Jesus Christ
How I Hear Him: Elder Dale G. Renlund

“How I Hear Him: Elder Dale G. Renlund,” Hear Him! (2020)

“How I Hear Him: Elder Dale G. Renlund” Hear Him!

How I Hear Him

Elder Dale G. Renlund

“The most crucial thing any of us can learn how to do is to hear our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ speaking to us through the Holy Ghost.

“I believe that James 1:5 is more important now than ever. It reads, ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.’

“In the age of COVID-19, we are in a unique situation. There is no rule book for navigating these challenging times. Each of us needs to plead for personal revelation and then act on it. And once we have received that revelation, we will know what to do. I hope that each of us can have personal revelatory experiences this year that teach us how to hear Him.”

How do you hear Him?

