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Faith in Jesus Christ

“Faith in Jesus Christ,” Topics and Questions (2023)

painting of Jesus Christ

Gospel Study Guide

Faith in Jesus Christ

Trusting His power, His wisdom, and His love

It’s normal to sometimes feel inadequate, overwhelmed, and even lost. Turning to Jesus Christ is always the solution to such feelings. When we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we rely on Him—trusting in His infinite power, intelligence, and love. We believe that even though we don’t understand everything, He does. Because He has experienced all our pains and sorrows, He knows how to help us face our challenges. (See Alma 7:11–13.)

What Is Faith in Jesus Christ?

Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel. It means not only believing in Him but placing your trust in Him. Having faith includes hoping for and believing in things that are true, even when you can’t see them or completely understand them. Faith is a principle of action and power that motivates our day-to-day activities.

Topic overview: Faith in Jesus Christ

Related gospel study guides: Jesus Christ, Hope, Charity, Repentance, Miracles

Section 1

Strengthening Our Faith in Jesus Christ Will Help Us Overcome Challenges

painting of men in a boat and a sinking man reaching for help

The Savior said, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, … nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). A mustard seed is very small, but it grows into a large tree.

So how can you increase your faith in the Savior? President Russell M. Nelson explained that “increasing your faith and trust in [Jesus Christ] takes effort.” He stated: “The Lord does not require perfect faith for us to have access to His perfect power. But He does ask us to believe.” Believing in Jesus Christ helps you feel motivated to study the scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets and to pray for divine guidance. As you learn of Jesus Christ and feel His love and His Spirit, your faith in Him will grow.

Things to think about

  • Watch the video “Exercise Faith in Christ” (1:43). What does Elder David A. Bednar teach about acting in faith? What will you do to exercise your faith in Jesus?

  • Faith in Jesus Christ doesn’t come easily, and you won’t always exercise your faith perfectly. Think about the experience of the Apostle Peter in Matthew 14:25–33. How can Jesus Christ help you when you exercise even a little bit of faith in Him?

  • The Book of Mormon prophet Alma taught that if we plant the seed of the gospel in our hearts and nourish it with our faith, we can gradually grow our own strong testimony of Jesus Christ’s gospel. Study Alma 32:21–43 and think about how you can exercise faith to grow your own testimony.

Activity for learning with others

  • You may want to do some physical exercises together and talk about what exercise does for the body. Then read portions of Elder Juan Pablo Villar’s address “Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles,” from the April 2019 general conference, and talk about what it means to exercise faith in Jesus Christ.

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Section 2

Faith Is a Principle of Power

painting of a blind man reaching for Jesus

Through faith in Christ, we can draw upon the power of God, making it possible to do what God asks of us. True faith can bring about miracles according to God’s will. By faith we receive strength to do hard things and grow spiritually. We are also better able to deal with our temporal needs and difficult circumstances when we believe in the Lord and trust in His promises. Sincere prayer is the way to access God’s power—we ask in faith for the divine help and direction we need (see Enos 1:15).

Things to think about

  • Read Mark 5:21–42. What role did faith play in these miracles? How does this account illustrate ways that your faith may be tested?

  • Read or watch Elder Brent H. Nielson’s address “Is There No Balm in Gilead?” How did Elder Nielson recognize the blessings he received? Think about how you can look for blessings even during difficult times. How can doing so strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ?

Activity for learning with others

  • Watch the video “Mountains to Climb” (5:05). Then you could work together to make a list of ways Jesus and Heavenly Father have blessed you. How has exercising faith in Jesus Christ helped you endure and overcome challenges?

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Section 3

Acquiring Faith Takes Time and Patience

photo of a young woman kneeling and looking out a window

You have likely experienced times when you felt that your prayers weren’t heard or your challenges were more than you could handle. A man once came to Jesus Christ with such a situation. His son needed healing, and the man asked Jesus to bless him. When Christ explained that all things are possible to those who believe, the man exclaimed, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” (See Mark 9:14–27.) He had enough faith to ask, but he knew his faith wasn’t perfect. When you pray for help to increase your faith, you show that you know Jesus can help you—and He will.

Every person’s experience of building faith in Jesus Christ is unique. If people you love are struggling with their faith, remember to respond with kindness and compassion. If they come to you with questions, you can lovingly and patiently listen to them and support them in their search for truth. You can also help them find reliable sources where they can look for answers. And you can tell them how much Jesus loves them.

Things to think about

  • Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught that when you have questions or doubts, you can “hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.” In what ways can faith in Jesus Christ help you with unanswered questions?

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