Videod ja pildid
Evangeelium tegudes

Evangeelium tegudes

  1. Noore mehe ristimine

    Jh 3:5; Rm 6:3–6; 2Ne 9:23; 31:5–12; Mo 18:8–11; 3Ne 11:23–26, 37–38; ÕL 20:71–73; Ms 6:64–65; UA 4

    A young man being baptized by another man. They are both Korean.
  2. Tüdruku ristimine

    ÕL 68:25–28; vt ka 103. pildi pealkirja all loetletud pühakirjakohti

    A young girl being baptized in a font by an adult man.
  3. Püha Vaimu and

    Ap 2:38; 2Ne 32:5; Mn 2:1–3; ÕL 33:15; 39:23; 49:14; 68:25; UA 4

    a young girl with hands placed on top of her head
  4. Preesterlusse pühitsemine

    Hb 5:4; ÕL 84:33–44; 107:6–20; UA 5

    A young man being ordained or set apart.
  5. Sakramendi õnnistamine

    JST, Mt 26:22 (Mt 26:26), 24–25; JST, Mk 14:20–24; Mn 4–5; ÕL 20:46, 75–79; 27:2

    Sakramendi õnnistamine
  6. Sakramendi jagamine

    3Ne 18:1–11; Mn 6:5–6; ÕL 20:75

    Sakramendi jagamine
  7. Misjonärid: vanemad

    Mt 28:19; Al 26:1–16; ÕL 4; 18:15–16; 42:6–7; 50:13–14; 84:88

    Misjonärid: vanemad
  8. Misjonärid: õed

    Vt 109. pildi pealkirja all loetletud pühakirjakohti.

    Two sister missionaries talking to a woman on the street.
  9. Poiss palvetamas

    2Ne 32:8–9; Al 34:17–27; 37:36–37; 3Ne 18:18–20; ÕL 20:33; 112:10

    young boy praying
  10. Perepalve

    3Ne 18:21; ÕL 68:25, 28

  11. Kümnise maksmine

    1Ms 14:18–20; Ml 3:8–11; Al 13:15; ÕL 64:23; 119

    A young Polynesian girl handing her tithing to the bishop with her family standing behind her.
  12. Kümnis on kümnendik

    Vt 113. pildi pealkirja all loetletud pühakirjakohti.

    Nine coins in a stack with the tenth coin lying next to them. Illustrates the principle of tithing.
  13. Teenimine

    Mt 25:34–40; Jh 13:35; Mo 2:17; 18:8–9

    A young man and his mother working in a flower garden as an elderly woman looks on.
  14. Kristus ja lapsed kõikjalt maailmast

    Mt 19:13–15; Mk 10:13–16; Lk 18:15–17

    Jesus Christ depicted with four children of various ethnic backgrounds. A young Asian girl is looking up at Christ. Christ has His arm around the girl. Christ's other hand is resting on the hand of a young black boy. The boy is looking up at Christ. A Caucasian boy are girl and standing beside Christ. Both are resting their hands on Christ's shoulder.
  15. Kirtlandi tempel

    ÕL 94:1–9; 95:8, 13–14; 109; 110; Our Heritage, lk 33–36

    Kirtland Temple
  16. Nauvoo tempel Ameerika Ühendriikides Illinoisi osariigis

    ÕL 124:26–44; Our Heritage, lk 58–61

    The Nauvoo Illinois Temple
  17. Soolajärve tempel

    Our Heritage, lk 102

    Altered photograph of the Salt Lake Temple. The clouds have been added and the colors changed.
  18. Noorpaar templisse minemas

    ÕL 131:1–3; 132:4–7, 19–20

    A bride and groom standing in front of the Hawaii Temple. The couple are holding hands.
  19. Templi ristimisbassein

    Jh 3:5; 1Kr 15:29; ÕL 124:29–30

    The baptistry in the Salt Lake Temple. The view of the baptistry shows the baptismal font supported by twelve golden oxen, and the stairs leading to the font.
