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Single Adult Members of the Church

“Single Adult Members of the Church,” Topics and Questions (2023)

woman sitting in front of building


Single Adult Members of the Church

The gospel of Jesus Christ was given by God to bless His children. Each person is part of the great family of our Heavenly Parents. Those who join the Church become part of another great fellowship, a true fellowship of brothers and sisters who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ.

Single members of the Church—including those who have never been married, are divorced, or have been widowed—serve and worship in the Church alongside other members of their wards and branches. President Gordon B. Hinckley explained: “When all is said and done, we should not be classified as married or single but as members of the Church, each worthy of the same attention, the same care, the same opportunities to be of service.”1

All of God’s children are important in His plan, and all can play a vital role in building His kingdom. In addition, all may seek for every blessing our Heavenly Father has for His children—including the blessing of an eternal marriage—even as they find joy in their current circumstances.2 Elder Robert D. Hales explained: “Because of His great love for each of us, the Lord wants all of us to be happy. He has told us through the prophet Lehi, ‘Men are, that they might have joy.’3 This joy we speak of is in the present. We do not have to wait for another day, for another year, until our circumstances change, or until we pass through the veil and go to our eternal glory. We are to find joy in the present. If we love the gospel of Jesus Christ, we can find joy.”4

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