“Conversion to Jesus Christ,” Topics and Questions (2023)
Gospel Study Guide
Conversion to Jesus Christ
A change of heart that comes from following Jesus Christ
Have you ever seen a caterpillar out in nature? Take a minute to think how miraculous it is that through the power of metamorphosis, an ordinary caterpillar can turn into a beautiful butterfly. Step by step, the caterpillar grows and changes, becoming something entirely new.
Conversion offers that same kind of beautiful transformation for us. As we turn our hearts to Jesus Christ, covenant to keep His commandments, and seek to do His will, our lives are changed. Little by little, we become “new creature[s]” (2 Corinthians 5:17), more godlike and better prepared to receive eternal life.
What Is Conversion?
Conversion is the process by which Jesus Christ helps us change our beliefs, heart, and life to become like Him and our Heavenly Father. It involves exercising faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, keeping the commandments, receiving the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and following the guidance of the Spirit, we can change and overcome the negative influences of the world. This change brings us peace and happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.
Topic overview: Conversion
Related gospel study guides: Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Endure to the End
Section 1
Conversion to Jesus Christ Can Take Time, Effort, and Patience
Jesus Christ invites us all to come unto Him. As we follow the Savior, we change and become more like Him. For many, conversion is a gradual process rather than the result of a single powerful or dramatic event. It takes time and continued effort.
For conversion to happen, we have to act on faith and knowledge that we receive through the Holy Ghost. When we are converted “through the power of the Spirit … [our] hearts are changed.” Our desires align with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s. Elder David A. Bednar taught: “True conversion brings a change in one’s beliefs, heart, and life to accept and conform to the will of God. … It is the result of revelation from God, accompanied by individual repentance, obedience, and diligence.”
But being converted to Jesus Christ does not mean we are perfect. On the path to conversion, we all still make mistakes. Yet, through continued faith in Jesus Christ and daily repentance, our access to Jesus Christ’s power can grow and we can increase our conversion to Him as His disciples.
Things to think about
Read these two scripture passages about the Apostle Peter: Matthew 16:13–17 and Luke 22:31–32. Why is being fully converted to Christ an important step after gaining a testimony of Him? How are we blessed through true conversion to Christ?
Think about the Savior’s invitation and power to help us change and become like He is. Elder Eduardo Gavarret taught: “The Lord invites us using various verbs: ‘Come unto me,’ ‘Follow me,’ ‘Walk with me.’ In each case it is not a passive invitation; it is an invitation to act. It is addressed to all.” Think about how the Savior’s life and teachings invite you to change. You could read Luke 22:39–44; John 6:51; Hebrews 5:9; 10:1–10; 2 Nephi 2:3–10; 9:5–24; and Articles of Faith 1:3 for insights. Consider what you might do today or this week to show the Savior that you accept His invitation and help to change your life.
Activities for learning with others
You might watch a video or look at pictures of an animal that goes through metamorphosis, such as a tadpole turning into a frog or a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. If available, you could watch the video “Elder Neil L. Andersen Shares Lessons Learned from a Butterfly,” where he shares a time-lapse video showing the metamorphosis of a caterpillar weaving a chrysalis and finally emerging as a beautiful butterfly. Talk about the amazing change these animals go through. Then you could read what the Apostle Paul taught about becoming “a new creature” in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). How is conversion to Jesus Christ like becoming a new creature? President Dallin H. Oaks taught that “persons who are proceeding toward the needed conversion are beginning to see things as our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, see them. They are hearing His voice instead of the voice of the world, and they are doing things in His way instead of by the ways of the world.” How have you grown and changed as you have based your actions on your conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Consider recording your thoughts as well as your gratitude for what your life has become.
There are many powerful stories of conversion in the scriptures. You could choose one or more of these stories, study or watch them, and maybe even act them out. Examples include the stories of Ruth (see Ruth 1), Enos (see Enos 1, or watch “Enos Prays Mightily”), Alma the Younger (see Mosiah 27, or watch “Alma the Younger Is Converted unto the Lord”), and King Lamoni (see Alma 17–19, or watch “Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni”). Discuss what you learn from the example of the individual in the story. Though conversion is usually a more gradual process than what happened with these individuals, we can learn a lot from their experiences. How do their experiences strengthen your own desire to follow Christ’s invitation to change?
Learn more
Ezekiel 11:19–20; Matthew 18:3; Galatians 3:26–27; 2 Nephi 31:19–20; Mosiah 3:19; 4:1–10; 5:2; 27:24–30; 3 Nephi 9:20
Henry B. Eyring, “Testimony and Conversion,” Ensign, Feb. 2015, 4–6
David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 106–9
Eduardo Gavarret, “A Mighty Change of Heart: I Have Nothing More to Give You,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 21–23
Section 2
Conversion to Jesus Christ Is a Lifelong Pursuit
It’s one thing to become converted to Jesus Christ and commit to follow Him. It’s another to keep that commitment throughout your life. As President Dieter F. Uchtdorf put it: “Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not an effort of once a week or once a day. It is an effort of once and for all.”
That doesn’t mean, however, that we have to rely on our own willpower to endure to the end. God gives us divine help all along the way—He guides and comforts us with His Spirit, He constantly teaches us through His prophets, and He sent His Son to die for us so that through faith in Him we can be strengthened when we stumble.
Things to think about
What does it take to remain strongly converted to the gospel and endure to the end? Elder Dale G. Renlund taught: “This means that we maintain faith in Jesus Christ by praying, studying the scriptures, partaking of the sacrament each week, and having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion. We need to actively help and serve others and share the gospel with them. We need to be perfectly upright and honest in all things. … We must identify temptations that easily beset us and put them out of reach—way out of reach.” You might read Elder Renlund’s message “Preserving the Mighty Change of Heart” and think about what you are doing to remain strongly converted to Christ. Are you maintaining the simple daily and weekly habits that will help you continue in faith? Are you putting temptation far out of reach? Ponder and write down areas where you might want to make changes in your life to help you stay on the covenant path.
Activities for learning with others
The Book of Mormon tells a powerful story of a group of people called the Anti-Nephi-Lehies who “were converted unto the Lord, [and] never did fall away” (Alma 23:6). Study Alma 23–25, and make a list of things you learn about this group. How did the Savior help them become so remarkably strong in their faith? You might then each write on a strip of paper one thing you could “bury … deep” (see Alma 24:16–17) that would help you stay strongly committed to Jesus Christ. Or you might bury a physical object to symbolize your commitment to remain faithful.
Lifelong conversion to Jesus Christ comes from living His gospel—every day. Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson shared several important habits that foster lasting conversion: “True conversion occurs as you continue to act upon the doctrines you know are true and keep the commandments, day after day, month after month. … Conversion takes place as we are diligent about saying our prayers, studying our scriptures, attending church, and being worthy to participate in temple ordinances. Conversion comes as we act upon the righteous principles we learn in our homes and in the classroom.”
To help you continue on the path of conversion, you could take this challenge as a group: Every day for 30 days, when faced with choices, ask yourself, “What would a truly converted Latter-day Saint do?” Consider making yourself accountable to someone to follow through on this goal. After you complete the challenge, you could discuss your experiences as a group. How did the Savior help you change as you tried to make choices consistent with His teachings?
Learn more
Dale G. Renlund, “Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 22–25
Amy A. Wright, “Abide the Day in Christ,” Liahona, Nov. 2023, 9–12
Becky Craven, “Keep the Change,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 58–60