Principle 2: Be Humble, Be Honest, and Seek Truth

“Principle 2: Be Humble, Be Honest, and Seek Truth,” Help for Me (2019)

“Principle 2: Be Humble, Be Honest, and Seek Truth,” Help for Me

person reading scriptures

Principle 2: Be Humble, Be Honest, and Seek Truth

As we humbly acknowledge our weaknesses, exercise faith in Christ, and repent, He will make weak things become strong. As we seek truth, we can be filled with peace and know that the truth is what makes us free.


The Savior declared, “I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:27). As we turn to Christ in humility, He can help us overcome our sins. Pride leads us to hide and deceive, but humility leads us to be open, teachable, and willing to seek help.


Being honest will help us successfully progress on our journey to change. We can begin by reviewing our lives and our progress. Our efforts will be more effective as we also understand the potential consequences of our actions—both the positive and the negative. Embracing truth about our lives allows us to accept information and insights that can inspire our efforts to change.

However, if we have an inaccurate picture of our unhealthy behavior, we could be shutting ourselves off from personal revelation and from the help of others. Denial, deflection, minimization, rationalization, hiding, blaming, and lying are all forms of deceit—first to ourselves, then to others.

Honesty brings peace and simplifies our lives. Honest living begins with a determination to end patterns of hiding, living double lives, deceiving our loved ones, and putting up a facade of being OK when we’re not. Acknowledging our need for aid in overcoming pornography allows us to get help from appropriate sources. As we do our best to be honest, we can begin to regain the trust of our loved ones. Additionally, being honest and humble opens our hearts to seeking help from our Father in Heaven and the Savior and prepares us to discover insights and follow the promptings of the Spirit that lead toward repentance and healing.

In the video above, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stated, “Both humility and honesty are critical. … If you are going to cease being the natural man and become a saint through the Atonement of Christ the Lord, it’s necessary to become ‘as a child, submissive, meek, humble’ [Mosiah 3:19]. … Honesty is equally critical” (“Be Humble, Honest, Seek Truth,” [video]).

Seeking Truth

Humility and honesty lead us to seek truth and help us dispel darkness. As we learn from reliable sources how to overcome pornography use, we can feel hope and restore peace to our lives. We can also be free from the lies of the adversary.

Studying the mission of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice can build our trust and faith in Him. We can move along the path to joyful repentance as we grow in our love and understanding of the Savior. Repentance is a gift extended to all of us as we humble ourselves before Him.

Capture Impressions

Take a moment and write down what you’ve felt as you’ve studied this principle.

Apply This Principle

The following are some helps on additional topics to enhance your learning and application of this principle.

It was just one slip. Do I really have to tell people again?

It’s important to be humble and honest with others. Most of us will slip up as we seek to change our habits and behaviors. Change is a process and won’t happen instantaneously. Being honest about our relapses helps us continue to make progress. Secrecy leads us to shame and makes it easier for us to return to pornography.

Why does this keep happening?

Be humble and honest with yourself. Lasting change comes when we’re honest with ourselves and when our hearts are soft. As we recognize our weaknesses, the Savior can help us overcome them.

Additional Study


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Principle 1: Find Hope and Strength in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

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Overview for Pornography Users
