Відеоматеріали і зображення
Альбом ‘Євангелія в мистецтві’

Як користуватися цією книгою

Ілюстрації в цьому альбомі упорядковані по шести категоріях: “Старий Завіт”, “Новий Завіт”, “Книга Мормона”, “Історія церкви”, “Євангелія в дії” та “Пророки останніх днів”. Ви можете користуватися цими ілюстраціями, коли навчаєтеся євангелії або викладаєте її вдома чи в Церкві. Нижче вказаний перелік дає опис кожної ілюстрації, а також посилання на Писання та інші джерела, до яких можна звертатися, щоб дізнатися про сюжет ілюстрації та обговорити його. Дослідження цих посилань та інших джерел поглибить ваше розуміння зображених подій та євангельських принципів. Нижче подані ідеї допоможуть у використанні ілюстрації та посилань:

  • Запропонуйте присутнім дослідити вірші з Писань або інші джерела, що відповідають певній ілюстрації. Попросіть їх прочитати або коротко переказати зміст під час обговорення ілюстрації.

  • Запропонуйте сім’ї або учням описати, що вони бачать на ілюстрації або які почуття вона викликає у них. Яких євангельських принципів навчає ця ілюстрація? Як це стосується нашого сучасного життя?

  • Запропонуйте присутнім самостійно роздивитися ілюстрації. Вони можуть взяти два зображення, щоб порівняти їх. Спостереження та запитання стосовно зображень започаткують обговорення Писань та євангельських принципів.

Перелік ілюстрацій та відповідних джерел

Старий Завіт

  1. Ісус Христос

    Вихід 3:14; УЗ 38:1; Іван 14:6; Мосія 3:17; Геламан 5:12; 3 Нефій 9:14–18; Мормон 9:11; УЗ 76:22–24, 40–42

    Frontal head and shoulders portrait of Jesus Christ. Christ is depicted wearing a pale red robe with a white and blue shawl over one shoulder. Light emanates from His face.
  2. Господь створив усе

    Moйсей 1:31–33, 39; 7:30; Мосія 4:9

    A photograph of space showing stars and other celestial bodies.
  3. Земля

    Буття 1; Мойсей 2; УЗ 59:16–21; див. також посилання на Писання до ілюстрації 2

    Photograph of the earth from space.
  4. Адам і Єва навколішки перед олтарем

    2 Нефій 2:17–25; Moйсей 5:4–11

    Adam (Old Testament prophet) and his wife Eve kneeling at an altar constructed of stones.
  5. Адам і Єва навчають своїх дітей

    Мойсей 5:12; УЗ 68:25, 28

    Adam and Eve sitting with their children under a tree.
  6. Місто Сіон забрано на небо

    Буття 5:24; Євреям 11:5; Moйсей 7:18–19, 69

    The Old Testament prophet Enoch and people from the City of Zion being translated. The people are depicted kneeling on a cloud. Enoch has his arms raised in the air.
  7. Побудова ковчегу

    Буття 6–7; Мойсей 8

    Noah preaches to crowd
  8. Ной і ковчег з тваринами

    Буття 6:12–22; 7:2–23; 8

    The Old Testament prophet Noah and his family aboard the ark. Noah is watching the animals board the ark. Storm clouds and lightning are depicted in the sky.
  9. Авраам веде Ісака, щоб принести в жертву

    Буття 21:1–8; 22:1–18; Кн. Якова 4:5

    The Old Testament prophet Abraham with his son Isaac. Isaac is portrayed as a young man. Abraham and Isaac are standing by a donkey. The donkey is carrying wood for Abraham to use to prepare a sacrifice. The image depicts Abraham preparing to obey the command to sacrifice his son Isaac.
  10. Ревека біля колодязя

    Буття 24

    The Old Testament figure Rebekah pouring water from a jug into a cup. The cup is held by the servant of Abraham. The servant is depicted seeking a wife for Isaac, the son of Abraham.
  11. Джозеф опирається дружині Потіфара

    Буття 39; УЗ 42:22–24

    The wife of Potiphar (an officer in the court of Pharaoh of Egypt) pulling on the arm and cloak of Joseph (the son of Israel and overseer of Potiphar's house). Joseph is resisting the advances of Potiphar's wife.
  12. Яків благословляє своїх синів

    Буття 49

    The Old Testament prophet Israel (Jacob) with his sons gathered around him. One of the sons (Joseph) is kneeling before his father. Israel has his hand on the son's head as he prepares to give him a priesthood blessing.
  13. Мойсей і палаючий кущ

    Вихід 3:1–4:17; Дії 7:30–33

    The Old Testament prophet Moses kneeling before the burning bush on Mount Sinai. Light is emanating from the bush.
  14. Десять заповідей

    Вихід 19–20

    The Old Testament prophet Moses standing near Mount Sinai. Moses is holding the tablets with the Ten Commandments engraved on them.
  15. Мойсей надає священство Аарону

