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Seek Support

“Seek Support,” Help for Spouses (2021)

“Seek Support,” Help for Spouses

Seek Support


In addition to relying on the Lord, seeking support from others can be helpful when you are experiencing difficult challenges.

One man shared his struggle of watching his wife fall into and feed a prescription drug addiction. All his energy was directed at what she was doing and what he could do to stop her—it was taking over his life. When his wife left the family, he felt shame, denial, and fear that no one else could understand what he was going through and that he couldn’t continue on. As he realized he needed help for himself, he attended a support group for family members and friends of those with addictions. He learned to seek support from others.

Many people feel fearful or vulnerable when sharing their struggles. However, it is acceptable and important to ask for help. The Lord has promised, “I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee” (Isaiah 41:13).