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Kinh Cựu Ước

Kinh Cựu Ước

  1. Chúa Giê Su Ky Tô

    Xuất Ê Díp Tô Ký 3:14; GLGƯ 38:1; Giăng 14:6; Mô Si A 3:17; Hê La Man 5:12; 3 Nê Phi 9:14–18; Mặc Môn 9:11; GLGƯ 76:22–24, 40–42

    Frontal head and shoulders portrait of Jesus Christ. Christ is depicted wearing a pale red robe with a white and blue shawl over one shoulder. Light emanates from His face.
  2. Đức Chúa Trời Đã Sáng Tạo Mọi Vật

    Môi Se 1:31–33, 39; 7:30; Mô Si A 4:9

    A photograph of space showing stars and other celestial bodies.
  3. Trái Đất

    Sáng Thế Ký 1; Môi Se 2; GLGƯ 59:16–21; xin xem thêm những đoạn thánh thư cho hình 2

    Photograph of the earth from space.
  4. A Đam và Ê Va Quỳ Xuống tại một Bàn Thờ

    2 Nê Phi 2:17–25; Môi Se 5:4–11

    Adam (Old Testament prophet) and his wife Eve kneeling at an altar constructed of stones.
  5. A Đam và Ê Va Dạy Dỗ Con Cái của Mình

    Môi Se 5:12; GLGƯ 68:25, 28

    Adam and Eve sitting with their children under a tree.
  6. Thành Si Ôn Được Cất Lên Trời

    Sáng Thế Ký 5:24; Hê Bơ Rơ 11:5; Môi Se 7:18–19, 69

    The Old Testament prophet Enoch and people from the City of Zion being translated.  The people are depicted kneeling on a cloud.  Enoch has his arms raised in the air.
  7. Đóng Chiếc Tàu

    Sáng Thế Ký 6–7; Môi Se 8

  8. Nô Ê và Chiếc Tàu với Các Loài Động Vật

    Sáng Thế Ký 6:12–22; 7:2–23; 8

    The Old Testament prophet Noah and his family aboard the ark. Noah is watching the animals board the ark. Storm clouds and lightning are depicted in the sky.
  9. Áp Ra Ham Mang Y Sác Đi Làm Lễ Hy Sinh

    Sáng Thế Ký 21:1–8; 22:1–18; Gia Cốp 4:5

    The Old Testament prophet Abraham with his son Isaac. Isaac is portrayed as a young man. Abraham and Isaac are standing by a donkey. The donkey is carrying wood for Abraham to use to prepare a sacrifice. The image depicts Abraham preparing to obey the command to sacrifice his son Isaac.
  10. Rê Bê Ca tại Giếng Nước

    Sáng Thế Ký 24

    The Old Testament figure Rebekah pouring water from a jug into a cup.  The cup is held by the servant of Abraham.  The servant is depicted seeking a wife for Isaac, the son of Abraham.
  11. Giô Sép Chống Cự Lại Vợ của Phô Ti Pha

    Sáng Thế Ký 39; GLGƯ 42:22–24

    The wife of Potiphar (an officer in the court of Pharaoh of Egypt) pulling on the arm and cloak of Joseph (the son of Israel and overseer of Potiphar's house). Joseph is resisting the advances of Potiphar's wife.
  12. Gia Cốp Ban Phước cho Các Con Trai của Mình

    Sáng Thế Ký 49

    The Old Testament prophet Israel (Jacob) with his sons gathered around him. One of the sons (Joseph) is kneeling before his father. Israel has his hand on the son's head as he prepares to give him a priesthood blessing.
  13. Môi Se và Bụi Gai Cháy

    Xuất Ê Díp Tô Ký 3:1–4:17; Công Vụ Các Sứ Đồ 7:30–33

    The Old Testament prophet Moses kneeling before the burning bush on Mount Sinai.  Light is emanating from the bush.
  14. Mười Điều Giáo Lệnh

    Xuất Ê Díp Tô Ký 19–20

    The Old Testament prophet Moses standing near Mount Sinai. Moses is holding the tablets with the Ten Commandments engraved on them.
  15. Môi Se Ban Chức Tư Tế cho A Rôn