    Вихід 28:1–29:9; 40:12–15; Євреям 5:4

    The Old Testament prophet Moses ordaining his brother Aaron to the ministry. Aaron is seated in a chair before Moses. Several priests are gathered around watching. The ordination is depicted in the interior courtyard of the tabernacle in the wilderness.
  16. Мойсей та мідяний змій

    Числа 21:4–9; Іван 3:14; Aлма 33:19–21

    The Old Testament prophet Moses pointing to a staff with a brass serpent attached to the top. The painting illustrates the event wherein Moses promised the Israelites that they would be saved from the fiery serpents if they looked at the brass serpent.
  17. Рут збирає на полі колоски

    Рут 1–4

    Ruth (Old Testament figure) gleaning wheat in the fields of Boaz. Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ruth and kinswoman of Boaz, is bringing a cup of water or refreshment to Ruth as she works. There are other men and women working in the fields. These people are depicted in the background. The painting depicts Ruth gleaning in the fields in hopes of gaining the favor of Boaz. Boaz is not depicted in the painting.
  18. Господь покликає юного Самуїла

    1 Самуїлова 3

    The Old Testament prophet Samuel depicted as a young boy. Samuel is sitting up in his bed. Samuel is listening having heard the voice of the Lord calling to him.
  19. Давид убиває Ґоліята

    1 Самуїлова 17

    David and Goliath
  20. Ілля змагається зі священиками Ваала

    1 Царів 18:17–39

    The Old Testament prophet Elijah standing next to an altar. Elijah has his arms extended as he commands fire from heaven to consume the altar.
  21. Естер

    Eстер 3:8–15; 4; 7

    Queen Esther, by Minerva Teichert
  22. Ісая пише про народження Христа

    Ісая 7:14; 9:6–7

    The Old Testament prophet Isaiah writing on a roll of parchment. Two men (New Testament apostles) are witnessing the event. They are depicted standing behind Isaiah. A landscape of mountains is in the background. Above the landscape is an image of Mary (the mother of Christ), Joseph (the carpenter) and the infant Jesus Christ in the manger. The painting depicts the prophecy of Isaiah regarding the birth of Jesus Christ.
  23. Даниїл відмовляється від царевих страв і вина

    Даниїл 1; УЗ 89

    The Old Testament prophet Daniel refusing to eat of the meat and wine offered by the servant of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel is depicted with his arm and hand extended toward the food in a gesture of refusal. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are also present with Daniel as the food is refused.
  24. Даниїл тлумачить сон Навуходоносора

    Даниїл 2

    The Old Testament prophet Daniel kneeling before King Nebuchadnezzar and the king's idolatrous priest. Daniel is interpreting the king's dream of the kingdoms of the world. A portrayal of the dream is depicted beside the king.
  25. Троє чоловіків у вогняній печі

    Даниїл 3; Алма 36:3

    Jesus Christ depicted standing with the Old Testament figures Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar. The three men standing with Christ are unharmed by the flames. The servants of the king are backing away and falling to the ground due to the intense heat of the furnace.
  26. Даниїл у лев’ячій ямі

    Даниїл 6

    The Old Testament prophet Daniel in the lion's den at the decree of King Darius. Daniel is resting his hand on the back of one of the lions. The lions are not harming Daniel. Daniel is looking up at the entrance of the lion's den at men who are astonished that Daniel is unharmed.
  27. Йона

    Йона 1–3

    Jonah on the beach

Новий Завіт

  1. Благовіщення: ангел Гавриїл являється Марії

    Ісая 7:14; Лука 1:26–38; Мосія 3:8; Алма 7:10

    The angel Gabriel (Noah) appearing to Mary and declaring to her that she would become the mother of Jesus Christ. Mary is depicted seated on a round stone ledge. The ledge borders a tree and flowers. The angel Gabriel is depicted wearing white robes. A stone wall and stairways are in the background. There are flowers in the foreground. Luke 1:26-38
  2. Йосип і Марія подорожують до Віфлеєма

    Лука 2:1–5

    Joseph and Mary fleeing by night with the infant Jesus Christ to escape the edict of Herod to slay the young male children. Mary is depicted riding on a donkey holding the infant or young child Jesus Christ. Joseph is leading the donkey. A tree and buildings are in the background. (Matthew 2:13-15)
  3. Народження Ісуса

    Ісая 7:14; Лука 2:1–16; 1 Нефій 11:13–21; Алма 7:10

    The holdings attached to this bib record are part of the 1990 acquisition of Carl Bloch paintings. The painting was cleaned and restored prior to being photographed by Danish photographer Hans Petersen.
  4. Пастухам являється ангел

    Лука 2:8–20

    The Angel Appears to the Shepherds, by Walter Rane
  5. Семен поклоняється Дитині-Ісусу

