Endure to the End

“Endure to the End,” Topics and Questions (2023)

young woman in city

Gospel Study Guide

Endure to the End

Staying true to our commitments to God, no matter what

Imagine you are about to run a big race. As you start out, you’re full of energy and ready to take on the task that lies ahead. But the race is long and hard. Fatigue sets in—even exhaustion. Yet you push through the competition, putting one foot in front of the other until you finally cross the finish line, proud that you endured well to the end.

When we receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, we begin a lifelong journey. Some days we may feel full of hope and determination—other days the path may feel long and difficult. But we don’t give up. Instead, we rely on the Lord’s promise that He will never leave us or forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5), and we choose each day to “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ” (2 Nephi 31:20).

What Is Enduring to the End?

Enduring to the end means remaining true to our commitment to God and His commandments throughout our lives. It includes making covenants with Him, repenting each day, and relying upon the power of Jesus Christ to help us overcome trials, temptations, and opposition. All who endure to the end will receive the gift of eternal life and return to live with God (see Matthew 10:22).

Related gospel study guides: Agency, Covenants and Ordinances, Mortality

Section 1

God Promises That We Will Receive Eternal Life If We Endure to the End

Christ and the rich young ruler

God’s greatest gift to us is the gift of eternal life (see Doctrine and Covenants 14:7). This gift is given to those who receive the gospel and remain committed to it (see 3 Nephi 15:9). Enduring to the end is more than surviving a trial or challenge. It is a daily effort “of coming unto Christ and being perfected in Him” over a lifetime. Elder Kevin W. Pearson noted that “enduring to the end is the great test of discipleship.”

Things to think about

  • Jesus Christ experienced the greatest test of enduring to the end when He suffered for our sins during His Atonement. Read Luke 22:42 and 3 Nephi 11:11. What do you learn from Christ’s example that could help you endure to the end? How could you rely on His Atonement as you strive to endure to the end and receive eternal life? Record any impressions you receive, and then act on them.

  • Enduring to the end might sound like it takes a very long time—so long, in fact, that it might even feel impossible. But when you remember that enduring to the end happens step by step, it may not seem so hard. President Thomas S. Monson taught: “Seek heavenly guidance one day at a time. Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it’s a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day—and then one more and then one more after that—until we’ve lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, a lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness.” What daily choices could you make to be true to the gospel of Jesus Christ? How could those choices help you endure to the end? Perhaps you could choose one Christlike attribute you would like to improve on and then prayerfully invite the Lord to help you acquire it as you strive to follow Him each day.

Activities for learning with others

  • The scriptures teach that we will receive eternal life by enduring to the end. But what does enduring to the end look like? Read Romans 2:7; 2 Nephi 31:19–20; and Doctrine and Covenants 59:23 together, and then discuss what you learn from these verses about how to endure to the end. You could also sing or read the hymn “Press Forward, Saints” (Hymns, no. 81) as a group and then talk about any lyrics that inspire you to press forward and receive the gift of eternal life.

  • In his message “Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught that we do not have to endure to the end by ourselves. He said: “Enduring to the end is not just a matter of passively tolerating life’s difficult circumstances or ‘hanging in there.’ Ours is an active religion, helping God’s children along the strait and narrow path to develop their full potential during this life and return to Him one day.” Watch part of Elder Uchtdorf’s message together in the video “Endure to the End” (2:05). Then share ideas to help each other stay on the path that leads to eternal life. You could also share with each other some experiences of when someone helped you faithfully endure a trial.

Learn more


  1. See Guide to the Scriptures, “Endure,” Gospel Library.

  2. Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Press On,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2004, 101.

  3. Kevin W. Pearson, “Stay by the Tree,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 116.

  4. Thomas S. Monson, “Believe, Obey, and Endure,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 129.

  5. See Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2023), 136–38.

  6. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 20.
