“Lesson 13 Teacher Material: The Laws of God,” Foundations of the Restoration Teacher Material (2019)
“Lesson 13 Teacher Material,” Foundations of the Restoration Teacher Material
Lesson 13 Teacher Material
The Laws of God
The Lord has revealed His laws and commandments again in this dispensation through Joseph Smith and subsequent prophets. This lesson will prepare students to explain God’s divine purposes for giving His children commandments. Students will also be invited to determine what they can do to more faithfully keep the Lord’s commandments.
Suggestions for Teaching
The Lord gives us laws and commandments for our salvation.
Show students the video “Why Does God Give Us Commandments?” (0:39), and ask them to look for what it illustrates about the way some people may view God’s commandments.
Why Does God Give us Commandments?
How does this video illustrate the attitude some young adults may have toward God’s laws and commandments?
What might some people who view God’s law’s as restrictive misunderstand?
Explain that there are more important purposes for God’s laws than merely physical protection or mortal testing. In His revelations to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord taught the Saints some higher reasons that God gives His children laws and commandments. Invite half the class to read Doctrine and Covenants 93:19–20 silently and the other half of the class to read Doctrine and Covenants 130:20–21 silently. Ask students to look for the Lord’s promises to those who keep God’s laws and commandments. Have students report what they found.
Point out that God’s “fulness” referred to in Doctrine and Covenants 93:19–20 is the promise of eternal life—to enter God’s presence and to become like the Father and the Son (see Doctrine and Covenants 76:94).
How would you summarize a truth from these scripture passages about why Heavenly Father gives His children commandments? (Using students’ words, write on the board or display a statement of doctrine similar to the following: Heavenly Father gives His children commandments so He can bless them and help them become like Him.)
To deepen students’ understanding of this truth, display the following statement by Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and invite a student to read it aloud:
God’s plan includes directions for us, referred to in the scriptures as commandments. These commandments are neither a whimsical set nor an arbitrary collection of imposed rules meant only to train us to be obedient. They are linked to our developing the attributes of godliness, returning to our Heavenly Father, and receiving enduring joy. (“Choose You This Day,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 105)
How are commandments an indication of our Heavenly Father’s and Savior’s love for us?
What difference can it make in our lives to see the commandments as loving instructions that will help us acquire the attributes of godliness and receive joy?
The Lord gives the Saints His law.
Remind students that shortly after the Prophet Joseph Smith moved to Kirtland, Ohio, he received a revelation containing the Lord’s law for His Church (see Doctrine and Covenants 42). In the years that followed, the Lord taught the Saints more of His law.
What are some of the ancient laws and commandments the Lord has reaffirmed in our dispensation?
Remind students of the assignment they were given in the preparation material. Give students a few minutes to review the law or laws they studied. Invite students who may not have studied one of the laws outlined in the preparation material to do so during this time.
Small group discussions and assignments can help students learn more deeply. Dividing the class into pairs or small groups allows more students to express their thoughts and feelings and to teach one another. To help students have a meaningful experience together, make sure they understand the intent and relevance of what they are discussing before they begin. You might also assign a discussion leader or designate one student to share first.
After sufficient time, divide the class into small groups (two to five students per group) according to the law they chose to study. For example, two to five students who chose to study the law of consecration would form a group. There may need to be multiple groups that discuss the same law if more than five students chose to study the same law. (If your class is small or if only one student chose to study a particular law, then adjust this activity to meet the needs of your class. For example, you might invite the one student to share what he or she learned with you or with a group who studied a different topic.)
Ask students to designate one group member as the leader. Give each group leader a copy of the accompanying handout “God’s Laws.”
God’s Laws
Group leader instructions: Please lead your group in a meaningful discussion of the following questions. Be sure to include each member of the group in your discussion.
What truth or truths did you learn from your study?
What challenges are associated with obeying this law today, and how might they be overcome?
What blessings have you or your family received through keeping this law?
How can obeying this law help you become more like Heavenly Father?
As you conclude, identify a person who will share with the class a few highlights from your group discussion.
God’s Laws
Give the groups 10 minutes, or enough time to have a meaningful discussion. After sufficient time, invite representatives from each group to share with the entire class a few highlights from their discussion. Consider encouraging each representative to share how obeying the law he or she studied can help us become more like our Heavenly Father.
Share your testimony and experience of how obeying God’s laws and commandments has blessed your life and helped you become more like Heavenly Father.
Display the following questions. Give students time to ponder the questions, write down their impressions, and identify actions they feel inspired to take. Encourage students to prayerfully seek Heavenly Father’s help and guidance to act on the impressions they received. You might also invite them to determine a time to follow up on what they have committed to do.
Which of the Lord’s commandments discussed today could I more faithfully keep?
What specifically do I need to change, start doing, or stop doing to more fully keep this commandment?
What blessings, attributes of godliness, and joy would come into my life by following this commandment more closely and with greater sincerity?
For Next Time
Explain that one of the unique beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that God continues to guide His children by providing additional scripture. Invite students to study the preparation material for the next lesson and come prepared to discuss how additional scripture clarifies and deepens our understanding of the Savior’s gospel.