    Лука 2:22–39

    Mary (the mother of Christ) and Joseph (the carpenter) presenting the infant Jesus Christ in the temple. Simeon (the man promised by revelation not to see death until he had seen the Messiah) is holding the infant Christ in his arms. Mary, Joseph and Simeon are looking at the infant. Men, women and the pillars of the temple are visible in the background.
  6. Ісус молиться разом зі Своєю матір’ю

    Лука 2:40, 51–52; Іван 19:26–27

    Jesus Christ depicted as a child with his mother Mary. Christ is kneeling beside Mary and resting His clasped hands on Mary's lap. Mary has her head bowed as she and the young Christ pray. There is an oil lamp burning on a table next to the mother and son.
  7. Хлопчик Ісус у храмі

    Лука 2:41–52; ПДС, Лука 2:46, зноска c(в англійському варіанті Біблії)

    Jesus Christ at age twelve in the temple at Jerusalem during the Feast of the Passover. A group of learned Jewish doctors are gathered around Christ. The doctors are expressing astonishment at the wisdom and understanding of the young Christ. (Luke 2:41-50)
  8. Іван Христитель христить Ісуса

    Матвій 3:13–17; ПДС, Матвій 3:43–46; Maрк 1:9–11; 2 Нефій 31:4–13

    Jesus Christ being baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Christ has been immersed and is ascending out of the water.
  9. Ісус і самарянка

    Іван 4:3–30, 39–42; УЗ 63:23

    Jesus Christ depicted teaching a Samaritan woman at a well. Christ is portrayed sitting on the edge of the well. The woman is seated on the ground before Him.
  10. Покликання рибалок

    Матвій 4:18–22; Maрк 1:16–20

    Christ (in white robes) walking along a seashore. He is beckoning to Peter and Andrew (who are on a fishing boat with other fishermen) to follow Him. The painting depicts Christ's calling of Peter and Andrew to follow Him as they would later be ordained as His Apostles.
  11. Ісус висвячує апостолів

    Матвій 10:1–4; Іван 15:16; Eфесянам 2:19–20; Уложення віри 1:5–6

    Christ with the twelve men chosen by Him to be His Apostles. Christ has His hands upon the head of one of the men (who kneels before Him) as He ordains the man to be an Apostle. The other eleven Apostles are standing to the left and right of Christ.
  12. Проповідь на Горі

    Матвій 5–7

    Jesus Christ preaching to a multitude of people. Christ is seated on a rocky hillside. He is dressed in red and blue robes. He has one arm raised. Some of the figures have their hands clasped in devotion.
  13. Ісус Христос утихомирює бурю

    Матвій 8:23–27; Maрк 4:36–41; Лука 8:22–25

    Painting of Christ standing in a boat. He has His arm raised. There are others in the boat, but the light is shining on Christ. Depiction of Christ stilling the storm as found in Mark 4:35-41.
  14. Повернення до життя Яірової дочки

    Матвій 9:18–19, 23–25; Maрк 5:22–24, 35–43; Лука 8:41–42, 49–56

    Jesus Christ at the home of Jairus. Christ is standing beside the bed of the twelve-year-old daughter of Jairus. The girl's father and mother are standing on the other side of the bed. Christ is holding the hand of the girl as He helps her rise from her bed. The girl, who had been declared dead, is looking up at Christ. Light from a window is shining on the girl's face, and on the back of Christ.
  15. Христос уздоровлює хворого біля Віфесди

    Іван 5:1–9

    Jesus Christ (at the pools of Bethesda) lifting a blanket under which a crippled man lies. Christ is looking compassionately at the man and extending His hand toward him. Other people are gathered around the pools and around Christ.
  16. Ісус іде по воді

    Матвій 14:22–33; Maрк 6:45–51

    Jesus Christ walking on the water and reaching down to lift up Peter who is sinking. A fishing boat with other apostles is in the background.
  17. Добрий самарянин

    Лука 10:25–37

    The painting depicts the Good Samritan administering to the beaten and injured man stripped of his clothing. A camel rests behind to the right. The scene takes place in a rocky desert setting reminiscent of the Holy Land.
  18. Марія і Марта

    Лука 10:38–42

    Jesus Christ talking with Mary and Martha of Bethany.
  19. Десять прокажених

    Лука 17:11–19

    A healed leper talking to Jesus Christ as other healed lepers run down a hill towards a town throwing their crutches away.
  20. Христос і діти

    Матвій 19:13–15; Maрк 10:13–16

    Jesus Christ sitting on a stone ledge by a well. He has His arm around a young boy who stands beside Him. Several other children are gathered around Christ. The children are looking up at Christ. A woman and two men are watching.
  21. Христос і багатий юнак

    Матвій 19:16–26; Maрк 10:17–27; Лука 18:18–27

    Jesus Christ depicted in red and black robes. Christ is talking to a rich young man. Christ has His arms extended as He gestures toward a poorly dressed man and woman. The painting depicts the event wherein Christ was approached by a young man who inquired of Christ what he should do to gain eternal life. Christ instructed him to obey the commandments and to give his wealth to the poor and follow Him. The young man was unable to part with his wealth and went away sorrowfully. (Matthew 19:16-26) (Mark 10:17-27) (Luke 18:18-27)
  22. Ісус піднімає з мертвих Лазаря

