Bavideo mpe Bilili
Buku ya Molomoni

Buku ya Molomoni

  1. Lehi Asakoli na Bato na Yelusaleme

    1 Ne. 1:18–20

    Lehi preaching to the people of Jerusalem. Several people are mocking and pointing their fingers at him. Lehi is standing above them on a raised area. There are palm trees and buildings in the background.
  2. Liawona

    1 Ne. 16:10, 26–29; Alama 37:38–46

    The Book of Mormon prophet Lehi portrayed kneeling on the ground. Lehi is holding the Liahona in his hands. Nephi is standing behind Lehi and is also looking at the Liahona. Other members of the family of Lehi are gathered around Lehi and Nephi.
  3. Ndoto ya Leyi

    1 Ne. 8; 11–12

    Lehi’s Dream, by Jerry Thompson
  4. Nefi Alendisi Bandeko na Ye Mibali Batomboki

    1 Ne. 17:15–55

    Nephi Rebuking His Rebellious Brothers, by Arnold Friberg
  5. Lehi mpe Bato na Ye bakomi na Mboka Elakelamaki

    1 Ne. 18:1–24

    The Book of Mormon prophet Lehi and his family aboard a ship. The family members are looking at and pointing to the shores of the promised land. Birds are flying around the ship.
  6. Enosa Asambeli

    Enosa 1

    Enos kneeling in prayer in a forest landscape. He is carrying a hunting bow and arrows.
  7. Molomoni Asali Bokuse ya Bapalaki

    M ya M 1:1–11; 3 Ne. 5:9–18

    The Book of Mormon prophet Mormon sitting on a bench. The bench is covered with a leopard skin. Mormon has his left arm resting on the gold plates. His right hand is resting on a roll of parchment on his lap. The gold plates are sitting on a table along with other parchment rolls. Numerous other gold plates and parchment rolls are lying on shelves in the background.
  8. Mokonzi Benyamina Alobeli Bato na Ye

    Moziya 1:9–11, 18; 2–6

    Benjamin (Book of Mormon king) standing on a tower constructed within a temple complex. The king is delivering his final address to the Nephite people. The Nephites are gathered around the temple complex listening to the king.
  9. Abinadi Liboso ya Mokonzi Noa

    Moziya 11:20–29; 12:17–37; 13–17

    The Book of Mormon prophet Abinadi preaching before King Noah and the wicked priests. Abinadi is bound in chains. Scriptural reference: Mosiah 12:18-37, 13:1-9
  10. Alama Abatisi na Mai ya Molomoni

    Moziya 18:7–17

    Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon, by Arnold Friberg
  11. Bobongwani ya Elenge Alama

    Moziya 27:8–37; Alama 36:3–24

    An angel appearing to Alma the Younger. The angel is commanding Alma to stop persecuting the church. The four sons of King Mosiah are also present.
  12. Amona Abikisi Bitonga ya Mokonzi Lamoni

    Alama 17:20–39

    Ammon (Book of Mormon figure) using a sword to defend the flocks of the Lamanite King Lamoni. Scriptural reference: Alma 17:26-39
  13. Kapiteni Moloni Atomboli Nkombo ya Bonsomi

    Alama 46:10–37

    Moroni (Book of Mormon military captain) standing with his sword pointed toward those of his soldiers. Moroni is waving the "Title of Liberty" as he rallies the Nephite armies. The swords of the Nephite soldiers are raised toward the "Title of Liberty" as a sign of support. Scriptural reference: Alma 46:12-22
  14. Bilenge Mibali Babundi Nkoto Mibale

    Alama 53:10–22; 56; 57:19–27

    The Book of Mormon prophet Helaman riding on a white horse. Helaman is leading an army of 2,000 young Lamanite warriors. The warriors are marching and carrying spears. Scriptural reference: Alma 53:16-22.
  15. Samwele Molamani likolo ya Efelo

    Elam. 13:1–16:8; 3 Ne. 1:4–15; 8:3–25

    Samuel the Lamanite (Book of Mormon prophet) preaching to the Nephites. Samuel is portrayed standing on top of a stone wall. Some of the Nephites are shooting arrows at Samuel in an attempt to kill him. Scriptural reference: Helaman 16:2
  16. Yesu Ateyi na Amerika

    3 Ne. 11:8–41; 12–26

    Christ in white robes stands at the top of stone steps and is surrounded by people worshipping him. Mountains, trees and partially crumbled buildings are visible in the background. Depiction of Christ as a resurrected being appearing to the Nephites. (3 Nephi 11:10)
  17. Yesu Abikisi Banefite

    3 Ne. 17:5–10

    Jesus Healing the Nephites, by Ted Henninger
  18. Yesu Apamboli Bana Mike Banefite

    3 Ne. 17:11–25

    The resurrected Christ in the Americas, among the Nephites. He has His hands out teaching a group of surrounding children. Angels are in the background.
  19. Ndeko Mobali ya Yelede Amoni Mosapi na Nkolo

    Etele 3:1–16

    The Brother of Jared Sees the Finger of the Lord, by Arnold Friberg
  20. Moloni Abombi Bapalaki na Ngomba Kumola

    Molom. 6:6; 8:1, 3–4; Molo. 10:1–5

    Moroni Burying the Plates, by Tom Lovell

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