Why does this keep happening?

“Why does this keep happening?” Help for Pornography Users (2019)

“Why does this keep happening?” Help for Pornography Users

man sitting contemplating

Why does this keep happening?

Many of us find ourselves stuck and unexplainably returning to pornography again and again. We try different solutions. We may even experience progress for a time, but somehow we find ourselves returning to pornography. In this video, others share how being honest with themselves has helped them to find solutions.

Progress Begins with a Change of Heart

We often look for quick, simple solutions. However, the road to healing isn’t about quick fixes—it’s about living true principles that lead to a change of heart. We must begin by being honest with ourselves. Being humble and assessing ourselves honestly prepares us to receive and act upon guidance from the Spirit and discover solutions that will work for us.

How does being honest with ourselves strengthen us?

Ideas for Taking Action

Here are some ideas that others have found helpful. Prayerfully consider what actions might be best for you, taking into account that those actions may or may not be listed here.

  • Evaluate what might be keeping you from being honest about your pornography use. It can be helpful to examine influences and work on becoming more self-aware.

  • Consider exploring scripture passages about honesty and humility. Where can you seek further truth about your challenges with pornography?

  • Seek to learn more about sincere repentance and a change of heart. Watch this video of President Russell M. Nelson on repentance.

  • Learn more about being honest with yourself by studying “Step 4: Truth” from Addiction Recovery Program: A Guide to Addiction Recovery and Healing (2005, 21–28).

  • Examine beliefs you have about yourself. Influences from your past can impair these beliefs. Which of these beliefs align with gospel truths? Which of these beliefs are good ideas? Which of these beliefs may not be true at all? How might you approach examining these beliefs and recognizing the truth about your identity?


man sitting in train

It was just one slip. Do I really have to tell people again?

person reading scriptures

Principle 2: Be Humble, Be Honest, and Seek Truth

man sits thinking

Why do I feel so bad about myself?