    Іван 11:1–46

    Christ at the tomb of Lazarus. He has His hand extended to the entry of the tomb as He commands Lazarus to rise from the dead. Lazarus (in burial robes) is visible standing inside the entry to the tomb. A man is moving the stone door of the tomb away from the tomb entry. Several people (men and women) are watching the miracle in amazement.
  23. Тріумфальний в’їзд

    Захарій 9:9; Матвій 21:1–11; Maрк 11:1–11; Лука 19:29–38

    Jesus Christ in white robes riding on a white donkey. He is passing through a brick arch into Jerusalem. Numerous people are following Him. Some of which are waving palm leaves and laying cloth on the ground in front of Him.
  24. Ісус очищує храм

    Матвій 21:12–14; Maрк 11:15–17; Лука 19:45–46; Іван 2:13–17

    Christ standing in the midst of the temple in Jerusalem. He is holding a whip above His head. He is driving the merchants from the temple.
  25. Дім Мого Батька

    Матвій 21:14–15; Лука 21:37–38; Іван 2:16; 8:2

    The Old City of Jerusalem (in present day Israel) depicted as it would have appeared in Palestine during the lifetime of Jesus Christ. The Temple of Herod, the walls around the city and the Antonia Fortress are portrayed. The city is viewed from a hillside covered with wildflowers and olive trees. The Garden of Gethsemane is on the hillside. The angle of view is from the Garden of Gethsemane looking toward the City of Jerusalem.
  26. Притча про десятьох дів

    Матвій 25:1–13; УЗ 33:17–18; 45:56–57

    Painting depicting the parable of the ten virgins as taught by Jesus Christ. Five of the women are adding oil to their lamps in preparation to meet the bridegroom. The other five women have no oil and are asking the five wise virgins for oil. The wise women are not able to spare the oil for the foolish.
  27. Остання вечеря

    Матвій 26:17–30; ПДС, Матвій 26:24–25; Maрк 14:12–26; Лука 22:7–20

    Jesus Christ seated at a table with His apostles. The apostles are watching Christ as He breaks bread and offers it to them in remembrance of His body and blood. The painting depicts the institution of the Sacrament at the Last Supper.
  28. Ісус омиває апостолам ноги

    Іван 13:4–15; ПДС, Іван 13:8–10

    Jesus Christ with the twelve apostles. Christ (depicted wearing a white robe with a yellow sash), is kneeling before one of the apostles as He washes the feet of that apostle. The other eleven apostles are gathered around a table (having just completed the last supper). They are watching Christ. (John 13:1-20)
  29. Ісус молиться в Гефсиманії

    Матвій 26:36–45; Лука 22:39–46; Aлма 7:11–13

    Jesus Christ depicted kneeling at the base of a tree in the Garden of Gethsemane during the Atonement. Christ has His hands clasped as He prays.
  30. Розп’яття

    Псалми 22:16; Матвій 27:31–50; Maрк 15:20–37; Лука 23:33–46; Іван 19:16–37; 1 Нефій 19:10; 2 Нефій 6:9; 10:3, 5; 25:13; Moсія 3:9; 15:7

    Christ hanging on a cross at Calvary. Two thieves, also hanging on crosses are at the left and right of Christ. Numerous observers, including Mary, the mother of Christ, Mary Magdalene, other mourners and Roman soldiers are gathered around the crosses. Thunder clouds are gathering in the sky.
  31. Поховання Ісуса

    Ісая 53:9; Матвій 27:57–61; Іван 19:38–42

    Painting by Carl Bloch - The body of the crucified Christ being wrapped in white burial cloth (presumably by Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus) in preparation for entombment. Several men and women are gathered around the crucified body. They are mourning the crucifixion.
  32. Марія і воскреслий Ісус Христос

    Ісая 25:8; Іван 20:10–18

    The scripture from John 20:15-16 is depicted where the resurrected Christ asks Mary Magdalene "Why weepest thou?"
  33. Ісус показує Свої рани

    Лука 24:33–43; Іван 20:19–20

    The resurrected Jesus Christ appearing to the Apostles in an upper room. Christ has His hands outstretched as He shows the prints of the nails in His hands to the Apostles. The Apostles are gathered around Christ and look at Him in wonder.
  34. Тож ідіть

    Матвій 28:16–20; Maрк 16:14–20; УЗ 31:3–5

    The resurrected Jesus Christ standing with the apostles outside the city of Jerusalem. Christ is dressed in white robes and has His arms extended as He speaks to the eleven apostles. Christ is commanding the apostles to preach the gospel to all nations. The city Jerusalem is visible in the background.
  35. Вознесіння Христа

