Handbooks and Callings
Experience the Joy of Family History for Yourself

Experience the Joy of Family History for Yourself

As a leader in the Church, you have numerous demands on your time, and there is never enough time to do all that is expected of you. You are also often expected to be the example in all things—even when you may not have any prior experience.

As you desire to better understand the divinely appointed responsibility of enabling the salvation of the dead by performing vicarious ordinances, consider meeting with a temple and family history consultant.

A temple and family history consultant can help you have a personalized family history experience. Personalized family history experiences are meant to be short and help you to have an experience that applies to you and your family as you seek the blessings offered to those who engage in this holy work. After you have had this experience, invite your council to have a similar experience.

This video will help you learn more about the promised blessings of family history.

Modern Apostles, including David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, Neil L. Andersen, and Dale G. Renlund, have promised many powerful blessings to those who participate in family history and temple service.
