Handbooks and Callings
25. Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake

“25. Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake,” Selections from the General Handbook (2023).

“25. Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake,” Selections from the General Handbook



Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake



Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity (see Matthew 16:19). This work includes:

More information is available at “Temples” and “Family History” (Gospel Topics, topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).


Member and Leader Participation in Temple and Family History Work

Church members have the privilege and responsibility to help unite their families for eternity. They prepare themselves to make covenants as they receive temple ordinances, and they strive to keep those covenants.

Church members are encouraged to identify their deceased relatives who have not received temple ordinances. Members then perform the ordinances on behalf of those relatives (see Doctrine and Covenants 128:18). In the spirit world, deceased individuals can choose to accept or reject the ordinances that have been performed for them.


Individual Responsibility for Temple Attendance

Members determine for themselves when and how often to worship in the temple. Leaders do not establish quotas or reporting systems for temple attendance.


Organizing Temple and Family History Work in the Ward



The bishopric coordinates with the elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies as they lead the ward’s temple and family history efforts. These leaders counsel together regularly.

The bishopric also has the following responsibilities for temple and family history work in the ward:

  • Ensure that the doctrine and blessings of temple and family history work are taught at church.

  • Ensure that temple and family history work is coordinated in ward council and ward youth council meetings.

  • Oversee the organization of temple preparation courses (see 25.2.8).

  • Issue temple recommends (see chapter 26).


Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidencies

The elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies lead the day-to-day temple and family history efforts in the ward (see 8.2.4 and 9.2.4). They work together to lead these efforts with the ward council, under the coordination of the bishop.

These leaders have the following responsibilities:

  • Help members prepare to receive temple ordinances and make temple covenants.

  • Encourage members to worship in the temple as often as their circumstances allow.

  • Encourage members to learn about their ancestors and perform temple ordinances on their behalf.

  • Lead the work of the ward temple and family history leader. If this leader is not called, a member of the elders quorum presidency fills this role (see 25.2.3).

The elders quorum president and Relief Society president each assign a presidency member to help lead temple and family history work in the ward. These two presidency members work together. They attend ward temple and family history coordination meetings (see 25.2.7).


Ward Temple and Family History Leader

The bishopric consults with the stake president to determine whether to call a ward temple and family history leader. This person should be a Melchizedek Priesthood holder.

The ward temple and family history leader supports the elders quorum presidency and Relief Society presidency in their temple and family history responsibilities. He also has the following responsibilities:

  • Lead ward temple and family history coordination meetings (see 25.2.7).

  • Instruct ward temple and family history consultants. Coordinate their efforts to help members with temple and family history work.

  • Work with the ward mission leader and the missionaries to help those learning the gospel, new members, and returning members engage in temple and family history work.


Ward Temple and Family History Consultants

Ward temple and family history consultants serve under the direction of the ward temple and family history leader or the member of the elders quorum presidency who fills this role. The bishopric calls these members to serve. Adults and youth may be called.

Consultants have the following responsibilities:

  • Help members experience the blessings of discovering their ancestors and performing temple ordinances on their behalf.

  • Help members prepare to receive temple ordinances and make temple covenants.

  • Participate in temple and family history coordination meetings (see 25.2.7).


Ward Temple and Family History Coordination Meetings

Brief informal ward temple and family history coordination meetings are held regularly. If a ward temple and family history leader is called, he conducts these meetings. Otherwise, the member of the elders quorum presidency who fills this role conducts.

Others who are invited include:

  • Assigned members of the Relief Society and elders quorum presidencies.

  • An assistant in the priests quorum.

  • A presidency member of the oldest Young Women class.

  • Temple and family history consultants.

The purpose of these meetings is to:

  • Plan how to help specific ward members with their temple and family history work as requested.

These meetings may be held in person or remotely. Coordination can also happen in other ways, including phone calls, texts, and emails.


Temple Preparation Course

Under the bishop’s direction, a temple preparation course may be organized to help members prepare to make covenants as they receive temple ordinances. These courses are held outside of regular Sunday meetings at a time convenient for members. They may be held at a meetinghouse or in a home.

Lessons and instructions for organizing the course are in the Endowed from on High: Temple Preparation Seminar Teacher’s Manual. Participants are given copies of Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple. For personal study and lesson resources, see temples.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


Family History Resources


My Family: Stories That Bring Us Together

My Family: Stories That Bring Us Together helps people discover relatives and ancestors and gather their stories. This booklet can also help members begin to prepare family names for temple ordinances.

The booklet can be downloaded at ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Physical copies can be ordered at store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


FamilySearch.org and FamilySearch Apps

FamilySearch.org is the Church’s website for temple and family history work. It can help users:

  • Build family tree connections and relationships.

  • Discover ancestors and their stories.

  • Share and preserve family stories, photographs, and histories.

  • Prepare family names for temple ordinances.

The Family Tree app and FamilySearch Memories app enable people to participate in temple and family history work from mobile devices.


Recommending and Calling Temple Workers


Recommending Temple Workers

Potential temple workers are identified in the following ways:

  • Members identified by the bishop or another ward leader

  • Members who approach the bishop about serving

  • Members recommended by the temple president, the matron, or another temple leader

  • Members who are preparing for or have recently returned from missionary service (see chapter 24)

The names of potential temple workers are submitted using the Recommend Temple Worker tool. This tool is available to bishops, stake presidents, and temple presidencies.