    Дії 1:9–11

    The eleven apostles of Jesus Christ (all except Judas Iscariot) gathered together in Galilee. Two angels (dressed in white) are standing with the apostles and pointing to the heavens. The apostles are looking upward. The painting depicts the ascension of the resurrected Jesus Christ into the heavens. Christ is not depicted in the picture. (Mark 16:19-20) (Luke 24:50-53) (Acts 1:9-11)
  36. Степан бачить Ісуса по правицю Бога

    Дії 7:54–60

    This painting depicts the stonong of Stephen as described in Acts 7:54-60. From a reclining position Stephen acknowledges through gesture the presence of the Father and the Son who stand in white at the top of the painting in the opened heavens. Those stoning Stephen do so with hatred and gross violence. Saul holds the garments of two of them. Two priests with indifferent looks stand to the right. The painting is signed, "Walter Rane."
  37. Ісус тримає заблукале ягня

    Лука 15:4–7; Іван 10:11–16; Aлма 5:37–42

    Lost lamb, The
  38. Ісус біля дверей

    Об’явлення 3:20

    Jesus Christ depicted knocking on a door. Christ is portrayed wearing red and white robes. The painting illustrates the concept of Christ "knocking on the door," as described in scripture. There is no doorknob depicted in the painting, symbolizing that the door must be opened from within.
  39. Друге пришестя

    Матвій 16:27; 24:30–31; 25:31; УЗ 45:44–45; 133:19, 44–52; ДС—Mатвій 1:1, 36–40

    Jesus Christ in white robes and a red sash, standing on a cloud in the air, surrounded by thousands of angels blowing trumpets.

Книга Мормона

  1. Легій пророкує жителям Єрусалима

    1 Нефій 1:18–20

    Lehi preaching to the people of Jerusalem. Several people are mocking and pointing their fingers at him. Lehi is standing above them on a raised area. There are palm trees and buildings in the background.
  2. Ліягона

    1 Нефій 16:10, 26–29; Aлма 37:38–46

    The Book of Mormon prophet Lehi portrayed kneeling on the ground. Lehi is holding the Liahona in his hands. Nephi is standing behind Lehi and is also looking at the Liahona. Other members of the family of Lehi are gathered around Lehi and Nephi.
  3. Сон Легія

    1 Нефій 8; 11–12

    Lehi’s Dream, by Jerry Thompson
  4. Нефій заспокоює своїх бунтівних братів

    1 Нефій 17:15–55

    Nephi Rebuking His Rebellious Brothers, by Arnold Friberg
  5. Легій зі своїм народом прибуває на обіцяну землю

    1 Нефій 18:1–24

    The Book of Mormon prophet Lehi and his family aboard a ship. The family members are looking at and pointing to the shores of the promised land. Birds are flying around the ship.
  6. Молитва Еноша

    Енош 1

    Enos kneeling in prayer in a forest landscape. He is carrying a hunting bow and arrows.
  7. Мормон скорочує пластини

    Слова Мормона 1:1–11; 3 Нефій 5:9–18

    The Book of Mormon prophet Mormon sitting on a bench. The bench is covered with a leopard skin. Mormon has his left arm resting on the gold plates. His right hand is resting on a roll of parchment on his lap. The gold plates are sitting on a table along with other parchment rolls. Numerous other gold plates and parchment rolls are lying on shelves in the background.
  8. Цар Веніямин звертається до свого народу

    Moсія 1:9–11, 18; 2–6

    Benjamin (Book of Mormon king) standing on a tower constructed within a temple complex. The king is delivering his final address to the Nephite people. The Nephites are gathered around the temple complex listening to the king.
  9. Авінадій перед царем Ноєм

    Moсія 11:20–29; 12:17–37; 13–17

    The Book of Mormon prophet Abinadi preaching before King Noah and the wicked priests. Abinadi is bound in chains. Scriptural reference: Mosiah 12:18-37, 13:1-9
  10. Алма христить у водах Мормона

    Moсія 18:7–17

    Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon, by Arnold Friberg
  11. Навернення Алми молодшого

    Moсія 27:8–37; Aлма 36:3–24

    An angel appearing to Alma the Younger. The angel is commanding Alma to stop persecuting the church. The four sons of King Mosiah are also present.
  12. Аммон захищає отари царя Ламонія

    Aлма 17:20–39

    Ammon (Book of Mormon figure) using a sword to defend the flocks of the Lamanite King Lamoni. Scriptural reference: Alma 17:26-39
  13. Полководець Мороній піднімає гасло волі

    Aлма 46:10–37

    Moroni (Book of Mormon military captain) standing with his sword pointed toward those of his soldiers. Moroni is waving the "Title of Liberty" as he rallies the Nephite armies. The swords of the Nephite soldiers are raised toward the "Title of Liberty" as a sign of support. Scriptural reference: Alma 46:12-22
  14. Дві тисячі молодих воїнів

    Aлма 53:10–22; 56; 57:19–27

    The Book of Mormon prophet Helaman riding on a white horse. Helaman is leading an army of 2,000 young Lamanite warriors. The warriors are marching and carrying spears. Scriptural reference: Alma 53:16-22.
  15. Самуїл Ламанієць на стіні