    Xuất Ê Díp Tô Ký 28:1–29:9; 40:12–15; Hê Bơ Rơ 5:4

    The Old Testament prophet Moses ordaining his brother Aaron to the ministry. Aaron is seated in a chair before Moses. Several priests are gathered around watching. The ordination is depicted in the interior courtyard of the tabernacle in the wilderness.
  16. Môi Se và Con Rắn Bằng Đồng

    Dân Số Ký 21:4–9; Giăng 3:14; An Ma 33:19–21

    The Old Testament prophet Moses pointing to a staff with a brass serpent attached to the top.  The painting illustrates the event wherein Moses promised the Israelites that they would be saved from the fiery serpents if they looked at the brass serpent.
  17. Ru Tơ Mót Lúa trong Đồng

    Ru Tơ 1–4

    Ruth (Old Testament figure) gleaning wheat in the fields of Boaz.  Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ruth and kinswoman of Boaz, is bringing a cup of water or refreshment to Ruth as she works.  There are other men and women working in the fields.  These people are depicted in the background.  The painting depicts Ruth gleaning in the fields in hopes of gaining the favor of Boaz.  Boaz is not depicted in the painting.
  18. Thiếu Niên Sa Mu Ên Được Chúa Gọi

    1 Sa Mu Ên 3

    The Old Testament prophet Samuel depicted as a young boy. Samuel is sitting up in his bed. Samuel is listening having heard the voice of the Lord calling to him.
  19. Đa Vít Giết Chết Gô Li Át

    1 Sa Mu Ên 17

  20. Ê Li Chiến Đấu chống lại Các Thầy Tế Lễ của Ba Anh

    1 Các Vua 18:17–39

    The Old Testament prophet Elijah standing next to an altar. Elijah has his arms extended as he commands fire from heaven to consume the altar.
  21. Ê Xơ Tê

    Ê Xơ Tê 3:8–15; 4; 7

    Queen Esther, by Minerva Teichert
  22. Ê Sai Viết về Sự Giáng Sinh của Đấng Ky Tô

    Ê Sai 7:14; 9:6–7

    The Old Testament prophet Isaiah writing on a roll of parchment. Two men (New Testament apostles) are witnessing the event. They are depicted standing behind Isaiah. A landscape of mountains is in the background. Above the landscape is an image of Mary (the mother of Christ), Joseph (the carpenter) and the infant Jesus Christ in the manger. The painting depicts the prophecy of Isaiah regarding the birth of Jesus Christ.
  23. Đa Ni Ên Từ Chối Thức Ăn và Rượu của Nhà Vua

    Đa Ni Ên 1; GLGƯ 89

    The Old Testament prophet Daniel refusing to eat of the meat and wine offered by the servant of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel is depicted with his arm and hand extended toward the food in a gesture of refusal. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are also present with Daniel as the food is refused.
  24. Đa Ni Ên Giải Thích Giấc Mơ của Vua Nê Bu Cát Nết Sa

    Đa Ni Ên 2

    The Old Testament prophet Daniel kneeling before King Nebuchadnezzar and the king's idolatrous priest. Daniel is interpreting the king's dream of the kingdoms of the world. A portrayal of the dream is depicted beside the king.
  25. Ba Người trong Lò Lửa Hực

    Đa Ni Ên 3; An Ma 36:3

    Jesus Christ depicted standing with the Old Testament figures Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar. The three men standing with Christ are unharmed by the flames. The servants of the king are backing away and falling to the ground due to the intense heat of the furnace.
  26. Đa Ni Ên trong Hang Sư Tử

    Đa Ni Ên 6

    The Old Testament prophet Daniel in the lion's den at the decree of King Darius. Daniel is resting his hand on the back of one of the lions. The lions are not harming Daniel. Daniel is looking up at the entrance of the lion's den at men who are astonished that Daniel is unharmed.
  27. Giô Na

    Giô Na 1–3

    Jonah on the beach