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Evanjelium v činoch

Evanjelium v činoch

  1. Krst mladého muža

    Ján 3:5; Rímskym 6:3–6; 2. Nefi 9:23; 31:5–12; Mosiáš 18:8–11; 3. Nefi 11:23–26, 37–38; NaZ 20:71–73; Mojžiš 6:64–65; Články viery 1:4

    A young man being baptized by another man.  They are both Korean.
  2. Krst dievčaťa

    NaZ 68:25–28; pozri tiež písma k obrázku 103

    A young girl being baptized in a font by an adult man.
  3. Dar Ducha Svätého

    Skutky 2:38; 2. Nefi 32:5; Moroni 2:1–3; NaZ 33:15; 39:23; 49:14; 68:25; Články viery 1:4

    A girl with long brown hair bowing her head while two men in suits place their hands on her head to confirm her a member of the Church.
  4. Ustanovenie do kňazstva

    Židom 5:4; NaZ 84:33–44; 107:6–20; NaZ 1:5

    A young man being ordained or set apart.
  5. Požehnanie Večere Pána

    PJS, Matúš 26:22 (v Matúš 26:26, poznámka pod čiarou b), 24–25; PJS, Marek 14:20–24; Moroni 4–5; NaZ 20:46, 75–79; 27:2

    Two dark-haired young men in white shirts and ties bow their heads at the sacrament table to bless the sacrament.
  6. Roznášanie Večere Pána

    3. Nefi 18:1–11; Moroni 6:5–6; NaZ 20:75

    A blonde toddler reaching out to take a cup of water from a sacrament tray being passed to him in a sacrament meeting.
  7. Misionári: starší

    Matúš 28:19; Alma 26:1–16; NaZ 4; 18:15–16; 42:6–7; 50:13–14; 84:88

    Two male missionaries in white shirts and ties standing on a busy street corner, talking to a young man in jeans and a T-shirt.
  8. Misionári: sestry

    pozri tiež písma k obrázku 109

    Two sister missionaries talking to a woman on the street.
  9. Malý chlapec sa modlí

    2. Nefi 32:8–9; Alma 34:17–27; 37:36–37; 3. Nefi 18:18–20; NaZ 20:33; 112:10

    young boy praying
  10. Rodinná modlitba

    3. Nefi 18:21; NaZ 68:25, 28

    A photograph by Hyun-Gyu Lee of a family of four in Korea kneeling around a table for family prayer.
  11. Platenie desiatku

    Genesis 14:18–20; Malachiáš 3:8–11; Alma 13:15; NaZ 64:23; 119

    A young Polynesian girl handing her tithing to the bishop with her family standing behind her.
  12. Desiatok je jedna desatina

    pozri tiež písma k obrázku 113

    Nine coins in a stack with the tenth coin lying next to them. Illustrates the principle of tithing.
  13. Služba

    Matúš 25:34–40; Ján 13:35; Mosiáš 2:17; 18:8–9

  14. Kristus a deti z celého sveta

    Matúš 19:13–15; Marek 10:13–16; Lukáš 18:15–17

    Jesus Christ depicted with four children of various ethnic backgrounds. A young Asian girl is looking up at Christ. Christ has His arm around the girl. Christ's other hand is resting on the hand of a young black boy. The boy is looking up at Christ. A Caucasian boy are girl and standing beside Christ. Both are resting their hands on Christ's shoulder.
  15. Chrám v Kirtlande

    NaZ 94:1–9; 95:8, 13–14; 109; 110; Our Heritage, 33–36

    Kirtland Temple
  16. Chrám v Nauvoo, Illinois

    NaZ 124:26–44; Our Heritage, 58–61

    The Nauvoo Illinois Temple
  17. Chrám v Salt Lake City

    Our Heritage, 102

    Altered photograph of the Salt Lake Temple. The clouds have been added and the colors changed.
  18. Mladý pár ide do chrámu

    NaZ 131:1–3; 132:4–7, 19–20

    A bride and groom standing in front of the Hawaii Temple.  The couple are holding hands.
  19. Krstiteľnica v chráme

    Ján 3:5; 1. Korintským 15:29; NaZ 124:29–30

    The baptistry in the Salt Lake Temple.  The view of the baptistry shows the baptismal font supported by twelve golden oxen, and the stairs leading to the font.