    Геламан 13:1–16:8; 3 Нефій 1:4–15; 8:3–25

    Samuel the Lamanite (Book of Mormon prophet) preaching to the Nephites. Samuel is portrayed standing on top of a stone wall. Some of the Nephites are shooting arrows at Samuel in an attempt to kill him. Scriptural reference: Helaman 16:2
  16. Ісус навчає у Західній півкулі

    3 Нефій. 11:8–41; 12–26

    Christ in white robes stands at the top of stone steps and is surrounded by people worshipping him. Mountains, trees and partially crumbled buildings are visible in the background. Depiction of Christ as a resurrected being appearing to the Nephites. (3 Nephi 11:10)
  17. Ісус зціляє нефійців

    3 Нефій 17:5–10

    Jesus Healing the Nephites, by Ted Henninger
  18. Ісус благословляє нефійських дітей

    3 Нефій 17:11–25

    The resurrected Christ in the Americas, among the Nephites. He has His hands out teaching a group of surrounding children. Angels are in the background.
  19. Брат Яреда бачить перст Господа

    Eтер 3:1–16

    The Brother of Jared Sees the Finger of the Lord, by Arnold Friberg
  20. Мороній ховає пластини на пагорбі Кумора

    Мормон 6:6; 8:1, 3–4; Мороній 10:1–5

    Moroni Burying the Plates, by Tom Lovell

Історія Церкви

  1. Брат Джозеф

    2 Нефій 3:6–15; УЗ 5:9–10; 21:1–5; 27:13; 135:3; ДС—І

    Joseph Smith holding a Book of Mormon.
  2. Емма Сміт

    УЗ 25

    Portrait painting of Emma Smith
  3. Джозеф Сміт шукає мудрості в Біблії

    ДС—І 1:5–13

    Young prophet sits in rocker reading large family Bible--reads James.
  4. Перше видіння

    ДС—І 1:14–20

    The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. in the Sacred Grove (in Manchester, New York) when he received the First Vision. Joseph is depicted kneeling before God the Father and Jesus Christ. Both God the Father and Christ are portrayed wearing white robes. The Father is presenting Christ to Joseph. There are trees in the background. (Joseph Smith - History 1:15-20)
  5. Мороній являється Джозефу Сміту в його кімнаті

    ДС—І 1:27–47

    The Prophet Joseph Smith sitting on his bed in the Smith farm house. Joseph has a patchwork quilt over his knees. He is looking up at the angel Moroni who has appeared before him. Moroni is depicted wearing a white robe. The painting depicts the event wherein the angel Moroni appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith three times in the Prophet's bedroom during the night of September 21, 1823 to inform him of the existence and location of the gold plates, and to instruct him as to his responsibility concerning the plates.
  6. Джозеф Сміт перекладає Книгу Мормона

    ДС—І 1:34–35, 71 зноска; УЗ 20:8–11

    Joseph Smith, Jr. is depicted seated next to a desk, hunched over the Gold Plates, with his head resting on his hand, elbow bent and on desktop. There is a gas lamp on the desk and a partition separates him from Oliver Cowdery, who is partially obstructed from our view. He is also seated at a desk, writing on a piece of paper.
  7. Іван Христитель передає Ааронове священство

    УЗ 13; ДС—І 1:68–73

    Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdery kneeling before John the Baptist. John the Baptist has his hands placed on the head of Joseph Smith, Jr. as he restores the Aaronic Priesthood. John is depicted wearing white. There are trees and a river in the background.
  8. Відновлення Мелхиседекогового священства

    УЗ 27:12–13; 128:20; ДС—І 1:72

    The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. kneeling on the banks of the Susquehanna River in may or June of 1829. The New Testament-era Apostles Peter, James and John (dressed in white) are standing by Joseph. The apostles have their hands upon Joseph's head as they confer the Melchizedek Priesthood upon him. Oliver Cowdery is kneeling by Joseph. There are trees in the foreground and background.
  9. Ілля являється у Кертлендському храмі

    Maлахія 4:5–6; УЗ 110:13–16

    Elijah appearing in the Kirtland Temple
  10. Емма переходить річку по кризі

    Учення Президентів Церкви: Джозеф Сміт (2007), с. 374.

