Naomi. God saw her struggle and blessed her efforts. After some time, Ruth married again, had children, and had enough food for her family. You can trust God like Ruth did. You can press forward with faith even when things are difficult.

Ruth and Naomi


  • How can you relate to Ruth’s experiences?

  • How can you press forward with hope in God?

  • How does this apply to your experience learning English?

icon b
Memorize Vocabulary

Learn the meaning and pronunciation of each word before your conversation group.

What will you do?

I will …


attend a party

do a service project

go to a concert

play soccer

run a race

watch a movie











at 8:00

in a few days

in two days

next week

on Friday

icon c
Practice Pattern 1

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions.

Q: What will you do (time)?A: I will (verb) (time).


pattern 1 question what will you do time


pattern 1 answer I will verb time


cross-country race

Q: What will you do next week?A: I will run a race next week.

concert at night

Q: What will she do at 8:00 p.m.?A: She will go to a concert at 8:00 p.m.

drummer in marching band

Q: What will they do in a few days?A: They will go to a parade.

icon d
Practice Pattern 2

Practice using the patterns until you can confidently ask and answer questions. Try understanding the rules in the patterns. Think about how English is similar to or different from your language.

Q: When is the (noun)?A: It will be at (time). There will be (noun).


pattern 2 question when is the noun


pattern 2 answer it will be at time


family at elderly woman’s birthday party

Q: When is the party?A: It will be at 8:00 p.m.

Q: Where is the party?A: It will be at the park.

Q: What will happen at the party?A: There will be games and good food.

icon e
Use the Patterns

Write four questions you can ask someone. Write an answer to each question. Read them aloud.

Additional Activities

Complete the lesson activities and assessments online at englishconnect.org/learner/resources or in the EnglishConnect 2 Workbook.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

Continue to practice English daily. Use your “Personal Study Tracker.” Review your study goal and evaluate your efforts.

Conversation Group

Discuss the Principle of Learning: Press Forward

(20–30 minutes)

Ruth and Naomi

icon 1
Activity 1: Practice the Patterns

(10–15 minutes)

Review the vocabulary list with a partner.

Practice pattern 1 with a partner:

  • Practice asking questions.

  • Practice answering questions.

  • Practice a conversation using the patterns.

Repeat for pattern 2.

icon 2
Activity 2: Create Your Own Sentences

(10–15 minutes)

Role-play. Partner A asks questions about the event. Partner B answers questions and invites Partner A to the event. Switch roles.

New Vocabulary

Do you want to come to the concert with me?

How much is it?


Event: Concert

Time: 8:00 p.m.

Day: Thursday

Date: September 14

Cost: $15

Location: South Stadium

Details: A band will play music. There will be a special performance.

concert at night
  • A: What will you do on Thursday?

  • B: I will go to a concert.

  • A: Where is the concert?

  • B: It will be at South Stadium.

  • A: When is the concert?

  • B: It’s at 8:00 p.m.

  • A: What will happen at the concert?

  • B: There will be a special performance. Do you want to come to the concert with me?

  • A: Yes! How much is it?

  • B: It’s 15 dollars.

Chart 1

Event: Soccer Game

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Day: Saturday

Date: June 21

Cost: $22

Location: City Stadium

Details: Paint your face. There will be prizes for the best face paint. You can buy food and drinks.

Chart 2

Event: Charity Lunch

Time: 12:00 p.m.

Day: Friday

Date: May 4

Cost: $50

Location: City Hall

Details: There will be a fundraiser. The mayor will speak. There will be lunch.

Chart 3

Event: School Picnic

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Day: Monday

Date: August 20

Cost: Free

Location: Lakeview Park

Details: There will be games. The children will meet their teachers. There will be food.

icon 3
Activity 3: Create Your Own Conversations

(15–20 minutes)

Ask and answer questions about an event. Use an event from the list or an event happening in your life. Say as much as you can. Take turns.


church meeting
  • A: What will you do next week?

  • B: I will attend a church event.

  • A: When is the church event?

  • B: It is on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

  • A: Where is the church event?

  • B: It is at the church on Meadow Parkway.

  • A: What will happen at the church event?

  • B: There will be a speaker, a piano performance, and food.

Events List

birthday party

church event

community service project

dance party







(5–10 minutes)

Evaluate your progress on the objectives and your efforts to practice English daily.

Evaluate Your Progress

I can:

  • Ask about future events.

    neutral face, content face, happy face
  • Talk about future events.

    neutral face, content face, happy face
  • Make invitations.

    neutral face, content face, happy face

Evaluate Your Efforts

Evaluate your efforts to:

  1. Study the principle of learning.

  2. Memorize Vocabulary.

  3. Practice the patterns.

  4. Practice daily.

Set a goal. Consider the study suggestions in the “Personal Study Tracker.”

Share your goal with a partner.

Act in Faith to Practice English Daily

“I testify that as we continually strive to overcome our challenges, God will bless us. … He will do for us what we are not capable of doing for ourselves” (Ulisses Soares, “Take Up Our Cross,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 114).
