undefined undefined Understanding Institute Changes
Leader and Role Development
Understanding Institute Changes

“Understanding Institute Changes,” Guide for Institute Changes (2023)

“Understanding Institute Changes,” Guide for Institute Changes

Understanding Institute Changes

The following materials will help individuals and faculties understand the most recent changes to institute. There are four discussion guides. The first one covers guiding principles that have proven important and effective for successful implementation of the strategic changes to institute. These guiding principles are also at the core of the broader changes to young adult programs of the Church that are being rolled out in conjunction with the changes to institute described in this document. Discussion guides 2, 3, and 4 each cover one of the new changes to institute.

Emphasis on specific discussion guides should be tailored to local circumstances. The guides can be reviewed in any order. Where possible, an effort should be made to review these guides as faculties or groups of individuals. These discussion guides may be shared with stake-called teachers and supervisors as appropriate. Questions that are not addressed in these guides can be answered by region or area directors with support from the Strategic Audience Support division of the central office.