    Emma Hale Smith holding her children close to her as they cross the frozen Mississippi River. The family is wrapped in blankets, and Emma is hiding some of the manuscripts of the inspired version of the Bible in her clothing.
  11. Джозеф Сміт у в’язниці Ліберті

    УЗ 121–123; Наш спадок: Короткий виклад історії Церкви Ісуса Христа Святих Останніх Днів(2001), сс. 49–53

    Joseph Smith Jr. kneeling amongst dirt and straw and praying
  12. Заснування Товариства допомоги

    Наш спадок, сс. 61–62

    Painting depicts Joseph (seen in profile wearing a black/brown coat and a white shirt and holding a book in his right hand) speaking to a large group of women. There are five women seated in the front row, six women in the second row, three women in the third row and four figures standing in the back that are only partially visible. From left to right front row: a Woman in a pale yellow plaid dress, brown center parted hair holding a child; and woman in a blue dress with a large white collar and a ringlet hairstyle; a woman in a green dress with pink under-sleeves leaning slightly forward; and woman in a yellow chevron striped dress with a white cap, woman in a dark dress and a white tiered lace collar with brooch and a ringlet-braid hairstyle.From left to right second row a woman in a green floral dress with a brown centered parted hair with a hand on her shoulder; a woman with a green floral dress with white collar and cap; a woman in a coral colored stripped dress with a cap far back on her head; and woman in a blue print dress with small white lace collar; a woman in a tan floral dress with light brown ringlets; and a woman in a pink dress with a small boy on her lap. Third row from left to right: a woman in a yellow stripped dress with a white inset and brooch, a woman in a pale blue dress with center parted hair and a woman in an orange/pink dress with a cap. Standing are a figure in blue (arm only ) a woman in a brown dress with red cuffs(hand on the shoulder of the woman seated in front of her) and woman in a olive colored dress with a green stripe and a figure in a red dress. Lower red corner reads, "Walter Rane" in red.
  13. Вихід з Наву, лютий–травень 1846 р.

    Наш спадок, сс. 69–70

    A raft with a covered wagon leaving Nauvoo with the temple above on a hill.
  14. Ден Джоунс проповідує євангелію в Уельсі

    Наш спадок, с. 63

    Dan Jones is depicted preaching the gospel in Wales. He is standing on a stone wall talking to the people around him. He has one arm upraised holding a copy of the Book of Mormon.
  15. Мері Філдінг Сміт і Джозеф Ф. Сміт перетинають рівнини

    Учення Президентів Церкви: Джозеф Ф. Сміт, (1999), сс. xiv, 21–22.

    Mary Fielding and Joseph F. Smith walking beside oxen and covered wagons.
  16. Піонери з ручними візками наближаються до Солт-Лейкської долини

    Наш спадок, сс. 77–80

    A group of LDS handcart pioneers standing on a summit. They are looking toward the Salt Lake Valley for the first time, as their journey ends. The pioneers are stopping and expressing gratitude for their pending arrival to join the Saints.

Євангелія в дії

  1. Хрищення юнака

    Іван 3:5; Римлянам 6:3–6; 2 Нефій 9:23; 31:5–12; Moсія 18:8–11; 3 Нефій 11:23–26, 37–38; УЗ 20:71–73; Moйсей 6:64–65; Уложення віри 1:4

    A young man being baptized by another man. They are both Korean.
  2. Хрищення дівчинки

    УЗ 68:25–28; див. також посилання на Писання до ілюстрації 103

    A young girl being baptized in a font by an adult man.
  3. Дар Святого Духа

    Дії 2:38; 2 Нефій 32:5; Мороній 2:1–3; УЗ 33:15; 39:23; 49:14; 68:25; Уложення віри 1:4

    a young girl with hands placed on top of her head
  4. Висвячення у священство

    Євреям 5:4; УЗ 84:33–44; 107:6–20; Уложення віри 1:5

    A young man being ordained or set apart.
  5. Благословення причастя

    ПДС, Матвій 26:22 Матвій 26:26 , зноска b), 24–25 ; ПДС, Maрк 14:20–24; Мороній 4–5; УЗ 20:46, 75–79; 27:2

    Благословення причастя
  6. Рознесення причастя

    3 Нефій 18:1–11; Мороній 6:5–6; УЗ 20:75

    A blonde toddler reaching out to take a cup of water from a sacrament tray being passed to him in a sacrament meeting.
  7. Місіонери: старійшини

    Матвій 28:19; Aлма 26:1–16; УЗ 4; 18:15–16; 42:6–7; 50:13–14; 84:88

    Two male missionaries in white shirts and ties standing on a busy street corner, talking to a young man in jeans and a T-shirt.
  8. Місіонери: сестри

    Див. посилання на Писання до ілюстрації 109

    Two sister missionaries talking to a woman on the street.
  9. Хлопчик молиться

    2 Нефій 32:8–9; Aлма 34:17–27; 37:36–37; 3 Нефій 18:18–20; УЗ 20:33; 112:10

    young boy praying
  10. Сімейна молитва

    3 Нефій 18:21; УЗ 68:25, 28

    A photograph by Hyun-Gyu Lee of a family of four in Korea kneeling around a table for family prayer.
  11. Сплата десятини

    Буття 14:18–20; Малахія 3:8–11; Алма 13:15; УЗ 64:23; 119

    A young Polynesian girl handing her tithing to the bishop with her family standing behind her.
  12. Десятина—це десята частина

