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Teaching Pamphlets
Why Is Family So Important?

“Why Is Family So Important?” Families and Temples (2016), 1

“Why Is Family So Important?” Families and Temples, 1

Why Is Family So Important?

family on hike

Family is the source of many of our greatest joys.

Even before you were born, you were part of a family. You lived with God before this life. You are a child of heavenly parents and an important part of Their eternal family. They love you and want you to be happy. When your life on earth is over, They want you and your loved ones to return to live with Them forever. The opportunity to return to God is made possible by the atoning sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.

The family is ordained of God and is central to His plan for our eternal happiness. Families are intended to help God’s children learn and grow in righteousness. Marriage between a man and a woman is also ordained of God. Husband and wife have a sacred responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. As you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, God will bless you and your family.