    Див. посилання на Писання до ілюстрації 113

    Nine coins in a stack with the tenth coin lying next to them. Illustrates the principle of tithing.
  13. Служіння

    Матвій 25:34–40; Іван 13:35; Moсія 2:17; 18:8–9

    A young man and his mother working in a flower garden as an elderly woman looks on.
  14. Христос і діти з усього світу

    Матвій 19:13–15; Maрк 10:13–16; Лука 18:15–17

    Jesus Christ depicted with four children of various ethnic backgrounds. A young Asian girl is looking up at Christ. Christ has His arm around the girl. Christ's other hand is resting on the hand of a young black boy. The boy is looking up at Christ. A Caucasian boy are girl and standing beside Christ. Both are resting their hands on Christ's shoulder.
  15. Кертлендський храм

    УЗ 94:1–9; 95:8, 13–14; 109; 110; Наш спадок, сс. 33–36

    Kirtland Temple
  16. Храм Наву, шт. Іллінойс

    УЗ 124:26–44; Наш спадок, сс. 58–61

    The Nauvoo Illinois Temple
  17. Солт-Лейкський храм

    Наш спадок, с. 102

    Altered photograph of the Salt Lake Temple. The clouds have been added and the colors changed.
  18. Молода подружня пара йде до храму

    УЗ 131:1–3; 132:4–7, 19–20

    A bride and groom standing in front of the Hawaii Temple. The couple are holding hands.
  19. Христильна купіль у храмі

    Іван 3:5; 1 Коринтянам 15:29; УЗ 124:29–30

    The baptistry in the Salt Lake Temple. The view of the baptistry shows the baptismal font supported by twelve golden oxen, and the stairs leading to the font.

Пророки останніх днів

  1. Джозеф Сміт

    Наш спадок, сс. 1–66

    A portrait by Del Parson of President Joseph Smith Jr. in a white shirt and brown suit against a brown background.
  2. Бригам Янг

    Наш спадок, сс. 11, 66–91

    Formal head and shoulders portrait of Brigham Young. He is depicted in his seventies wearing a wearing a dark suit and vest, (painted probably by photograph and aided by Clawson's memory) with a long beard.
  3. Джон Тейлор

    Наш спадок, сс. 93–98

    Frontal head and shoulders portrait of John Taylor wearing dark suit, white shirt and white bow-tie.
  4. Уілфорд Вудрафф

    Наш спадок, сс. 98–102

    Painted portrait of Wilford Woodruff.
  5. Лоренцо Сноу

    Наш спадок, сс. 103–104

    Full-length portrait of Lorenzo Snow. He is depicted wearing a black suit, sitting in a tall wooden chair holding a scroll in his lap. The setting is an interior of a room with paintings on the wall, desk and books.
  6. Джозеф Ф. Сміт

    Наш спадок, сс. 105–107

    Portrait of LDS Church President Joseph F. Smith. President Smith is depicted seated in a chair with his hands folded in front of him.
  7. Гебер Дж. Грант

    Наш спадок, сс. 107–110

    A portrait by C. J. Fox of President Heber J. Grant in a black suit and blue tie sitting in a chair.
  8. Джордж Альберт Сміт

    Наш спадок, сс. 110–114

    Semi-profile portrait of President George Albert Smith.
  9. Девід О. Мак-Кей

    Наш спадок, сс. 114–119

    Portrait of President David O. McKay. President McKay is depicted seated in a chair, and wearing a dark blue suit. He has his hands clasped together.
  10. Джозеф Філдінг Сміт

    Наш спадок, сс. 121–123

    Portrait of President Joseph Fieldling Smith standing by a chair, one hand on the back of the chair and the other hand resting on a stack of books on a table. There is a bookcase in the background.
  11. Гарольд Б. Лі

    Наш спадок, сс. 123–124

    Portrait of LDS Church President Harold B. Lee. President Lee is depicted seated in a leather chair. He is holding a copy of the scriptures in his hands. A wood paneled wall is in the background.
  12. Спенсер В. Кімбол

    Наш спадок, сс. 124–131

    A painted portrait of President Spencer W. Kimball in a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, holding an open book.
  13. Езра Тефт Бенсон

    Наш спадок, сс. 133–136

    Portrait of President Ezra Taft Benson
  14. Говард В. Хантер

    Наш спадок, сс. 136–139

    Portrait of President Howard W. Hunter. He is sitting in a leather chair. There is wood paneling in the background.
  15. Гордон Б. Хінклі

    Додаток до журналу Ensign, бер. 2008, сс. 2–13; Додаток до журналу Ліягона, квіт. 2008, сс. 2–13

    Frontal half-length portrait of President Gordon B. Hinckley. President Hinckley's hands are resting on the back of a chair. The image is the official Church portrait of President Hinckley as of 1995. This was President Hinckley's last official portrait. President Hinckley died 27 January 2008.
  16. Томас С. Монсон

    Додаток до журналів Ensign і Ліягона, черв. 2008, сс. 2–16

    Monson, Thomas S.
